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Everything posted by Koyote

  1. Over the last few months, most of my hobby time has been spent on Mordheim, but I plan to return in earnest to TNT this summer. One of my TNT hobby-goals has been to paint a mini for each of the 10 types of Freelancers. I've completed 6 out of 10 thus far. Last month I put some paint on my Deadman model (see page 3 of this thread), but I f'd it up, so the model took a bath in Simple Green. The soak and subsequent scrubbing messed up my GS work, so I pulled it all off and sculpted everything anew. Since I prefer to paint models in pairs, I got to work on a new Freelancer to paint while I'm working on the Dead(wo)man, a Wasteland Hunter. This fellow is an Apache model from Black Scorpion Miniatures' Tombstone model line. The Tombstone line is 32mm, so I knocked the mini down a few millimeters by removing a section from the model's lower legs and reattaching the feet. I added a big knife and backpack (both are bits made by Anvil Industries) and used GS and various bits to transform the model's original rifle into something a bit more modern looking. The head under the model's right foot is a GW Genestealer skull. It's just the right height to fit under his foot and it looks like it could belong to a wasteland critter, so gaming genres be damned, my Wasteland Hunter is doing the ‘Captain Morgan’ on Genestealer’s skull.
  2. I'm listening to the SAGA Thorsday episode with SAGA's creator, Alex Buchel. In the interview he revealed the six factions from Age of Magic. The factions are not race specific, but rather thematic categories. So for instance, the Great Kingdoms could be a human, Empire-like warband, or a warband from an elf kingdom (e.g. Gondolin), or an evil kingdom of men and orcs (e.g. Mordor). The 6 factions are: Legends of the Undying (e.g. undead) Otherworlds (e.g. demons, angels, creatures from other dimensions, etc.) Forces of the Wild (e.g. wood elves, beastmen, forest folk, etc.) Great Kingdoms (e.g. any large, organized kingdom/civilization, human or otherwise) Undermountain Folk (e.g. dwarves, gnomes, goblins, skaven, etc.) The Horde (e.g. orcs, barbarians, etc.) Age of Magic will introduce quite a few new rules to handle things like magic, large creatures (e.g. ogres), huge monsters, flying creatures, and others. Alex Buchel stated that the goal is to release two source books per year.
  3. The Studio Tomahawk had these made for the Book of Battles scenarios. It's unclear from their post on Facebook who will sell these, although i suspect that it will be Gripping Beast.
  4. DECEMBER CAMPAIGN SCENARIOS Attached to this post are the December scenarios. Both have been modified, so don't use the versions found on Broheim or elsewhere. Scenario #5: The Necromancer's Tower This scenario is based upon a similarly named scenario from the Nemesis Crown Campaign. I believe that it is fairly straight forward, but if you have any questions, please feel free to post them here. Scenario #6: The Wild Wood This scenario can be a bit "tricky", so please read its rules carefully. The Necromancer's Tower.pdf The Wild Wood.pdf
  5. SAGA THORSDAY - Why Do I Play SAGA?
  6. Poor brave Natasha died during my last game. She was torn apart by Witch Hunters' hounds. To make maters worse, three of my heroes went out-of-action and I rolled abysmally low with my 2 exploration dice, so I ended up with only one treasure (wyrdstone). I didn't have enough gc to pay the upkeep for my my hired swords and hire a new Youth, so I sold my rabbits foot, a lantern, and both of my Streltsis' bows (they never hit anything anyway). This gave me enough gold to keep both hired swords and hire a new Youth, Gregor. My replacement Youth is an actual Kislev Youth model from the long OOP Mordheim Kislev warband set. The Kislev weapon sprue didn't give me what I wanted, so I equipped him with a hammer from the Frostgrave Barbarian plastic set and a mace that I cobbled together from a bit from a GW Bretonnian men-at-arms kit. The dwarf is another OOP GW model. I had at one time planned to incorporate the model into my Kislev warband as a hire sword, but I don't think this will happen this time around. The model has been primered and sitting on my painting table for ages. I got tired of it starring at me with those tiny, judgmental eyes, so I slapped some paint on the little bugger and moved it to my display case. Now I have room on my painting table for another unpainted model that I can neglect.
  7. The 'Springtime in the Wasteland' TNT campaign ended before I finished painting the last two members of my Settlers warband. Here's the last of them.
  8. What was the outcome of the fight between the Norse and the Pit Fighters?
  9. I assume that your warband's rating was at least 50 points higher than Nathan's. Did you guys remember to award Nathan's warband an underdogs experience point bonus? Nathan really rolled that many '1's?
  10. So, how did the games go last night? My Kislevs had a tough game against Sherbert's Witch Hunters. Our game ended in a draw, with both warbands routing and the Banshee standing floating triumphant. Going into the game Sherbert was very concerned about my Road Warden (who in our previous campaign was a monster), but all that worrying was for not. Even though the Road Warden never needed more than a 3+ to hit, every shot but one was a miss. And the one time he did hit, he failed to wound (again, needing only a 3+). Each warband suffered two deaths -one hero and one henchman. The two models that I lost were the only two female models in my warband, my Youth Natasha and a Cossack named Oksana. Clearly, Witch Hunters are women hating jerks. It's no wonder the Sisters of Sigmar hate them so. Three of my heroes went out-of-action and I rolled abysmally low with my 2 exploration dice, so I ended up with only one treasure (wyrdstone). I didn't have enough gc to pay the upkeep for my my hired swords and hire a new Youth, so I sold my rabbits foot, a lantern, and both of my Streltsis' bows (they never hit anything anyway). This gave me enough gold to keep both hired swords and hire and arm a new Youth to replace poor Natasha. The Kislevs are down but not out. They will be avenged!
  11. In addition to my other umpteen-zillion hobby projects, I really want to create a dwarf warband for a skirmish game. If not for Mordheim, then for Frostgrave, or possibly Rangers of Shadows Deep. Regardless of the game system, I want it to include a human wizard and a halfling thief. Yes. I know. Very unoriginal. But the heart wants what the heart wants. 🙂 The halfling is Stonehave Miniatures' Halfling Apprentice. The wizard was made from the GW Battlemage kit. I shamelessly stole the idea for the conversion from someone else on the interwebs. The pipes come from the old GW Dwarf Thunderers/Quarellers kit.
  12. I finally got around to putting some paint on the chests. And, since one of this month's campaign scenarios is Cry of the Banshee...
  13. Cool. What time? My Kislevs have played only 2 games as well.
  14. My copy of the Book of Battles arrived last week. Love it! My favorite scenario thus far is in the Legends section (the narrative scenarios) and is titled Pillage. The defender sets up a village numbering between 4 and 6 buildings, 4 linear obstacles (low walls), and 3 bases of livestock. Neither player starts with hiss warband on the board, but the defender starts with 4 units of civilians (4 models each), each placed in a different building. On turn 1 the attacker's entire warband arrives on a short edge of the defender's choosing. At the start of each turn you roll a die and add it to a running tally. When the tally reaches a multiple of 7, the defender moves two units from his warband onto the board from the short edge opposite the attacker's board edge. The first group also includes 2 units plus the defender's warlord. As soon a civilian comes within L of an attacker's unit, the alarm is sounded and the running tally grows faster. Destroyed defender units (but no heroes) may be recycled. The attacker gains VPs by moving livestock off the board, looting unoccupied buildings, carrying the loot off the table, and, burning empty buildings. Each building can be looted once by occupying a building and making a successful search roll. If successful, the attacker randomly draws one of 8 chits. Each chit represents a different type of loot or encounter. One of the loot results is an old crone who attacks your unit. She attacks the unit only once, but gets 3 attack dice. Each hit causes an automatic casualty. Each loot type has a VP value and a weight value, numbered 1 to 3. A unit can carry a maximum weight equal to the number of models remaining in the unit. If the weight exceeds the unit's carrying capacity, the loot must be dropped. An unoccupied building can be burned by an attacking unit within VS of the building. The attacker rolls a D6. If that number is equal to or less than the number of models in that unit, the building is set aflame and thereafter, treated as impassible terrain. The defender gets VP for massacre points. Defender gets massacre points for each attacking unit that ends the game entirely outside 12" of any building. This is to prevent attackers from hiding far away from the village after seizing only a little loot.
  15. It's time for my Kislevites to add a bear to their warband. The model is an OOP bear, made by Red Box Games. The original sculpt's claws are either obscured by its fur or missing altogether, so I made my own. The GS claws on the mini's right paw look shorter than the others, but that's because they are curled under a bit too much and none of the camera angles fully captured them. The dense terrain of a Mordheim table can make it difficult to properly place models on large bases, so I took advantage of bear's upright pose and mounted it on 25mm square.
  16. So, how did it go? Was it a dwarves vs pit fighters rematch?
  17. Sorry guys, last minute change of plans. You'll have to Mordheim without me tonight. I'll be back next week.
  18. It was an easy mistake to make. It's no big deal. The target audience of my clarification is those who haven't played the scenario yet.
  19. A single model carrying the chest moves at half speed and may not run. Two models carrying the chest move at their normal speed, but still cannot not run. Were you 'leaping' at half speed? In hindsight, I should have added an errata, noting that Leap and movement spells could not be used to move the chest. Also, the game doesn't end when one warband routes. The game ends when the chest is removed from the table or when all warbands route. In the latter case, the game ends in a draw. In our game, Jim held the chest after both of his opponents' warbands routed. The Banshee remained on the board, so Jim's warband had to contend with the Banshee for a couple of more turns until his models were able to move the chest off the table. If Jim had been reduced to 75% during those turns, he would have been making route tests at the beginning of each turn to remain on the table.
  20. Jim & Jake, thanks for the game. Well fought. The Dark Elves are beginning to doubt the wisdom of raiding this far inland.
  21. Yes, players are encouraged to bring a banshee, ghost, or spirit model, but in truth, just about any model will work as a proxy.
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