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Everything posted by nathonicus

  1. Sorry, dude, out of town. :(
  2. Brad, can we play Mah Jongg at the bar?
  3. nathonicus

    3rd edition

    Torg, honestly, you could get started any time as the rules are, and will remain, free.
  4. nathonicus

    3rd edition

    Yeah, this is how you do it. I like that they are maintaining the narrative structure of the game. Sounds like the new book will have updates for equipment that was overwritten in later books, new units, retranslation, new art, clarifications, new LOS rules. I am really excited.
  5. nathonicus

    3rd edition

    Bostria gives the low-down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwA5hY9cE6w Seems like they are taking a pretty awesome approach, and it's definitely just going to be a fine-tuning. Paradiso and Human Sphere will be compatible with the 3rd ed. core book, which Bostria describes as a "Resculpt" of the 2nd ed rule book. Man, these guys know how to run a game company that respects the fanbase.
  6. Brad, will you bring Mah Jong? I will be in late again, but that goes super fast.
  7. nathonicus

    3rd edition

    What I've gathered: Shotguns to get a buff Loss of lieutenant to be revised Retreat to be revised
  8. nathonicus

    3rd edition

    If it comes with consolidated army lists, proper English translation, and a few rules clarifications but is otherwise the same, then I'll welcome it with open arms!
  9. Can you imagine trying to find something that you forgot which drawer you put it in?
  10. Wow, I really can't believe they are getting away for charging $22 for a single sprue that makes one dude.... mind-boggling.
  11. That kit looks so dated.... I almost suspect it was something they developed years ago but didn't release for some reason...
  12. Hey metalheads,how come no one told me that MASTODON and GOJIRA will be at the Showbox on Monday night??? Is anyone else interested in going? If someone will drive, I'll by their ticket. JOEY! *edit* Looks like I'm going with some work compadres. Still, Warhamsters should come represent. METAL!
  13. WesSpur 2121 Iron St Bellingham, WA 98225 It's right behind Les Schwab that's on James St, out towards Trader Joe's.
  14. Hi Sherbert, It doesn't look good. I've got a Dentist's appointment Tuesday so I'll probably be off work late, grouchy, and on drugs.
  15. Haha... need to choose my words more carefully. Sure thing, dawg. Just send me a msg when you wanna come get it.
  16. I pick Loren! 2121 Iron St, behind the Les Schwab on James st. You can come get it any time during the day, or if you need to drop by after hours, I can open up and load you up. N
  17. I have a bunch of 1'x 2' and a few 1' x 1' square of pink foam that need a home. I was going to use them to make a modular board, but the design changed and now they're just taking up space at my office. (Plus, I may never get to them. Anybody wants these for a terrain project, let me know. You'll have to pick them up, but other than that, they're free. It's a 8' board cut down. Cheers,
  18. It was a moot point since they were never, ever fielded. Ok, maybe once I fielded them, just to experiment. They were so crap.
  19. I'd like to play some late-night Mahjong, or something equally quick, if Brad is kind enough to bring it.
  20. And...game night personals are open! :D
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