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Everything posted by InfestedKerrigan

  1. Nightmares on Wax Rubin Steiner Portishead Lo-fi, low tempo stuff for the most part.
  2. You can have various grids printed on it. Still 75 bones for 4x6
  3. I was checking them out. $6 cheaper than Table War or Front Line, but like you said, dealing with shipping.
  4. FLG/Fat mat is the go to, for sure, that's why I thought I'd see if anyone has shopped around and enjoyed what they received. I vaguely recall a Ukrainian printer doing it a few years ago, and such. I'll share any results I come across that look promising.
  5. I'm looking at getting a few gaming mats. Recommendations outside of FLG?
  6. @Romans832 He's one of the reasons ESB and RotJ were epics.
  7. Yeah, the best things about the original trilogy came about as a result of removing Lucas from that process. The Prequels are what we get with Lucas Unfiltered.
  8. Read something suggesting that Disney recut it, to.cut ties with Lucas vision, and to discredit JJ before he starts working on DC for Warner Bros
  9. I was quoting from the tRoS Visual Dictionary, actually. I see you own it, too.
  10. So, it seems JJ wanted Poe and Finn to hook up, but according to Oscar Issac, Disney stopped it, and wouldn't give.
  11. If you consider dying abroad being successfully usurped, sure. I don't think he was a crappier king. I think he may have been petty, and considering his pedigree, and the horse crap that the Nobles put him through time after time, it is surprising that he didn't go full Roman on his constituents.
  12. @Romans832, King Richard the Lionheart was a piece of crap King.
  13. I've heard it's better the second time.
  14. Mel Brooks knew what was up. Too bad he [big bad swear word]ed off his sequel series.
  15. I'm sure if you strip both of us down, I still weigh more than her lol 🤷‍♂️ 🍬🍬🍄🍟
  16. Rogue and Wraith squadrons are amongst my favorite books. Guess that's a bit more Horn, though.
  17. That was the joke I was getting at. My sarcasm is too whet for Ish's stiff upper lip, it seems.
  18. Ewan McGregor's uncle. It was so cool of them to swing that for Ewan. Disney is so awesome!
  19. The older I get, the less I love the story of Robin Hood: Or How I came to forget the Young Kings Rebellion, and future revolt of Richard, the never present.
  20. -___________________________________________- Why???
  21. She's put on a few pounds in her later years
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