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Posts posted by Iraf

  1. All lists have been rated and they are all looking good. One thing to note.


    A few people forgot to list the Lores that some of their casters were using.  Luckily they were all on lists that were well within the parameters.  Lores are part of army composition and must be on your lists prior to game day.  I ask everyone to verify that you have them listed on your army lists.  And don't forget to bring 6 copies with you.  You will need to have one for every one of your opponents. 


    Thanks again for everyone turning in their lists on time, and being "mostly" correct. :wink:

  2. Thanks. That will work just fine. I have received no messages of rebuke, so I guess I am good to go.


    Now to get down to the business of getting my girls ready for the show. It's freezing rain on top of a foot of snow here in Eugene, which means its prime figure paintin' weather. See y'all in two weeks!


    Lists looks good so far.  I still have around 10 lists to rate.  All points on all lists are good so far (2 lists left to verify points) and your list is good on points. 

  3. Here is a list of everyone that I've received a list from so far. If you feel that you've sent a list to me please send the list to:

    orderoftheblacksheep@mail.com Again, that is mail.com and NOT gmail.com

    Each name shows the army they are playing. In addition I will list any special characters on this page next to the corresponding army. This is an open list competition, and your opponent will have a copy of his list for you at the start of each round. The entry of special characters here is just so you are all aware of which special characters you'll possibly be seeing, and hopefully gives you plenty of time to learn what they do.

    Wiley Kinyon  -  Tomb Kings  Grand Hierophant Khatep

    Chris Born - Tomb Kings Arkhan the Black
    Mike Case - Warriors of Chaos Throgg!

    Thaddius Crevier - Warriors of Chaos  Festus

    Dustin Kane - Warriors of Chaos Sigvald the Magnificent

    Bill Curry - Warriors of Chaos

    John Evans - Warriors of Chaos

    Scott Goldstein - Dark Elves
    Andrew Claflin - Dark Elves

    Arturo Gonzalez - Dark Elves

    Chad Egbert - Dwarfs
    Ryan Odam - Dwarfs
    Brent Buckland - Dwarfs

    Ryan Frayer - Wood Elves

    Eric Weber - Wood Elves

    Corry Gladwill  -  Wood Elves
    Chris Bailey - Daemons of Chaos

    Dan Jones. - Daemons of Chaos

    John Kersey - Beastmen
    Dustin Boyd - Beastmen
    Aaron Musk - Skaven

    Josh Baughman - Skaven
    Steele Hull - High Elves
    James Peterson - Orcs and Goblins

    Karl Gatke - Empire

    Frazier Edmonds - Vampire Counts

    Paul Willworth - Lizardmen

    Taylor Flesch - Ogre Kingdom

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