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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Yeah. If you guys are going to underhand throw them across the plate, we're going to hit em.
  2. Iyanden sold. Thanks TheShow. Saim Hann army still for sale.
  3. Hi there. Welcome to Ordo. Glad to have a new person on the boards. Tuesday night gaming has a predominance of 40k gamers and there is currently a Blood Bowl League going on. If you're looking for a Fantasy game, or need someone to show you the ropes for Fantasy, check out WOW on Sundays. That is when a majority of our WHFB people play. Look for game night posts for Sunday and introduce yourself to them.Again, welcome.
  4. Sam is a good painter. Above tabletop with no problems. His Ork Gorka and Morkanaught look fantastic. I would buy his paintjobs in a heartbeat. You paint em up and you'll have no problem getting cash money for them.
  5. 4:00pm and later. Usually a Senator will have opened up WOW by 3:30. If you schedule your game, 4:00 is about the earliest you can get. If you show at 6:00, people may have already found dance partners to play against. As for the Guardian League, open gaming is a bit harder because people are there to play in the league and not usually there to play a pick up game. So, if you go, expect to join the league to get games in.
  6. Don't think I am going to make it home in time. I have a broke jet. Next week.
  7. Hoping my jet gets fixed. Stuck in Miami but if I am able, I would like to get in a game of 40k. Who's down?
  8. Iyanden pending. Saim Hann still up for grabs.
  9. That, uh, sounds a bit like jealousy, friend. Big Stank is just doing what he loves and what his fans expect of him. He relishes in being the only blitzing Ogre in the league.
  10. Somebody should check the Rogue Trading section. Right after tax season with this awesome new codex would be the perfect time to buy an Eldar army of Jetbikes or Wraithguard. Especially if it was 60% of retail..........
  11. And assembled well. All mold lines cleaned and sprue points filed and cleaned. Plus I put the Wraithblade hip plates and head crests on the Wraithguard to make them more imposing. And all the cockpit glass is available for the Nightspinners. Plus, I am selling it at 60% of retail WITHOUT the price of foam included. Just helping out. ;)
  12. Fellow Ordo members. I am selling off my Eldar army because I need cash for bills and other projects. I am now willing to split this up into lots based on squads. Prices have been added to each section. Pictures will be available upon request. Best place to view them will be at Ordo's WOW location in Portland, or at Guardian Games. Saim Hann Jetbike Army - Pending 1 Autarch on a Jetbike - $15.00 10 Eldar Jetbikes. 1 warlock, 3 Shuriken Cannons, 6 Twin Linked Shuriken Catapults - $85.00 10 Eldar Jetbikes. 1 warlock, 3 Shuriken Cannons, 6 Twin Linked Shuriken Catapults - $85.00 10 Eldar Jetbikes. 1 warlock, 3 Shuriken Cannons, 6 Twin Linked Shuriken Catapults - $85.00 10 Eldar Jetbikes. 1 warlock, 3 Shuriken Cannons, 6 Twin Linked Shuriken Catapults - $85.00 1 Crimson Hunter Jetfighter with Hemlock Bitz - $45.00 1 Wraithknight with Twin Heavy Wraithcannons and Sword and Shield bits - $75.00 1 Fire Prism - $30.00 1 Fire Prism - $30.00 If bought as a whole, army comes with foam. No case. Want $525.00 if you buy it in one lot. Iyanden Wraith Army - Sold People who buy the army as a whole will have access to my Eldar bitz boxes as well should they need to make the army more to their liking. If you just buy a squad, and need additional bitz (see: Scatter Lasers) to make the squad or vehicle more to your liking, we can negotiate for those additional bitz. Let me know via PM if you want it. Pictures are available via email as I do not know how to make them work on a forum. -Chappy
  13. Or my 40 Jetbike Saim Hann army. Either way, I am happy for the new dex. And, I have a crap ton of scatter lasers. So, at least one squad will have those.
  14. At last. My 25 Iyanden Wraithguard will finally be able to wreck more face. Time to dust off that army.
  15. Have you been watching again. You know the judge told you to stop.
  16. Me. I have a grip of these in a tub at the apartment.
  17. Bring it! Blood Bowl! 40k! Smash face and break heads at this week's Game Night. Bring food for your 10k bonus in Blood Bowl, or just to be a nice human if you aren't in the league. Should have it opened up by 4:00 if Burk doesn't get there before me.
  18. If you are prepping for a tourney, then I understand if you want to build a hard list. I did not see anywhere in your previous posts that you were building this for a tourney. All I saw was quoted above. This led me to think you were planning on going around to FLGS' and wrecking people's hobbies. It's all about phrasing and perception.
  19. Why play it then? If you are regarded as that guy who plays lists that are solely designed to make others quit, then why limit yourself by turning opponents away from you? Why not play an army, combined with friendly demeanor and good sportsmanship, that endears others to WANT to play you? OFCC is a unique experience, but why not expand that experience to the rest of your gaming life? Because of the way you state that you actively want to make "someone not want to play the game anymore" I sure as hell would never want to play you. Not to sound like an a$$hole, but I'll be damned if I am going to play you with that attitude.
  20. Bah! Still. That ginourmous AP 2 template ignoring cover for a possible 3 turns (Jacobus of course) is just awful and yet amazing. I may.....have to jump on this bandwagon.
  21. I think each Terminator comes with 8 spikes on it's shoulders, so they already come with an inbuilt number of Khorne. As for the rating, I would say 2. You have 2 units that you require to do a LOT of work. And not overly effectively either. So, yeah. 2 is where I stand. Super heavy and everything.
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