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Everything posted by splinx

  1. I am delving into a 40k Conversion and want to start making some classic ork stuff and want to start with the Classic Spleen Ripper. Can someone take some close up shots of it for me if anyone has one? I have trawled through google and most of the pictures were on photo bucket and therefore no longer available in HD for some close ups so i can get the conversion as close as possible. Cheers in advance! Sam
  2. Yes i still have thew shield! I may well have to pop down on saturday and give it to you.
  3. Yes please! All of the above! Interested in trade for some rogue trader imperial guard?
  4. I think I had a bag of deemed bits somewhere Tom! Lol maybe they are mine. I will see if I can find them?
  5. Thanks bud! I'll shoot some pictures of it up later! Cheers Sam
  6. I would love the 8th edition empire book please!
  7. Hey guys As many know I don't hang around with my armies and my dread elf army from ofcc is on the chopping block. Lol everything from ofcc plus a new couldron of blood bare plastic and some newer warlocks on horses still new in box. I also have fully painted a block of 20 spearman and a bolt thrower to throw in with the army list. Looking to get $550 for the lot and I will also throw in the 48hr display board as well. Could be interested in a part trade idea as well so anyone interested shoot me a PM! I'll be putting this lot up on eBay in the next couple weeks if no one is interested. cheers sam
  8. I normally get there half hour before opening to check everyone's tables and reserve stuff if need be. Also the food was pretty good last time so grabbed a cup of tea and food!
  9. Andrew i will be going so if you wanted to car pool you are welcome to jump in my truck! I have another buddy coming with me already! :) This was great last year. I remember someone selling sisters off at a super cheap price. :)
  10. Paint job is too much pastel. More grimdark and he will look awesome! ;)
  11. Yep i have a few and want to finish off the army and hoping some folks have 1 or two of them locally before i head to flea bay!
  12. Anything anyone has! Looking for thunderers, grey beards, iron breakers and also clansman (Only need a few more) Have a ton of 40k, and other fantasy to trade so just hit me up! Even if its 1 or 2 models hit me up! Cheers Sam
  13. Matt does make a lot of people fall asleep when he is your opponent. I'm still not sure if it's his awesome personality or the vast quantities of "relaxant" that wafts around when he is near. Lol
  14. Yeah if we can continue doubling up attendees and have 30 folks next year playing it would allow us too have 8ish teams which would be great. I already know of a couple thinking of jumping back into fantasy from infinity and 40k respectively so fingers crossed.
  15. My games were awesome and I want to thank Derk, Andrew, Thiel and Marietta. All of the games were fantastic fun and will live on in memory as great games! Derk - Remind me to pack a bigger bottle of Scotch for next year! Andrew - grrrrrrrrrrrr as always its 1-2 now douche bag. Theil - Your Lord needs to return with a bigger block of knights to revenge the Charge of the light brigade. Marietta - My dark elves want pay back on your Carnosaur for eating our dragon and lord! Fantastic weekend and i will start planning early for next years event and what I'm gonna bring etc. I know i talked to a few folks about it and the idea of team events came up for next year? Would that be something people would be down with? i.e. teams of 3/4?
  16. yeah anything that isn't end of time stuff I'm interested in so the nagash etc wouldn't be in my plans unfortunately dude. zombie dragon is a possibility can etc all sound promising!
  17. Might be interested in making you and offer on some of the undead stuff. ;)
  18. Thanks Ben! Im not entirely happy with it but it will do for the purpose of showing the army nicely. :) I should be down later today at about 4.30ish with the board and my army.
  19. So I managed to get up early this morning and get finishing off the board. Son and tufts added and I think I'm calling it good! Propped up the backdrop for it and I'm happy. See you later gentleman!
  20. lol I got banished to the wash room by the mrs. Apparently me running around with wood glue and sand etc was too much for her! Last update for today is: Tomorrow I will be getting up early to put on tufts and snow and am then gonna say [big bad swear word] it and call it good! See you all tomorrow evening chaps! ;)
  21. 1 hr later and my hand is nearly dead from holding up a hair dryer for so long. I took a break and ended up gluing and then flocking the board with my texture. Not to fully wait for it to dry and then paint it all up!
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