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Everything posted by InfestedKerrigan

  1. @Romans832 Chinatown/My two Jakes reference.
  2. It's good to see Jake put the California Water Crisis behind himself, and focus on his family.
  3. If you know someone whom should be tested, but were combative due to financial hardships, please, share this information with them.
  4. Carrie's bang me eyes, Harrison's I know grin, Mark's obliviousness, and Peter's nonhuman primating.
  5. You can tell he's not actually playing it, cuz that's a left handed perch, not right.
  6. ....and the legality of hedging the property with Poison Oak.
  7. Thinking about hosting a "Bass and Brawl" after I get the pond stocked with largemouth and blue gill. Gotta check into fishing laws on private ponds.
  8. I'm at the DMV, and this guy looks like President Kadyrov, but I don't think I'll bring the resemblance to his attention. 🤣😭🤣
  9. Birds of Prey 2/5 Trigger Warning movie, for sure. Feels tired.
  10. Sonic 1/5 It made Out of the Shadows seem like a good movie.
  11. Perhaps I'll pick them up. Clearly class strugle scifi. Eat the rich. Are they bubblegum, or deeper in their exploration? Edit: S2 and Book 3 correlate. On a Crichton Adaptation level.
  12. Out of curiosity, have either of you read the books? I have not, but it seems as though they are staying pretty faithful to source material.
  13. Largely agree, haven't dropped it, but haven't watched past ep 4 or 5, yet.
  14. Red Son 2/5 Superman crashes in USSR instead of USA. Read the comic, it is much better.
  15. For sure. Maybe have it get smaller towards the top, smaller floors, too.
  16. Sooo....the ESB is over 21ft tall in 40k scale. I think 3 ft is a bit unrealistic for your realistic proportion figures.
  17. Realistic 1:48 is about the same is GW heroic 32, riiiiight?
  18. Be sure to share the deets you selected. Assuming you didn't go with Bronze Cast.
  19. I removed the Dread from the 70% IPA bath last night, having scrubbed periodically. Nothing but the tam clear that came off immediately so much as bubbled. I'll let ya know how the 90% fares.
  20. I had similar thought when looking it. If I bring monoknights, I can happily take out multiple targets in an open field every turn. Rarely does the game table present as such.
  21. We all know that this is in response to abusive tourney players. GW, even, says as much in their commentary. No more deepstriking cents. No more Immortal IH Dreads.
  22. I, for one, welcome Chaos Russ returned from the Warp with Daemonic Wolfriders.
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