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Everything posted by nathonicus

  1. Sure it is, the more you know! (cue GI Joe infomercial) Anytime you can correct a stereotype it's probably worth doing. It's also good as a jumping off point into how we might encourage more involvement from the ladies in the hobby. I was thinking about gaming the other day, and realized that while I know plenty of ladies that love to boardgame, play RPGs, and even play card games, miniature war-gaming remains a sausage-fest (at least in my experience.) I think anything we can do to make folks realize that it's an open, fun pastime and make it welcoming is worth the O2 expenditure.
  2. DOOD. I am so stoked about Infinity, I want to play this campaign really badly.
  3. So I started a thread over in the official Infinity forums fishing for more ideas on making cool interactive elements for the game, and sharing some of the stuff we've come up with. This is a suggestion for further developing the cameras rule that I really liked: I don't think I would allow the discover roll for an uncontrolled camera, but if the camera was being hacked/monitored I think it is totally legit.
  4. I've even started thinking about CA.... such thoughts will take a long time to come to fruition, but damn, they's sexy!
  5. Joey is your man, there. I believe they have good access to camo, so they can do a sneaky force, they also have good bs and wp and one of the coolest guns in the game - the plasma rifle! Nearly all armies can do everything, just some factions are better at it than others. Some of the unique things they have going for them are: -Impersonation (only they & haqq have this) -Plasma rifles -Sepsitor (A WP attack that can possess enemy troops and make them yours!) -Seed soldiers (troops that deploy as markers, and then can be 'birthed' with an order or automatically grow on the 2nd turn If you haven't already, check out the official Infinity the game forums. It has problems handling traffic right now, but it has really good faction-specific guides. http://infinitythegame.com/forum/index.php?/topic/19322-a-combined-combined-army-guide/ N
  6. Oh, nuts! I forgot about that. Have fun, and we'll try again later.
  7. Is that a rogue trader commissar or something? Nice!
  8. You wanna play some Infinity this weekend?
  9. Looks like I"m out on Tuesdays again for a while. I'ma see if I can hunt down Christian.
  10. So I've got me a new Aleph Assault Subscection list I wanna try out. Anybody wanna play 300 points of Infinity? These models are next on my painting block, so I'm eager to get rolling with 'em.
  11. Holy.... way to bring the thundah, Joey! I am going to have a lot of music to accompany my projects this weekend. Glad you like Spectre - I really dig them. I think they are a relatively small-time band, but wow!
  12. I must be thinking of the 40k crowd a few years ago. We weren't really hooked in with the Warhamsters. Too bad you won't be playing, Corey! Anyone heard from Christian lately?
  13. Yay! John, we need more alien oppressors to be played.
  14. I was pretty sure we had changed what night was game night once or twice in the last couple of years... I could be wrong. I seem to remember having to get used to different NYPizza specials. In any case, I'm sure we can game whenever with player organization. I was just thinking that if we wanted to have most of the games happening at the same time, we might want to find a less busy night. N
  15. I assume that mercs that are part of the troops on a sectoral list, would be allowed regardless, so long as they are from the roster of sectoral troops? Also, have you thought about what day of the week to do this? Tuesdays are pretty dang busy with X-wng and 40k - might we try Wednesdays or Thursdays?
  16. nathonicus

    3rd edition

    Corey, link teams should be relatively unaffected as the 3rd ed book only replaces the 2nd ed main rule book, an rules for link teams are in Human Sphere, which will still be compatible with the 3rd ed. core.
  17. Awwwwww yeah! Let's get it on!
  18. Sure! Who else is playing? I'll bring 200 points of fightin' doodz.
  19. That's sweet! I bet Kevin is excited.
  20. nathonicus

    3rd edition

    I am about to watch the video... thanks for posting this summary! I really like a lot of things - the change to FO is very nice and thematic, and one more element that will encourage you to use your army together instead of just ramboing with a single dude.
  21. I am out this week - going camping. Have great games, everyone.
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