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Everything posted by Krieger

  1. Thanks man lol! I'll make sure I come visit you guys on the "historical war gaming" side.
  2. Thanks again everyone. I got a spot at the OFCC team event. I have my list submitted, I am on track to get the last few vehicles painted , and I can't wait to get my butt kicked all weekend lol. Hopefully I will see some of you there.
  3. I would like to join a team if anyone needs 1 more. I was going to buy an open ticket today but would be happy to purchase a team ticket if I can get a team.
  4. They will be interactive like the digital books are now. Which makes it much more difficult to copy. I have used a "free" copy before and they suck compared to the real thing . Also if they are only a few bucks a pop most people are just going to pay for it. Rather then deal with the hassle.
  5. I can't take credit for this theory but I have to share. I think we are going to sew a huge influx of digital battle scrolls that replace the free ones. Every month I can see them releasing new battle scrolls and formations. They will either be stronger to entice sales and change the meta or corrected to balance the game. Every month we will be bombarded with digital downloads for around $4.99 to update our battle scrolls for each model. It will be the ultimate pay to play. Providing GW with a constant revenue stream. http://www.blacklibrary.com/Images/landing/jun/aos/darkangels_nl01.jpg
  6. Okay I will check that out. Thank you
  7. How reliable is this rumor? If that's true I am done with all GW products. I feel like you're trying to make me jump off a bridge right now lol. I hate monthly subscriptions.
  8. Anyone need a replacement team member? I have the time off from work for Fantasy OFCC, but my team dropped this year and I am really liking 40k. I realize it's a shot in the dark but I might as well try
  9. Thanks! Weekdays are hard to do with the commute, but I should be able to squeeze one weekday in a month. Hopefully I can find plenty of games on the weekends too.
  10. Anyone need a replacement team member? I have the time off from work for Fantasy OFCC, but my team dropped this year and I am really liking 40k. I realize it's a shot in the dark but I might as well try.
  11. Thanks everybody! Looks like I got a bit more painting to do so I can register for some events.
  12. Thank you! I like both competitive and fluff driven depending on my mood. I will say I usually enjoy list building more then painting, but the better I have gotten at painting and the older I get the more I enjoy a friendly game and a great looking army. Sounds like I will have to check out the 40k scene at WOW and Guardian.
  13. I am done with fantasy and i want to start playing 40k. I have painted up 500 points of Dark Eldar and I own enough to play 1850. I have played a few games but would like to start attending events like I have been with fantasy for the pas few years. I live in the Eugene area but I am use to traveling to Portland, Salem, and WA for events. Can someone recommend any events? General tips and advice is also much appreciated.
  14. If enough people got together and committed to continue to have 8th ed events. I would consider it. I just don't see how I can muster the desire to finish painting my army if I can't guarentee I can find a game. I also don't want to keep playing games with half painted models. Not to mention without new releases at least once a year things start to get old. I guess it's possible but I think putting my hobby time into 40k is safer at this point. I am already bummed that even I have had time off for OFCC all year and still do. I Wil be sitting at home because I have no team a half painted army and will miss seeing all you guys and playing games :'(
  15. I read the rules multiple times and they are terrible. I am done with fantasy unless a more robust version drops later on. I would like to start playing 40k more. PM me if you would like to play some 40k and school a newbie.
  16. Sounds like they are bringing back Battle Masters lol https://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic286405.jpg
  17. Thanks on both accounts. I am glad that they added that to the FAQ.
  18. I just keep getting the argument that I am being gamey and that the rulebook never clearly states if the Warriors and the raider are a separate unit. Any good arguments I can use or something that proves that this is the overall opinion of the community?
  19. My gaming group and I have agreed we don't want to allow my dark eldar to jink if the vehicle has been immobilized. Which I am fine with. Now they are saying that if a raider jinks that the kabalite warriors on board should have to snap fire too. I think it's pretty clear that just the raider should have to. Both rules as intended and rules as written. Anyone have any thoughts or advice on this?
  20. I had a blast too. Thanks again for providing a good event.
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