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Everything posted by Krieger

  1. I meant I have jealousy of VC. Even more them cannons I hate poison and having a terrible armor save against a bunch of shooting or cc attacks.
  2. No I mean shine. If you put them in a combat you are already losing then ya double crumble = evaporate. If you use them to help a close matchup between two infantry blocks. The thunderstomp and remaining attacks can really help push things over. I agree that they have a rough go, but I think we both gave examples of how they work with a little finesse. I definitely get a lot VC jealousy with the current TK book btw.
  3. TK monsters work well against smaller units. They really shine when they join an infantry unit in an already existing combat. They need rank bonus assistants if they want to take on an infantry block. I think s5 is fine. Plus poison attacks or breath weapon help mitigate fluffing your to hit rolls. I would bring some extra monsters, but I dont wanna pay the 120 bucks for 2 more sphinxes lol.
  4. I enjoy dawn attack, blood and glory, and Mr. Lucky. I find all three of these too be very balanced. I do not like Watchtower or Arcane Fulcrums. Watchtower is horribly imbalanced because it favors faster armies or armies with resilient blocks. I dislike Arcane Fulcrums because it favors faster armies and magic is already strong enough in this edition.
  5. Thanks for posting the rules rumors Raindog. It all sounds pretty cool to me.
  6. http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/04/wfb-wood-elves-inbound.html?m=1
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