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Steel Angel

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Everything posted by Steel Angel

  1. As may or may not know Clash of Swords 2015 is a large event held in UK. they have held thier first AoS event and was a sussess. It had some what of 60 players taking part. Review of the event can be found here. http://bloodofkittens.com/wargaminghub/2015/08/24/clash-of-swords-2015/ To go along with that news in the states the first major event to adopt AoS will be the Nova Open. http://www.novaopen.com/?page_id=6670 rules and comp. system here http://www.novaopen.com/wp-content/uploads/NOVAOpenWarhammerAoSPrimerFinal.pdf Seems like AoS can be made competitive, and WILL be being add to some major events. I for one am happy about this.
  2. umm by increasing it x2 means x2 more guys can hit you in combat x4 if they have spears it works both ways. Mobs hurt
  3. I think thats more on players then points. I've play 2000 pt 40k games done in 2 hours
  4. On sec thought last think i want on my mind in a room full of you guys is porn.
  5. well with my fantasy there is room for porn.
  6. While all true the playstation made them more money to easy cover those failers Oh and true story betamax was better but lost cause sony dint support porn lol
  7. Maybe and i say again maybe we should put together a little comittee to try out different systems and report as a group. Con and pro and which we like?
  8. See i always wonder about this point cause each game still need a 20+ page system to work for events. Seem that None of these games was any good for events. Till someone tried.
  9. Yes and it looks good. My point is till we as Ordo pick a system it's just one of many cropping up. When i build an army in 40k I know right off "ok we use ITC so I need to build it this way". Right now with AoS there is set system so everyone does their own thing.
  10. I think Ordo needs to decide on a comp. system we will be adopting so we can all be on the same page ,and can have any chance of using AoS in any events. While I may agree with AgentP that the rules work right out of the box and that they are fun. It does not work for event or turnies. Warhammer 40k and WFB work too right out of the box, but we still adopted a comp. system for both that we all used. 40k had ITC,and WFB had Swiss these are what we used for events, and by default what we used in normal games. There are alot of comp systems popping up such as: Azyr Comp System PPC GlasgowCOMP [AoS] Laws of War just to name few. I think and it's just my op. we need to pick something and stick with it. Just my 2 cents I like AoS and would like to see it in events, but will only work if we have a set system for it.
  11. I know will grow by 2 nxt week as both me and rcnjack will be able to go and we'er both have good size armies
  12. So how did the first night of the AoS league go? Give some review. Wish I could have gone but was stuck in seatac till 7pm.
  13. Saddly i am delayed in seatac. So will have to make it nxt week.
  14. Just remember the psyker will not be able to cast anything on themselves or a unit the join.
  15. Thats not. When you start going off about the structure of a sentence and what tense of a word used. Then go into how it lower case not upper case. Then your lawyering.
  16. Well technical WFB should be move to warhammer universe it's no longer a core game. Lol Let the backlash begin. Ok i admit j/k wanted to see nerd rage lol
  17. Sorry guy tomorrow I got a Game at WoW. You should come if ya can a few of us play.
  18. My Hengeyokai Beast Court army awaits your gold boys. I have enough wounds to match your army.
  19. Yet in the next movie you find out you can.
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