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Everything posted by sergentzimm

  1. yeah its was brutal. looks to be 1xp and 100 credits. need to double check the crates. might want to bring the wookie too
  2. indeed. ill be there, gimpy foot and all vikadined up. 6pm
  3. I am out. Wrecked my ankle this weekend somehow. Seeing the dr this afternoon so might be too loopy.
  4. Yeah I just hate missing games due to illness. So onto this week. Friday at 6pm will work? I will have my kids with us, but they are good little gamers. One will probably play an extra rebel with us and the other will play kindle minecraft all night lol.
  5. I spent the night praising nurgle. Keisha will be down unless she comes down with the flu too. Worst case ill have her leave a copy of the game for you all. sorry guys, just cant stay healthy
  6. I was beginning to think Kevin was going to go all Palpatine on us, but alas it was not to be.
  7. You get some xp for the hero cards and maybe gear? Ill have it figured out by friday, today... barely a clue.
  8. wow umm. sure man costumes are all you. I reserve the right to photograph and post EVERYWHERE... Yeah I was thinking we would continue the xp from the previous mission, and catching up new players. Woo we are now capped out at 4 rebel players. Awesome
  9. Well the beauty of the state is that I can make them at home and dose them accordingly lol.
  10. Ok so we are on like Donkey Kong for this friday at 6pm. We will probably run a quick tutorial for those that haven't played then jump into the second mission.
  11. My lord this makes me miss beer. I could volunteer as the designated sober official. Or I could just make sure to eat a special brownie before going into each bar.
  12. late to the party, but here is my thoughts. Paying for painting is taking part of the hobby away. If the tournament's goals is to judge the best overall gamer at the event, then paying someone else to paint your army is cheating.
  13. I will be in with imperial assault if anyone wants to play either a skirmish or a mission. Should be able to get in a game after the meeting.
  14. Yeah not going to be down tonight. Came down sick and just wiped. I shall be down tuesday and we can figure the details out then.
  15. The only thing is that the healing can be done twice a hero turn, which is still ridiculous lol. Basically the Imperials are a bit over whelmed the first few missions from what I see, then it starts to even out with the xp and such.
  16. Ok sounds great. We will chat Tuesday and figure it out. I will probably bring it down tomorrow night, Friday, after 6 to get in another game to play with the rules. Short notice for sure, but worst case it is a 2 player game lol.
  17. Ok so I am pretty happy with the Imperial Assault game as a whole. There are a few things that bug me, like uber healing characters, but overall I like it. So I would like to continue the road and start up a campaign. To start, I think just getting a night and group together playing the intro or skirmishes to get the rules down would be good. The game plays 2-5 players. I would already have two people, myself and my wife Keisha. Anyone interested and what what night works best? Tuesday game nights or try for a weekend night? I would vote for Tuesday or Friday myself.
  18. I own it, so yes indeed. I am probably going to start up a campaign.
  19. Interesting take. I am intrigued by the parts that make it simpler to release and such. Simplifying the armies, in relation to how many there are and choices, is a good idea. Not having to know 18, or how ever many, army books will make the games a bit easier. I don't trust them enough to pull this off, but Ill see what they do. Hell the fire sales on ebay must be priming already though.
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