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Posts posted by Iraf

  1. I don't know. He took the time to wear a mask and gloves. The glasses could be fake, as could the hoodie. Bought for 2 bucks at a thrift store. Id stick to what is certain, that being his height, build, hair color. I find it unlikely the shoes are thrift store, yet i guess just as likely as the hoodie.


    Obviously I'd look out for the hoodie but not only that. Same with glasses. Don't rule out those perfect vision mofos that fit the description in the area.

  2. 1)  From the Q&A:


    Q: If a model with a Breath Weapon, Stomp or Thunderstomp is
    in a challenge, can these attacks hit models not in the
    A: No.


    2)  This is a slippery slope.  One point in favor of the Black Dragon going to 0 is that it doesn't say a minimum of 1.  A point against is that it is happening first, so you could say it's already been resolved.  I would rule it that the unit is at a WS of 1 in this scenario.  If the unit had failed it's Fear Test, and then had the breath weapon cause a would I would then rule that the unit was at 0 for the rest of the current combat phase, reverting back to it's normal WS (with the -1 due to the Black dragon) until the end of the following turn.


    Hope that helps.

  3. I like the book so far and made up a list or two. The only really disappointing part to me was the Anvil.




    Anvil changes troop type to War Machine. Unless I am mistaken War Machines auto loose characteristic tests. Thus any poop characteristic test auto kills this 290 point no wargear unit. If you put any runes on the Runelord this 1 character is double to triple the points of any war machine out there aside from a stank.


    I would be willing to try out the Anvil because I feel overall it has been slightly improved and a tad more balanced and better to play against but its just too many points to auto die to from a spell...

    the Anvil was a warmachine in last book too, except for the special character Thorek.

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