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Everything posted by Krieger

  1. The new rules for Glotkin look awesome! The Glottkin 810 Pts!!! M:6 WS:6 BS:3 S:6 T:6 W:12 I:1 A:5 Ld:10 Eye of the Gods, Impact Hits (D3), Mark of Nurgle, Poisoned Attacks, Regenerate, Terror
  2. Ya it is a costly unit to lose. I use to run two units to units of three to four in the event I lost one or it never showed. I hardly ever had them not show up or misfire and die. I may have just been lucky though. I wonder if it's any less risky then throwing down a unit of 6 to 8 turn one with the chance of being shot down.
  3. Yes, those ones exactly. I agree 6 to 8 work really well. However I was thinking two units of 3 to four beneath the sands to post up for a rear charge on an already existing combat. I see a lot of potential now that the rest of the army can get into combat quickly using Undead Legions. A nice ranked up tar pit in the front to break steadfast and the snakes in the rear to bring enough punch to win a couple rounds of combat. Plus the snakes would be Swiftstride upon pursuit of the broken unit.
  4. Through out the year leading up to and during my first OFCC I had a lot of luck using 50 man blocks of skellies and EBTS necroknights. I would hit units in the front with the skellie warriors and then rear charge on turn 3, 4, or 5 with necroknights. The only downside was the slow movement and EBTS randomness ment that my warriors and necroknights sometimes ended up too far out of position. Now that you can march an infantry block and and cast a spell to march again. I am wanting to revisit the possibility of using EBTS knights again. What do you guys think?
  5. I just wanted to apologize to everyone. I think I have been a bit of jerk on the forum latley. Contrary to some of my recent posts. I value and fo respect everyones opinion. I will do my best to provide positive input going forward and hope that I can continue to be a part of this great community.
  6. I have had a lot of luck with TK sword and board skeleton warrior blocks of 50. Only 230 points for a good tar pit that has a lot of options for synergy. 50 seems to be the sweet spot for me and I don't ever have to invest in raising them. I have won a lot of games combining this unit with a Necrotect, Tomb King/Prince, and a good magic phase. However you may wanna spend that amount of points elswhere. Whether you wanna tar pit for cheap or have something that requires some finesse to break steadfast unit. I think TK skellies are the best bang for the buck and certainly have the most flexibility.
  7. I know the book was the first one releases for 8th. It was originally designed with 7th in mind and then finished for 8th. This is why when you look through O&G and the TK book you will notice signs of 7th edition design in some but not all of the book. Skaven being designed for 8th is just ludicrous. The worst set of FAQ's and there own stead fast rule are enough proof alone.
  8. With low Initiative, low WS, no rerolls, horrible magic support and poor Ld othey are still low tier. Not to mention the t4 troops are either over costed or lose any real value by having poor stats and access to saves to make their low cost worth it. I still love the army and I think they still have some punch. However they are low tier army and there are instances where a 50% lords game combined with far superior units and better magic support will make it a no contest game. I do think most people want to play a more flavorful game so I hope this doesnt come into play. But to say that this isnt a possibility or that people just dont know how to play the army is just something I can't agree with.
  9. Very true lol. I am just glad that they are putting a lot into fanatsy right now. Even though the growing pains into these new rules and upcoming 9th edition might be slightly painful.
  10. In all fairness O&G has a book that was originally designed for 7th edition. That alone is a handicap. Even worse their options for strong characters does not compare to the newer books in points cost or performance (btw cheap goblin heroes are not an exception) . Now I am not saying they suck or are unplayable. However if you are already a lower tier book and there is a game wide lift in points allowance in an area you are clearly lacking. Then you can't argue that this is a hindrance.
  11. I agree with you 100% Agent P. Even the 40k part. Maelstrom is awesome!
  12. I like what you are saying. This is why I like Hero Zero's idea. It's not game changinging, but it would actually do something.
  13. All of your examples are of tests that occur a lot more often and don't have as many exceptions for immunity (for intance terror only causing fear in fear causing units). There is a fairly large disparity in your comparison. Even if my memory fails me and there were a few I was forgetting. My arguement would still stand.
  14. How is it not believable? 99.9 % pass rate with ld 10 and bsb 99.7 % pass rate with ld 9 and bsb Then add in the fact that you don't see a Terror causing charge in every game and the amount of things that are immune terror. I don't know the exact number of gamea I have played or witenessed but I am sure its well with the 100's range.
  15. That's my point with all the immune to psych, cold blooded, steadfast, skaven rank Ld bonus, stubborn, etc. and Ld 9 to 10. Even if they get out of range of a BSB they are probably immune or have 90% chance of passing. In all of 8th edition I have witnessed 2 failed Terror test. That's hundreds of games. My point is that if anything is out of balance in 8th it's psychology.
  16. That's my point with all the immune to psych, cold blooded, steadfast, skaven rank Ld bonus, stubborn, etc. and Ld 9 to 10. Even if they get out of range of a BSB they are probably immune or have 90% chance of passing. In all of 8th edition I have witnessed 2 failed Terror test. That's hundreds of games. My point is that if anything is out of balance in 8th it's psychology.
  17. Sorry if that came off too rough. I just really miss psychology being more impactful.
  18. Sorry if that came off too rough. I just really miss psychology being more impactful.
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