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Everything posted by ninefinger

  1. I checked them, they all seem to be the 2nd wave of cards - so all stuff that came out post tome of champions, iirc. Glad you got a pack, brog. I *could* part with mine, but do have the models, etc, and would like to try them a couple more times.
  2. I'm aiming to have some warcry and necromunda with me, and a terrain project or two to work on if i'm not gaming. please note that i've moved the time back from what it was previously, to try and aid in avoiding overlap with some of the WOW crew.
  3. We're Back* *some terms and conditions may apply. THE PLACE Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! We are waiving Game Night dues for Champions for the near future, since you've already missed out on so much gaming. And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! THE GAMES If you're looking to game we will be here. Opting to lay low? Stay home and stay safe, we'll catch you next time. THE MISSION Games we play: All, with a focus on Infinity, Warhammer 40K, board games, Blood Bowl, Necromunda and more. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out. BUT WHAT ABOUT COVID-19? We are doing our utmost to make the clubhouse as safe as possible, read more about it here. Please remember, face coverings will be required so that we can keep things as safe as we can for all our members. If there is a high demand, we will be reserving tables for Champions and other members, based on posts in this thread. We may have to impose limits on attendance to stay in compliance with state guidelines.
  4. I do have them, they're also in the Tome of Champions book
  5. I’ll expect I’ll be filled up with warcry shenanigans, but I’ll aim to bring my orks, just in case we can squeeze it in.
  6. @Lyraeus I’m kinda thinking Jay has the right idea... if you’re not already fully committed, I’d like to just call today off. im down for warcry on Tuesday, or I can bring 25pl of my Orks for a quick crusade session. (Maybe even both)
  7. Planning to open up around 4:00. I’ll likely have warcry and necromunda with me, and hopefully be reading thru the new 9th ed rulebook
  8. We're Back* *some terms and conditions may apply. THE PLACE Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! We are waiving Game Night dues for Champions for the near future, since you've already missed out on so much gaming. And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! THE GAMES If you're looking to game we will be here. Opting to lay low? Stay home and stay safe, we'll catch you next time. THE MISSION Games we play: All, with a focus on Warhammer 40K, board games, Blood Bowl, Necromunda and more. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out. BUT WHAT ABOUT COVID-19? We are doing our utmost to make the clubhouse as safe as possible, read more about it here. Please remember, face coverings will be required so that we can keep things as safe as we can for all our members. If there is a high demand, we will be reserving tables for Champions and other members, based on posts in this thread. We may have to impose limits on attendance to stay in compliance with state guidelines.
  9. Please note - I’m pushing the time back an hour from 3:00 to 4:00 to help avoid some overlap with the other gaming group that uses the clubhouse. planning to have some warcry warbands with me, and maybe some necromunda terrain projects to work on. ********* as notes at the bottom of the thread and title change - I’m going to call today off for heat and lack of any prescheduled games. Shoot me a pm before 4:00 if this is a major problem and I’ll find a way to sort things out
  10. We're Back* *some terms and conditions may apply. THE PLACE Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! We are waiving Game Night dues for Champions for the near future, since you've already missed out on so much gaming. And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! THE GAMES If you're looking to game we will be here. Opting to lay low? Stay home and stay safe, we'll catch you next time. THE MISSION Games we play: All, with a focus on Infinity, Warhammer 40K, board games, Blood Bowl, Necromunda and more. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out. BUT WHAT ABOUT COVID-19? We are doing our utmost to make the clubhouse as safe as possible, read more about it here. Please remember, face coverings will be required so that we can keep things as safe as we can for all our members. If there is a high demand, we will be reserving tables for Champions and other members, based on posts in this thread. We may have to impose limits on attendance to stay in compliance with state guidelines.
  11. I’ll make sure to bring mine. @Inquisitor66 and @Josiah can potentially be coerced as well
  12. Sorry folks. My week last week went a little off the rails so I failed to get this posted up. i am planning to be there and open up at 4, sorry for the late notice. if I don’t see any replies here, I’ll probably shut down early - 6:00 or so. (Or if you’re one of our new Tuesday regulars and aren’t planning to make it down, feel free to give me a heads up) thanks all, I’ll try and be more prompt next week!
  13. We're Back* *some terms and conditions may apply. THE PLACE Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! We are waiving Game Night dues for Champions for the near future, since you've already missed out on so much gaming. And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! THE GAMES If you're looking to game we will be here. Opting to lay low? Stay home and stay safe, we'll catch you next time. THE MISSION Games we play: All, with a focus on Warhammer 40K, board games, Blood Bowl, Necromunda and more. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out. BUT WHAT ABOUT COVID-19? We are doing our utmost to make the clubhouse as safe as possible, read more about it here. Please remember, face coverings will be required so that we can keep things as safe as we can for all our members. If there is a high demand, we will be reserving tables for Champions and other members, based on posts in this thread. We may have to impose limits on attendance to stay in compliance with state guidelines.
  14. Thanks for the heads up! im here and open, but gonna go ahead and shut down early, to get home out of the heat. Hope that doesn’t mess up anyone’s plans.
  15. We're Back* *some terms and conditions may apply. THE PLACE Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! We are waiving Game Night dues for Champions for the near future, since you've already missed out on so much gaming. And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! THE GAMES If you're looking to game we will be here. Opting to lay low? Stay home and stay safe, we'll catch you next time. THE MISSION Games we play: All, with a focus on Infinity, Warhammer 40K, board games, Blood Bowl, Necromunda and more. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out. BUT WHAT ABOUT COVID-19? We are doing our utmost to make the clubhouse as safe as possible, read more about it here. Please remember, face coverings will be required so that we can keep things as safe as we can for all our members. If there is a high demand, we will be reserving tables for Champions and other members, based on posts in this thread. We may have to impose limits on attendance to stay in compliance with state guidelines.
  16. We're not charging for Warlord champions thru the rest of this month. However you're listed as an emperor on the forum, so you should be covered for the rest of 2020. I am working on setting up QR codes or some sort of cashless system for when we resume taking dues, however.
  17. We're Back* *some terms and conditions may apply. THE PLACE Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! We are waiving Game Night dues for Champions for the near future, since you've already missed out on so much gaming. And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! THE GAMES If you're looking to game we will be here. Opting to lay low? Stay home and stay safe, we'll catch you next time. THE MISSION Games we play: All, with a focus on Warhammer 40K, board games, Blood Bowl, Necromunda and more. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out. BUT WHAT ABOUT COVID-19? We are doing our utmost to make the clubhouse as safe as possible, read more about it here. Please remember, face coverings will be required so that we can keep things as safe as we can for all our members. If there is a high demand, we will be reserving tables for Champions and other members, based on posts in this thread. We may have to impose limits on attendance to stay in compliance with state guidelines.
  18. I mean, the last one we started kicked off a global pandemic. Not gonna say to it was all because of those po walkers, but.... Probably going to be light on organized events through the year, just to try and keep attendance manageable at the clubhouse, but if anyone has ideas and wants to organize something, feel free to shoot me or @DisruptiveConduct a pm and we can chat about it. We could also look at some sort of challenge board or points ladder, if there’s a format that would revolve more around smaller, schedules games, rather than trying to get all comers together on a given day.
  19. No worries. That was my guess when I hadn’t see you yet. Next time you’re free!
  20. We're Back* *some terms and conditions may apply. THE PLACE Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! We are waiving Game Night dues for Champions for the near future, since you've already missed out on so much gaming. And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! THE GAMES If you're looking to game we will be here. Opting to lay low? Stay home and stay safe, we'll catch you next time. THE MISSION Games we play: All, with a focus on Infinity, Warhammer 40K, board games, Blood Bowl, Necromunda and more. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out. BUT WHAT ABOUT COVID-19? We are doing our utmost to make the clubhouse as safe as possible, read more about it here. Please remember, face coverings will be required so that we can keep things as safe as we can for all our members. If there is a high demand, we will be reserving tables for Champions and other members, based on posts in this thread. We may have to impose limits on attendance to stay in compliance with state guidelines.
  21. Just saw this, but I did bring my warcry stuff. I’m decinitley down. I’ve got 4 different warbands with me, I believe.
  22. I was a long time mordheim advocate, but been much more focused on Necromunda these days. I know @Andrewgeddon has made it down to the club occasionally for mordheim and 9th age in the past.
  23. @Ish is this the same marvel game you’ve brought in the past? Are you planning to be there tonight?
  24. Hey all I may have a small family emergency to deal with this afternoon. Not 100% whether I’ll be clear in time to open up. ill try and add a post here to the once I see how it’s shaking out.
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