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Posts posted by Iraf

  1. Are you now? I am sometimes absurd, although I think that has little to do with your point. I has planned on continuing to post on Ordo; I wasn't aware I needed your permission though. :)

    You can do what you like. Our back and forth is at an end though. You've succeeded in annoying me. (Now you come back with some witty response on not the intent, blah blah blah) Either way I'm done with you in this thread.

  2. I love Raindog's 17.6 getting 2nd overall. It reinforces my belief that the Swedish Comp is great for helping prevent truly broken lists, but that the +100/150 per Swedish point difference is unwarranted.  A great general with a 17.6 can do just as well as a great general with a 4.9 list.


    And Moses 16.9 took best Battle.  Truly impressive.  Love to see the Dwarf love!

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  3. Yeah, Rudra doesn't deserve the abuse. He as been mostly watching and his comments are in good jest. He's a way better guy than me when it comes to forum nice-guys.


    I agree the end of End Times was not well and felt cheap and more of an excuse to justify whatever changes happen, but we still can disagree and not hate on one another.

    Rudra is a good guy.

  4. Anger is really irrelevant, it's a silly meme to illustrate the point. The point is that you are missing quite a few of the points in the thread because of your preconceived notions about the other posters.


    For example, my quotes were to illustrate the fact quite a few of us are of the opinion that the world is not being deleted, but that we are existing in a 30 minutes to midnight situation. 


    You took one post from rudra and freaked the feth out.


    Also, 'troll' is far too overused and diluted a word to be meaningful at this point.

    I actually think you do it just to troll.  As in get a rise out of those that are not enjoying the End Times.  So when I call you a Troll, I mean that fully.  I find you to be a troll after 5 pages of this bull[big bad swear word].  And memes that are just silly but illustrate the point, but are derogatory towards the other side are nothing but Troll.  If you feel that the word Troll is overused, then it's probably because you Troll too much.

  5. I understand what you're saying, and I agree that having the setting come to a complete halt is kinda crap.  My agreement with Burk is mostly because I think of people who play elves and would absolutely refuse to accept Malekith returning. 



    ...But to play devil's advocate, it technically DID move forward.   It just happened to move forward to a very quick end. 




    You know how I know you're not reading what we're really saying... 




    2) There is no confirmation that this 'invalidates every customer's model collection'. For all we know, as I said in the other thread, we will be playing 30 minutes to midnight for the next edition.



  6. question: why exactly in scenerio 1 is it just core and special ranked units? is there a specific reason for that? just stinks cause that deters me from bringing infantry in rare(which they arent very strong choices either, compared to bringing ya know WAR MACHINES)

    We decided that from a fluff standpoint rare units would be wasted on searching for the mounds.


    Or something else. I can't remember exactly, but it was discussed and this was determined how we wanted it to play out.


    If you want to take a regimental unit in rare, it will help you in the 5th Blood and Glory scenario. It's all up to you how you build your army list.



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  7. Had a great game with Art's Dark Elves this afternoon.  Everything was very close in the last few turns, then the rats fell apart. 


    Verminlord was awesome though, only took one wound the entire game until we did a last-round challenge between him and the Dreadlord.  I picked up the model too, so now I have everything that I need for my brawl list, just have to get it painted up.


    The Black Sheep Brawl Thanquol comp is complete.  It's just being edited right now for the packet.  Verminlord Deceiver is -20. The full list should be out tonight or tomorrow.

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