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Posts posted by Iraf

  1. 8th is definitely my game of choice.  But if people are going to be playing AoS (and it has structure like this), then I would be happy to learn it as well.


    It's a very different game, definitely not a replacement for true warhammer.


    At least it looks like AoS will have some okay rules, for those that wish to play the game.  Congrats people!

  2. I would almost be willing to use these rules.  Except it doesn't change the fact it's now a skirmish game, and the measure to the model (not the base).  It's definitely an improvement over the "actual rules", but not my cup of tea.  I'll continue to be playing either 8th, or KoW when it comes out. 


    My fantasy time will be spent on regimental battles, how I've always pictured the battles in my head.  I'll play 40k for my skirmish based games.

  3. 1. See something you want to play with, play with it.

    2. Bad with math?  Play AoS. No pesky math required.

    3. Hate people talking about a tournament scene, or net lists?  Play AoS, there are no net lists and unlikely to be a tournament scene.

    4. Pretre said update Brets. (Although, that's not the same as releasing a Bret book, since the update can only be played with AoS)

    5. Monsters get weaker as they take wounds, really good idea.

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  4. People need to play a couple games, or watch a couple games, and see this horrid excuse for a game can't be fixed. Accept that GW doesn't want you as a fan, only your quick dollar.


    Too many parents in here. You congratulate a toddler for taking a crap. Not a corporation.

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  5. I have seen the light on how to get you to post on the forums with your true-inner rage.  Just keep bringing up positive and critical thinking about how AoS is good and/or has potential.  I've missed you!


    It does bring out my inner rage.  This game is horrid.   Just watched Ben and Chris play a game in my game room, and it was so dull.  I couldn't even watch the whole thing.  Chris, Ben and I were spit balling making 9th ourselves.  Just a few tweaks to 8th type thing.  I'm sure there are a lot of people thinking along the same lines.  I wonder who will create a playable version first.

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  6. I think the major point here is that this set of rules was made to sell models and bring in new players. The old FB failed in both.


    This edition is great for new players. See a cool unit? Buy it and play with it. For the first year of a new player, this will be awesome. Especially if they are playing with friends in the same boat. 


    This game will bring in new players and it will make boat loads of money for GW and stores. GW has the ability to mass market their games and provide top of the line models.


    Other skirmish games have a hard time competing for shelf space and interest. There are just too many to keep one as king so it's fragmented. When you are a store owner are you going for the newest kickstarter game or a GW game? It's easy for store owners. 


    GW isn't stupid here. They took a dead game, milked it then nuked it from orbit. They reset it with a system that is easy to get into and will be fun. It will sell models way better than the old edition. It will bring in new players, who can play after building their first box of models, something not even 40k does well.


    Not only that, but we as gamers have been bitching about GW's rules for years. They finally took our real complaint away, cost. They gave us rules for our existing models for FREE. We can now do what we want with them. Really do we need GW to tell us how to play with our models? No.


    What this does is create a great game that will bring more people into the hobby and make money for stores and GW. Good things all around. As long as we don't poison newbies coming in and shame them for playing a game.



    I disagree with pretty much everything you posted.

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