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Posts posted by Iraf

  1. Here is my 2500 point Nagash list:


    Nagash (5 Undeath/1Death/1*Vampire/1Light) and Ryze


    Necromancer (Level 2 Vampire)

    Dispel Scroll


    38 Skeleton (VC) Warriors Full command

    38 Skeleton (VC) Warriors Full command


    30 Zombie Horde w/ Standard

    30 Zombie Horde w/ Standard


    5 Hexwraith


    5 Hexwraith


    1 Spirit Host


    1 Spirit Host


    1 Spirit Host


    Casket of Souls




    It plays to the strengths of Nagash. Which is to raise what you truly need when and where you truly need it. It should be the closest thing to a guarantee you'll get for a good magic phase, and a dominating magic phase. Which you'll need. My preferred Magic phase with this list would be a double one. The reason for the 5 spells in Undeath is to "guarantee" all the spells you actually want or need. You could probably drop to 4 if you wanted, but I can use any of the spells and want to make sure I get the ones I truly want. I want 4, 5, 6. I'm thinking of upping it to 5 spells in Undeath and dropping Light signature. (shrug) The Signature Death spell, unless I can pull Soulblight, or Purple Sun against certain armies. The Signature Vampire spell, always traded for. The Signature Light spell, and you can trade that if you feel like it. I like to have a good cheap Magic Missile in my arsenal of spells though.


    In this list I play a lot of ethereal. Against some armies they are money as a stopgap. If you get a chance to hold up a unit of knights or a steamtank with a spirithost, super sweet. At the bare minimum they will be speed bumps and redirects. Hexwraiths have a different purpose. They play the roll of the warmachine hunters, speedbumps (although expensive), and all around choice target. You are going to need to give your opponent some other choices to deal with other than Nagash.


    My core is there to give me my fortitude. My core choices are definitely not everyone's core choices though. I like Skeletons. That's all I have to say about that.


    Casket/Herotitan are there to ensure a good magic phase. Hopefully a dominating magic phase.


    So the breakdown of the units I'd personally summon.


    Razkhar- The Abyssal Swarm (Spell 4) - Boosted - 8 Sepulchral Stalkers. 8 artillery of auto hits that will still be able to shoot just after this magic phase. Still wound the fastest units on 6s with no armor save. Yes please. Unboosted - 4 spirit host.


    Kandorak - The Harbinger (Spell 5) - Boosted - Casket/Terrorgheist. Unboosted - I don't know. Build a cool character.


    Akar'aran - The Dark Riders (Spell 6) - 10 Hexwraiths/8 chariots w/ musician/9 Bloodknights.


    Ryze - The Grave Call (Signature) - Boosted - 11 Crypt horrors w/ champion.



    As far as Strategy with Nagash. Keep him alive. Block line of sight as best you can to any and all warmachines until you can deal with those warmachines. Yes, he has 7 wounds and a 4+ ward. That wont be much comfort when 2 lucky dwarf cannons plow through him. So the best I can say is to protect him as best you can. That will be tough. He will be your opponents number one target.

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  2. Thank you for all the feedback so far.  I was hoping this didn't seem OP to a lot of people.  I would like to start fielding my monsters again.  I put some time into painting them.  They may not be the best looking models, but I like the end result on them.


    Iraf, I'm touching up the hydra just for you this weekend.  Yeah, I remember your comment when I put it on the table for the first time ;)


    What I like about this list is that I still have access to some great spells but I'm not overpowering the magic phase and this list tosses out a ton of threat for my opponent and it really forces them to pick a target and ensure it drops during their turn.


    I hope I didn't give you a complex. :wink:   I'm working on my VC/Army of the Undead right now.  Just converted a very Vampire Counts-ish Casket of Souls.  It looks awesome.

  3. I'm a fan of them. Nothing truly broken in any of the ones I've read so far.  Some strengths in there, but nothing that over the top. 


    Probably my only issue is that they constantly update them, which means if you print them out they could be different a week down the road.  So keeping up on them is a bit tough.  If you use them, I'd just pdf them onto a tablet.

    • Like 3
  4. Are you planning on going to the East coast to partake upon one the Masters events?  I don't know of any events on the west coast that use the Master's FAQs. 


    From the Dimensional Cascade website for Sparkle Party Deathmatch:  Warhammer 8th Edition rules with army composition and Lore of Undeath from Warhammer Nagash and most current Games Workshop Errata and FAQ’s will be used .


    And I don't think we are planning on using the Master's FAQs in the Black Sheep Brawl in March. 


    I think you are worrying about something that wont ever affect you at all personally.

  5. Since the rule in question is in the unit entry and not in the "Army Special Rules" section of the army book I would say that you could use the special rule.  The wording is ponderous though, due to the fact that it does stipulate "Tomb Kings army".  The book did come out before the Nagash book, so that is easier to overlook. And from a fluff standpoint I definitely see the reason for characters to continue to join the units while on chariots.


    So basically, I would definitely not have a problem with characters joining the chariot unit.  Yet rules as written it would be forbidden.  [big bad swear word] it. Do it anyways. 


    Or ask the tournament director before the tournament how they are going to rule it, just to prevent an issue later.  Or...  [big bad swear word] it.  Do it anyways.

  6. Grey Seer gets punked by Death Hag and Cauldron of Blood and more rats die to Malekith and knights.  Again, crap LD they run in a few rounds of combat.  I won't issue a challenge and just put 13 attacks on the seer.  I should get 8 wounds through and he makes half his 4+ ward saves leaving him 4 unsaved wounds.  Next round I go for the bell (if he's riding it) and should take that out.  If not then it drops in the the 3rd round of combat.  Again, the rat stats (because I have yet to see anyone put the bell in a unit of stormvermin) don't get the job done.

    I'm talking about the new Nurgle guys.  Not the Dark Elves. I don't think highly of the new Nurgle unit.

  7. Well, I think people need to start getting comfortable with lore of undeath and combined undead legion armies, they're here to stay. And in a couple weeks I have a strong suspicion I will be saying that people need to get comfortable with some "lore of daemon" that allows any wizard to summon daemons, and combined WC+daemons+beasts lists. I'd bet that's where this is all headed.

    Sounds about right to me. On all accounts.

  8. FaildCharge: I would NEVER give a favorite opponent pin or a high sports rating to someone who brought the Chaos Dwarf army, just my opinion. I feel it is an exclusive army that is NOT part of the common rule set. I feel the same way about any of the FAN made books online. I was thrilled that I didnt see any NORSE or DOW this year. I think its just too much to ask players to have to learn about those armies during the game. Too many mistakes and oversights are made in the game anyway, we dont need obscure books that arent available commonly in game stores.

    That's racist.

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  9. Then why have them at all? This isn't directed at Burk, but I think he brings up the cause for some complaints. If the event is just for fun, getting together and throwing dice, then why even remotely incentivize/emphasize winning? I think it'd be great to just do away with it for an event, and IMO that would really make it standout as different. Whenever someone has asked this question, I'm not sure if I've ever seen someone answer it with any gravitas; maybe I missed that post, though.

    That would be an epic event. Where the only rankings were how many favorite opponent pins your team got. It would definitely be one of a kind.

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