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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. Hmm, I can upscale my 3d models. 'Counts as' for the rest. Check! Thank you @Ish! Thoughtful contribution as always! Edit: I keep daring GW to get me back into 40K, even if it's 30k... whatever the scale. It's been too long!
  2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/07/01/warhammer-preview-battle-on-an-epic-scale-in-the-horus-heresy-legions-imperialis/ Oh... It's a new scale... Can I use all these old school Epic models I have... not to mention the 3d models I've been collecting.
  3. FYI, this broad gap in content on this day is because of the Reddit protest blackout related to 3rd party app APIs. Edit: I had linked to a video in a subreddit participating in the blackout, this is how our forum displayed the 'blackout'. When the protest ends, this video will likely work again.
  4. Many years later, on an unplanned stop on Naboo...
  5. Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge (OFCC) August 4th - 6th, 2023 I read the subject and was wait.... what? https://www.ordofanaticus.com/forum/43-ordo-fanaticus-club-challenge-ofcc-august-4th-6th-2023/ Thanks for sharing! Those "FO" pins are some of the things that I am so thankful to have received in my life. Felt great giving them out too, every... single... time. Love that OFCC Experience.
  6. What's weird is that the steps were appropriate and maybe were combined from another source?
  7. I prefer Just incredible, but...
  8. Generative AI Llama is unimpressed:
  9. It really whips the llama's ass...
  10. Random thought: Do I know how to use spoiler tags? [spoiler] DANGIT!!!! [/spoiler] <div class="ipsSpoiler" data-ipsspoiler=""> <div class="ipsSpoiler_header"> <span>Spoiler</span> </div> <div class="ipsSpoiler_contents ipsClearfix"> <p> The text you're hiding. </p> </div> </div> #NOPE
  11. It's worth the scroll! https://swanh.net/
  12. I am not a shrimp; I AM A KING PRAWN!!!! Did you know that Geeks and Games stocks Flames of War and Team Yankee!?!? #FLGSLove
  13. Still sounds like a great idea! Toss out a date or two! Tuesday is also TY day down at Geeks and Games in Oregon City. That is a far trek for me, but I try to make it out there for occasional purchases because I love that they keep it in stock. Picked up BMD, BTR-D, and Nona kits just yesterday. Fixin' broken image: +1
  14. Kind of a 'meh' answer.. ... but these answers taken together are a great outline for the next steps of research. Edit: Irony seemed lost on the bot.
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