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Posts posted by Iraf

  1. Figure out which line your internet line is and barrel it directly to the comcast feed from the street. You wont be able to get both antenna and internet on that same line. Diplexers can work, but without experience and using an amp you aren't likely to have a good experience on it and if anything just make your internet unreliable. If you need tv in that room with the internet just buy some coax cable from home depot and run a second line to that room. RG6 is the minimum i recommend. 3ghz rating. Quad is not needed. You can also buy fittings and a crimper from HDepot.

  2. Running a line from your antenna to the cable box splitter is your best bet. If the splitter is in the attic cool. Most likely can be found on the side of your house. Dont cut the lines in the attic. It will only cause problems down the road. Especially if you end up going back to cable or dish/direct.


    10 year satellite/cable iinstaller giving his advice.

  3. As far as the "nerf" to the hexwraiths, that is hard to swallow in my opinion. Just because they forgot to answer it back when they answered this question:


    Q: For units such as Vargheists and Blood Knights (which are
    Vampiric), does a successful casting of Invocation of Nehek enable
    them to regain 1 Wound per model, or 1 Wound in total? (p60)
    A: A Vampiric unit can never regain more than 1 Wound from
    Invocation of Nehek.


    Doesn't mean that you should of been playing them as if you could heal more than 1 wound total on the hexwraiths.  They lumped ethereal and vampires in with the restriction on the spell.  They just forgot to add ethereal to the FAQ.  And I doubt fantasy will get another FAQ/Errata revision.  I think you should of been playing them "nerfed" since that update personally.

  4. No.  I said that the lore of Nek has not changed, thus just as restrictive.  What most people like about the lore of Vampires is the fact that you can heal characters with the lore attribute. Which there was no chance of doing with the lore of Nek.  Brother G asked about healing, and whether it is just as restrictive.  It is.  At no point was my statement incorrect.

  5. That is incorrect. You can heal from lore of nehekhara or lore of vampires; however there are still restrictions on how many wounds can be healed on a unit. Actually, if you are using the legion of undead rules and you are using hexwraiths you can only heal a single wound to the unit. They worded it as unit of ethereals. You can still only heal a single wound on characters and animated construct units.

    not seeing the incorrect in my statement. Just the failure to read it properly.

  6. there is a difference between hard cover (50% obscured) and soft cover (less than 50%). and yes each model shooting has it's own line of sight. so it's possible for some models in the unit to have different modifiers than others.


    It's not how much of the model is obscured defining it as hard (-2 to hit) or soft (-1 to hit).  It's what is obscuring it that defines the type of cover.  Page 41 clearly goes over this. 

  7. I like the combined Undead list.  I think it will be nice to see some competitive non-cookie cutter Tomb King lists.  Plus it will give me an excuse to dust off my VC.  I lost many a game because my general died to a 2-3 dice dimensional cascade and crumbled all my chaff and hexwraiths.  Glad that wont happen anymore. :happy:


    On a different note, my friend Ian pointed out the fluff is crazy.  I guess tons of named characters are dying left and right.  Time to open up the first volume and see what's going on.  Sounds like Dwarfs, Brets and Woodelves need to brush up on the prayer rites. :biggrin:



    Max of 12 PD per phase at one time. You can generate power dice during the phase (ie. Lore of Death attribute). Dice from sources such as magic mushrooms, Hierotitans, etc, do not count as power dice for the limit.




    I'm surprised by this.  I like it, but I'm surprised that you guys are allowing more than 12 dice during the magic phase.  It seems like a big deviation from previous years.

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