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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. Just picked up Red Veil for $69: http://www.gamenerdz.com/infinity-operation-red-veil-w-bonus Wow!
  2. Love the doggies, even when their gone. Glad for the good news for mom!
  3. My Ghulam doctor killed both of her patients tonight. But she was a beast with her rifle. My Lasiq did take down two models before the Doctor's failed WIP check did her in.
  4. Airsoft BBs hurt. They will shoot your eye out. Eye protection is highest priority. I run Save Phace Grunts goggles, wired with steel wire to a mesh lower face mask. The wire is similar to what a florist might use. You can run the combo without wiring them together, but I took a BB to the bridge of the nose through a gap that was only as wide as the BB. 1 in a million shot, but man did it hurt, and split the skin right open. Lots of blood, kind of impressive, considering it was such a small wound. All of this is attached to a helmet with arc rail clips and elastic "ladder" straps. My son runs the same set up with his sports glasses underneath. The glasses will fog before the Grunts will. I also recommend picking up a shemagh to protect your neck. The helmet is a replica MICH 2001 from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011XU81D8/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I replaced the straps with Marine issue,and the padding with Army issue pads, probably both can be found at surplus.
  5. Justjokin

    Infinity 2016

  6. Great Game tonight Gamer Geek! Thank you to Erik and the other guides.
  7. I was having fun about the beanies. I've played with really cool guys who rock beanies and HPA set ups. You're right, it's all about how you play the game. Besides I can't make fun of anybody, I love to rock a full MARPAT camo set up. But it's also the closest I'll ever get to CosPlay. Firearm safety and awareness is exactly the way I started with my son as well. You never know what they will run into out in the world. There is a great Airsoft shop up in Vancouver called Thunderkiss NW. They do all kinds of custom builds and have a friendly and knowledgeable staff.
  8. I only saw the one, but I don't know for certain.
  9. I'll try to find it, but I faced a khorne list (2 years ago) that was definitely "eat your face". I think maybe my Tau were tabled in turn 2... I was sure that I had no place at that game with the list I brought. Knife to a nuke fight kind of situation. I'm sure that I am wrong, but it seems like he had 8 models... That being said, if that list I faced makes it through the LRC then I don't know why anyone would take anything but the equivalent of that. I got a cool shot glass though...
  10. Everybody's doing it... Ok, I'm full on committed. I have clearance and intention. I'll post pics and progress here. Feel free to comment! I picked these up today at Fate and Fury, who still have 25% off (most) infinity. I wanted the Hafzas, but also scored my first Odalisque.
  11. The tracer unit works in conjunction with glow in the dark BBs. There is a photo strobe in the suppressor that flashes as the BB goes by. The BB glows all the way to the target, so you get much better at putting your rounds where you want them. I always stress the safety part to my son too. The plastic orange tips come off with a little dremel action, but I always make sure that what I'm replacing it with is painted orange. I've got a flashlight with a pressure sensor. I usually put the sensor where my off hand can trigger it from the foregrip rather than near the trigger. There have been some dark corners that I've been thankful for having that. When someone engages you with their light just send the BBs back down where the light is. Let them use the light to telegraph where they are or are looking. Always keep moving, never stay where they think you might be. The guys (kids often) are running High Pressure Air systems (HPA). They usually want to run and slide on thier knees and wear beanies. I tend to play a little more tactical than that. They often just want to run around with a BB hose. Tippmann, released an M-4 HPA that quite a few people had good things to say about. http://www.tippmann.com/p/m4-carbine-airsoft Prices go up dramatically for guns, tanks, regulators, hoses, and I think it may be required that you get one of those obnoxious beanies.
  12. I was wrong, the Firehawk seems to have a removable muzzle break that you could replace with a tracer unit. The Firehawk has some other device in it that generates a distinctive pop that is different than the noise that most of the other rifles out there make. The noise maker may be in the muzzle break, so that could complicate things. Seen plenty if people running those and having fun with them.
  13. My first 2 rifles, and my son's current were G&G. My current rifle is a Krytac PDW and my sidearm a Elite Force 1911Tac. Very similar to this: Different sight, different foregrip, my mock suppressor is a G&G tracer unit that makes the BBs glow as they leave the barrel. This would be the first/best upgrade I can recommend, although I think the firehawk might come with a mock suppressor. I always paint the front ring Safety Orange if it doesn't come that way from the manufacturer. I mainly use a mix of hobby paints and hard gloss varnish applied with an airbrush. I'll get my act together for a Friday or Saturday game and be sure to post here.
  14. Glad to hear it. We kind of kind of hijacked the paintball thread to talk about airsoft. To me, paintball and airsoft scratch the same itch. Edit: Sorry Pumpkin, but I will play paintball with you if you go out to Splat Action or any other. Also, maybe you can meet up with Biggs and I out at OAA. It's about an hour drive for me to get there, but a good game, with teammates that will work with you and opponents that will laugh with you in the end is well worth it.
  15. Thanks for the heads up, haven't picked that up yet.
  16. THIS! Team Yankee escalation league (including latest releases: Germans, Brits, Afghansty)
  17. Well, who doesn't need to start a new faction... Bought! I have some 28mm Modern SEAL team models that I'd love to proxy as some Ariadna.
  18. One of the things that I liked about the place that closed on the East side(airsoft) was that they generally only played semi auto. You still had guys with really high rates of fire, but playing in full auto game is full on nut balls, especially indoor cqb.
  19. Last time I paintballed, it was at Splat Action, as a work event. I jumped over some logs and landed on a M-16 magazine, which was weird because you don't use magazines like that in paintball. Turns out it it was an airsoft magazine. They do that too. I've never played airsoft outdoors, and I've never played paintball indoors. Funny! That was the first time that I realized airsoft wasn't like the yellow rubber bb guns that you could play with in the toy aisle at K-Mart when I was a kid.
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