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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Fellow generals. In our daily struggle to wage tabletop war against one another, I have come in conflict with the dreaded real life responsibility. I will be unable to make it to the next game night, 22 September, due to needing to travel for work. As such, I am accepting challenges to wrestle my space communists from the top spot on another day of the week. Does anyone want to get next weeks league game in early?
  2. I will be there around 3:30p. Anytime after that will be good.
  3. I will be happy to come by and try and unseat you. Space communists!!
  4. This should be a bumber sticker.
  5. Name: Gary "Chappy" Washington Forces: Tohaa Available: Tuesdays. Some Sundays. Location: Portland Metro area. Occasionally up in Lacey and Tacoma, WA. Contact: PM or email at washingtongaryt (at) gmail (dot) com.
  6. Chappy

    This Sunday

    There ya go big guy. Fixed it for you.
  7. Thanks. I am very satisfied.-Chappy
  8. Destroyer Axe Bloodthirster says he can deal with AP 2.
  9. They should work on plastics. And if not, put em in hot water before hand to make them pliable and they'll fit. -Chappy
  10. Come down to WOW for the Slaughter! It's time, once again, TO BRING THE PAIN!!! That's right boys and girls; Bronson is bringing to you another league of crushed enemies that have been driven before you, and all the lamentaions of the women!!! Don't miss it!!!
  11. I be more than willing to do a learning game with you. I will be there from 3:30 ish until late. -Chappy
  12. Ordites. I am still clearing out the studio and am pushing my Warriors of Chaos out now too. The army comes on square bases for use in both AoS and WHFB. GW movement trays are sold with the army and every big unit has one that matches. Some of the army is painted, some of the army is converted, all of the army is clean. Metal, Plastic, and Finecrap models are noted in their description. Army will not be parted out. I am looking for cash primarily, but a mix of cash and trade can be worked out. Khorne Lord on Juggernaut - Metal Sigvald the Magnificent - Metal Crom the Conqueror - Metal 2009 Games Day Exalted Hero - Metal Exalted Hero - Metal Tzeentch Sorcerer on Disk - Metal 2006 GW 10th Anniversary Tzeentch Sorcerer on Disk - Metal Sorcerer on Foot - Metal Sorcerer on Foot - Plastic Khorne Hero/BSB - Finecrap Chaos Chariot - Plastic NiB Chaos Chimera - Plastic, NoS Chaos Warshrine - Plastic Giant - Plastic, Converted / With Fallen Giant Template 3 Units of 14 Chaos Warriors with Full Command 3 Units of 5 Marauder Horsemen with Flails 2 Units of 5 Chaos Knights with Full Command Retail and mid point eBay prices come to roughly $725.00 to buy it new. I would like $300.00 to see it gone. Pictures available on request. Viewing of the army can be done at WOW on Tuesday night game night or we can arrange some other night for you to get it. Shipping will cost extra. Cheers!
  13. Come on down for the slaughter! I will have my 40k with me, and will be making some sales and trades.
  14. Throw me a text. You have my number. Let's make a deal.
  15. The whole bits lot for the Orks, yes. As for the rest of it, I have a few bits and pieces going, but no whole armies as of yet. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!!
  16. I got a PM from Gordanius before any other notification and told him that I would sell them to him as he offered to buy the whole lot and not just the Sluggaz.-Chappy
  17. Hello all. Trying to offload some armies that don't get table time. Prices are much lower than I usually do due to wanting the stuff out of the house. No waiting for me to go lower because this is pretty bargain basement for me. Blanket statement: All armies are assembled in a good fashion. Well taken care of, and kept in foam. (Sabol or GW) Some models are painted, but not terribly, and not heavily. All models can be primed back over with little loss of detail. Conversion and medium used to create models are noted if they differ from plastic. Prices are firm unless OBO is next to the price. All armies have access to my bitz box, for said army, for free. Need something for that army that is a bit? No problem. I can hook you up with what I have. Trades can happen as long as there is cash accompanying. Need mostly money, not more models. ;) +++Armies still for sale as of 7 October 2015+++ Necrons - $720.00+ retail, Want $350.00 Overlord Destroyer Lord (Converted from Wraith) Nemesor Zandrek Vargard Oberon Anrakyr the Traveller 45 Warriors 10 Immortals w/ Tesla (Bits for Gauss) 3 Night Scythes 2 Ghost Arks (Converted to fit in case.) 6 Canoptek Wraiths 3 Annihilation Barges 40-50 loose Scarabs. No bases. Nightbringer C'tan Shard (Metal) 5 Crypteks converted from old metal Pariahs. (Not included in pricing.) Foam (Not included in pricing. Free) Foot based Eldar army - $875.00 retail, Want $350.00 1 Forgeworld Avatar with Sword (Resin) 1 Autarch with Fusion Gun (Metal) 3 Squads of 10 Dire Avengers 10 Howling Banshees (Previous edition, Metal) 10 Striking Scorpions (2 editions ago, Metal) 10 Fire Dragons (Current sculpt, Metal) 10 Swooping Hawks (Current sculpt, Metal) 10 Warp Spiders (Current sculpt, Metal) 5 Shining Spears (Current sculpt, Metal riders) 2 Squads of 5 Dark Reapers (1 Squad current sculpt, Metal. 1 Squad previous edition sculpt, Metal) GW Case (Not included in pricing. Free) Saim Hann Jetbike Army - $1097.00 retail, Want $400.00 *Note that all jetbike chassis are previous edition 1 Autarch on a jetbike 4 Warlocks on jetbike with Singing Spears 4 Squads of 9 jetbikes. (6 Shuriken Catapults and 3 Shuriken Cannons each squad) 1 Crimson Hunter 2 Squads of 10 Warp Spiders 1 Wraithknight 2 Fire Prisms Foam (Not included in pricing. Free) Misc Leftovers 100 or so Genestealers (because, reasons) $100.00 OBO (Make these go away, please.) Sold 6 Screamers of Tzeentch - $30.00 Sold Tablewar Mk III case (Google it. Great for Fantasy/AoS) - $80.00 Ork leftovers - $100.00 Sold 1 Gallon Ziploc of Nobz. (Mix of AoBR and box, and metals) 1 Quart Ziploc of POWERKLAW Nobz (Mix) 1 Quart Ziploc of Big Shootas and Meks 1 Quart Ziploc of Shootas (20 or so models) 1 2 Quart Ziploc of Sluggaz (30 or so models. AoBR and mix) 3 1 Quart Ziploc bags of bitz 1 2 Gallon Ziploc bag of bits and models on sprue Pictures will be given on request. I will be around to show off the armies in Portland on Tuesday nights at game night and can meet anywhere in Portland Metro area, or in the Tacoma, WA area when I travel up for military duty. Cheers.
  18. Okay. Well, it sounds like people are coming to the sweatlodge. We can go over your character when you like -Chappy
  19. Come one, come all, to the Sauna that will be WOW this Tuesday. I will be there with 2000 points of 40k in tow, or playing a board game. If we want to hit up an alternate location with A/C, now is the time to speak up. Let us know where you want to game. -Chappy
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