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Everything posted by InfestedKerrigan

  1. And not [big bad swear word] for coverage mentioning it.
  2. Grant Imahara passed away a few days ago. The world is amiss without him, and is better for having had him.
  3. You've never been to a youth recital, have you? Gotta start training them young.
  4. As a 710er, I support adding another to out ranks. Shared with greats such as Nicola Tesla.
  5. It was at 6. I wonder if this is to create a false narrative of huge demand.
  6. Clearly, it's function is to represent season 2 of Discovery, which means Necrons are Human Time Cops?
  7. That's the Laziest Doomrider to date. pffft The Void Dragon and the Tech Primaris are lit as frump
  8. Was doing some reading on the evolution of serfdom in Russia yesterday. It disgusts me, and disheartens me, how little has changed internationally in over 5k years.
  9. Ish, you say things in seriousness?
  10. Zach de la Rocha interviewing Chomsky is like Donald Trump interviewing Duke.
  11. Dedicated AA would have an easier time taking out Gargoyles or Winged Tyrants than an autocannon armed guardsman heavy weapon platoon.
  12. I hear you have to order them from China, they are that overused in the competitive scene.
  13. Agree with Scott, better aesthetics in the 30k Speeder. It fits the tanks in the Primaris range, nicely. Just give them primaris helms, and don't fret the size of the pilots.
  14. Vera Lynn's death out weighs Uncle Bens.
  15. Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn? Remember, how she said we'd meet again, some sunny day.
  16. 8th was a shooting edition. Saying shooting is hosed due to a change in Overwatch is just...
  17. My custodes are miffed about the bikes until given a reason not to be.
  18. They are a business first. I wouldn't expect a 20% reduction in New Army Costs°
  19. We knew it was a thing the moment Primaris were announced.
  20. Children are a renewable resource, oil is not.
  21. I feel like half of us picked up FDMs or Resin, leading to patreon and thingiverse being major resources.
  22. Sisters of Silence, too. Talons of Emprah and Death Guard chasing Fabius and his band of mishaps.
  23. But they don't get representation at the Ambassador? #knightarmiesmatter Sorry the initial joke flew over your head J. 🙂 That's all it was, me bitching about Knights and your event using mexicaninja as a launch pad lol I must say, I need to file a complaint with the senate at the lack of representation of Knights at OFCC2020. Quite disappointing.
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