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Everything posted by generalripphook

  1. Hey with no blasts there is no worry about scattering and hitting your own models as they retreat. Hmm I wonder if my commissars can target units that fell back.
  2. I mean blasts were great because it means that if you wanted to cram every model you could within 3 inches of the objective you could but there were penalties. If you revert to a dice of hits then that makes that moot.
  3. Has anyone heard of the Hobo card game from MOM (mind over matter inc)? I picked it up at a thrift store but it doesnt have any rules in it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/HOBO-Card-Game-/152490653707?hash=item238126b80b:g:XOEAAOSwWxNYq5kU Google searching for it doesnt pick anything up, its from 1987 and nothing is popping up on board game geek.
  4. Little sad that templates are leaving. Now you can just place your models willy nilly with relationship to each other. Clump em up, it dont matter.
  5. Pssst Eli Ninnemann is me. Captain of the Big Dick Bee Warhamsters
  6. How is the new edition? I haven't played in a while but while organizing all my miniatures I stumbled across inbuilt boxes of Germans and that got my interest piqued again.
  7. Has anyone gone to seigeworld? As I get more and more miniatures that unlimited apocalypse event looks more and more entertaining. I've added a few models to my army, a set of regimental advisors, tech priests, psykers and moar commissars! I have a full platoon of Tempestus Scions at the same time as well. I think the next thing I need is a new carrying case, I am looking at the battlefoam 1520 xl....
  8. I thought the trade was gonna fall through....but I ended up getting the Tempestus, I have the armies glued in the poses but not attatched so I can paint their beautiful chest details. I also assembled some random heroes for my IG
  9. Usually they post what they are playing in the Game Night Forum by the way
  10. The Dragon Lance Villain series. I love reading about a villian for a change. I've only gotten through Behind the Mask-this one is about Verminaards who is the Dragonlord that appears in the first chronicle book. By the end of it you just get excited by the difficult choices which he has to make. I am in the middle of The Black Wing which is about a black dragon which is a very interesting perspective.
  11. It looks like barter town is down?
  12. look at osprey publishing's various skirmish games
  13. You could do a woman in a wedding dress with armed guards...maybe even chains as well.
  14. Hehe I am so excited for this. I pulled out my ships and am gonna start painting the unpainted ones.
  15. So I have a paper planet, a space station and some minor defence outposts but for ships I have. 375 Apocalypse Class Battleship - rogue traders x4 - transports x3 240 Firestorm x6 370- 430/ 380 Tyrant/dominator x2 360 – 400 Lunar x2 360 Gothic x2 120 Cobra x4 440 Dictator x2 220 Dauntless x2 Space marines ships I think x3 Thats at least 2500 points with no admirals or any options taken.
  16. Lets list points or models if you don't know their point costs. Are people willing to let other people use some of their fleets? Are we gonna do 1500 per side or per person? Looks like we have 3 or 4 people, I wouldnt mind having a huge fleet engagement. I'll post up what all I have, but I know I only have Imperial. I think I have a small bag of escort tyranid ships, is anyone interested?
  17. I've been moving models through the stripping process and getting them all primed up. Mainly need to prime tanks as most of the infantry I have is already primed, most of the tanks I got were second hand and needed to be stripped. I've also been building scions with their weapons and arms built but unattached so I can try and paint some of the great details on their chests. I love those models.
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