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Everything posted by nathonicus

  1. http://trollforged.com/store/fantasy/lizardmen.html There you go! I have this guy, and he's awesome. I will probably use him with a skink priest as a Troglodon stand in. It's a huge model, only $25, and supports a small sculpting collective.
  2. Joey posted a video of Babymetal on Facebook a while ago with the caption "Why you do, Japan?" I think that about sums it up. It's so manufactured, but it's so totally ape[big bad swear word] crazy.
  3. Like, tomorrow? Or actually, tonight? I'm gonna be beat, but if I can stay awake, I might wander over.
  4. Oh man... you'd better hope I don't get to it before you do..
  5. Not on your non-existent day, you heathen!
  6. Hey! Thanks for correcting. I hate being called Nathaniel or Nate. If anyone wants to pass on suggestions and feels they're in a position to do so, feel free to take anything you liked from my post. I don't really like dropping unsolicited advice on folks I'm not close too. Anyhow, I think he'll figure things out and keep growing the shop, and so long as I'm using the space, I'll keep supporting it with my dollar for stuff I can get there. If he can't /won't get stuff, or if I'm buying used, I'll use the internet, but if he can get it I think it's just good manners to pay where you play.
  7. I don't know if anyone is compiling this into a Big Book of Suggestions, or what, but 2 cents: -put the counter by the door, like all other retail shops. It's this way for a reason -staff needs to be there to sell product, not game. If new customers come in, it shouldn't be a mystery who works there (which it currently is). Walking into a room full of people who are all already playing with no one to make you feel included doesn't foster a feeling of inclusion, which is crucial. -rearrange the play space. If magic needs the most table space, it should be in the back, because it is always full. It is real hard to get into the shop when there's magic players, and your forced to skirt the edges - stow the terrain in a way that makes it easy to convert tables from board games to magic to wargaming - get more product - there should always be a reason to stop in and browse. Except for GW and magic, , the stock is pretty stale. He should start an amazon or ebay store and clear out the old stock that's outdated and reinvest it in new stock. Yes, he's got a wall of Malifaux - but everything there is waaay out of date. Any system he is going to stock he should have starter sets and new releases, and not much else. Flames of war Open Fire and a few books. Starter infinity boxes, starter malifaux boxes, starter RPGs, and ALL NEW RELEASES. Going to a local store to look at new stuff sparks impulse buys. If there's no new stuff, only those who are invested in staying local will order it at the shop vs. online retailers. - take some time to learn the markets and stay up to date. Nathaniel should be piping in myriad's podcast or the D6G every once in a while. It would spark interest for customers and keep him up to date with what's going on. - get a hobby table set up so folks can buy a model and sit down and put it together or start painting. Have some tools to use, good lights, and put up a sign that says it's free to use with stuff you've bought at the shop, a nominal if you're bringing models from home. - start a discount/rebate club of some sort or some other loyalty program - rearrange the gaming space - it should be an accent to good retail space, but right now the store is setup like a club house, not a shop, and that's gonna be a problem if not remedied, Again, counter should be up front where people can step in and meet the staff, ask questions, and get pointed in the right direction without having to squeeze past tables packed with gamers first. The books for Infinity, Malifaux, and War machine should be next to the product. H -he needs a better system that writing orders down on cards for tracking spec orders. Some basic CRM or sales software should allow him to enter orders and generate emails when stuff has been place or has arrived. Anyhow, that's a wall of text, but if he moved the counter up front, started buying new releases for all lines he carries, and created a simple loyalty system, he'd be making giant improvements.
  8. I'm gonna be in a bit later. I may not get a game, but I want to hang out.
  9. I would like to play Fantasy, FOW, or Infinitay.
  10. Happy Ragnarok, everyone! The great Walt Simonson had this on his FB page today - what better gift could one ask for?
  11. I will chip in for this!
  12. As a newer player, an escalation league would be nice as it would let me A: finish some games, and B: get the hang of the rules and units a lot quicker. I don't think I'd like to start somewhere goofy like 500 or 1,000 points, but going 1500, 2000, 2500 might be nice. N
  13. I like this Iced Earth album, Joey. Thanks. For some reason, some of the songs remind me of Qeensryche.
  14. I am throwing the curve by bringing teh suck.
  15. Hey Eli, I'm not going to be able to stick around for a second game - I gotta get home and take care of some things. Maybe you can play Joey?
  16. Eli, that would be swell. Perhaps you could get a table set up and mission rolled up so we have max time for gaming? 1650 points is what I have made up.
  17. Yes. Do you want to get started at about 5:30? Joey, I can bring my FOW stuff in case we have time after a game of Infinity.
  18. Kevin, I put the money on your trade account at the shop, so you're good to go.
  19. Dammit, I think I got confused and thought it was Sherbert that hated Pandas... well, there you go, Munkie, a Panda falling down!
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