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Posts posted by Iraf

  1. You all better be getting your practice in.  Already 37 people registered, so this is going to be a pretty full event.  We just checked out a venue for Saturday night at a local brewery for drinks and food after the games on Saturday, and the food was pretty kick ass.  Beers were decent too.  The eye candy was exceptional. :wub:

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  2. If Nagash can get Abyssal Swarm (Spell 4) off, he can raise 8 Sepulchral Stalkers.  With Average rolls (5 hits per) giving you 40 hits you'll get 7 wounds (average) which would gimp him down to 3.  A Terrorgheist Scream will do 3 wounds on average.  That's just one example that Undead Legion can deal with him, especially Nagash Undead Legion.  I think Nagash and Malekith are on par when it comes to comp personally.

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  3. He'll be playable, but he will be comped heavy to prevent an "only toy" list. I doubt a double Dread 13 list will be approved either.  I'm leaning towards a negative on the taking of 2 13 spells at least.


    I like the model.  I feel he should only have 3 arms though!


    Edit:  So basically,  I don't have a problem with multiple models in the list able to take the 13 spell, but on spell generation only 1 13th spell can be generated. Not trying to derail the thread with Brawl talk. 

  4. Here's a question: at 2400 points, does this seem cheesy, or stupid?




    Verminlord Deciver


    Chieftain - BSB, Dragonhelm, Biting Blade, Shield


    40 Clanrats - Shields, Full Command

    40 Clanrats - Shields, Full Command

    40 Slaves - Spears, Musician

    40 Slaves - Spears, Musician


    6 Gutter Runners - Poison, Slings

    6 Gutter Runners - Poison, Slings


    Warplightning Cannon

    Warplightning Cannon

    Doomwheel (VROOM)


    I doubt that will be doable for the Black Sheep Brawl.  Unless you are playing with Thanquol from Skaven book and not Thanquol from the Thanquol book.  I haven't done the comp restrictions for him yet, but I would assume around a 160 comp score for the new Thanquol.  Don't know about the Verminlord yet.

  5. The Black Sheep Brawl will be allowing him, but with a -175 to the comp scoring it really limits what other toys you can take with him.  We'll see how he does in a tournament setting (if anyone actually brings him that is).  I know of one possible person bringing a Malekith.


    If he is that broken, where people can't figure out a win against him, then we will know for next time. 

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