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Everything posted by nathonicus

  1. I love them all. It's nice that they did 4 individual sculpts instead of 2 sets of bodies and separate arms/legs. I hope we see more of that. I love that they have special goggles for deploying the e-marat/jammer.
  2. Also, please let us know if there is anything we can do to chip in to defray the cost of putting on such a course.
  3. Hi Dalmer, I may be able to attend both, and would like to. I am tentatively available both those dates, but things may change as we get closer. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge with the community. N
  4. It turns out, I talk a big game, but have made poor decisions about priorities. Sadly, plans to have games and beers and late-night shennanigans have bumped into realities of not getting the [big bad swear word] done I need to get done. Apologies! If you show up at my apartment tomorrow with beer and games, I will just take your beer and then slam the door in your face. On the plus side, I'll be out for game night next week, so hooray.
  5. Hey fellas, who wants to play a game of Infinity or Flames of War next Tuesday?
  6. Yes. Hopefully we survive the transition.
  7. Sorry, wife's graduation day! One of these days.
  8. Well, the mini rule book looks like infinity 3rd ed, what with that logo.
  9. Well wouldya lookit that?! I hope there's not plastic minis in it.
  10. New Allegaeon http://www.metalsucks.net/2014/06/04/exclusive-premiere-allegaeon-threshold-perception/
  11. *DISCLAIMER!* Grumpy old man rant! It seems to me like GW has really screwed the pooch on this one. The biggest thing they've had going for them competitively in recent years hasn't been their rules, gameplay, or models (though they may have done well in some of those areas), it's been the universality of the game and the strength of the world-lore. Up until recently, you could go anywhere, find a game store, and get in a game of 40k. You just had to decide how many points. Now even the people who are trying to make the best of this edition agree that you will have to have a pregame discussion about what type of 40k you are going to play. I think they just gave up a huge competitive advantage by releasing a rules set that doesn't function well 'out of the box' but requires modding by the community to get anywhere near a balanced game. The fact that most folks will be mixing and matching codeci to build their armies will further dilute the strength of the brand as folks lose the iconic associations with certain armies after years of playing the power-unit blendathon. Sure, right now some vets will be mixing and matching to build their custom fluff army, but what about the folks who grow up in this edition? (Think of the children!) They're not going to bat an eye at seeing the most bizarre mixes of units and armies. Madness I say. Now get off my lawn. *END OF RANT* I know my opinion don't count for much, having popped smoke on GW some time ago. I just like to find things and complain about them. :)
  12. Well, if you would just agree to game nude, we could kill two birds with one stone. Thanks for the invite, Eli, but it's not to be today. Have fun, and good luck!
  13. Goddamit, why is it every time I actually try and play a game, there's some damn tournament going on!
  14. I could use a quick game. Christian? Anybody?
  15. Miniature market is probably a good bet, Evan. Jim, sorry, I forgot them. I will try and remember next week. N
  16. :D I was just noticing that every time I bring up this forum I have to scroll past half a page of stickied threads, many of which seem to have run thier course some months ago....
  17. Infinity: Human Sphere and an Aleph Starter Pack.
  18. Standard size! Sold for the princely sum of nada! I'll bring them on Tuesday.
  19. I have a 3" and 4" sabol tray for the army transport. They have been used, but you can always reconfigure them with a hot glue gun. Let me know if anyone wants them.
  20. I don't have models for it, but I have some that I was going to work up for a proxy Wildfolk warband.... you know, if I ever play games again...
  21. GODSLAYER!!! That's it. http://www.megalith-games.com/eng_index.php?id=&pid1=P1_1 I mean, check this shizzle out!
  22. Sherbert, did have you looked at that Skirmish game Joey and Christian got into with the fantasy ancient feel? I can't remember the name of it, but it seemed really cool and they already are playing, and I was interested in it as well.... P.S. Infinity has vikings... with machine guns.
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