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Everything posted by splinx

  1. Probably only need a squad of 10 really. Depends on what you want for them. LOL
  2. Looking for some Mk3 Marines if anyone has any. Cheers Sam
  3. Finally someone who agrees with me. I honestly thought myself and my wife were the only ones who thought it was a little too childish. I’m all for humour but it was a bit too much and some of it detracted from the lack of depth in the film. If it hadn’t been for Kate Blanchet who I thought was awesome it would of been pretty dire! Totally agree it felt like a half assed comedy with some action in it and not the normal fit. I give it a 4/10 purely based on how well Blanchet did.
  4. Yeah after the initial review I started watching the bad batch but it was so slow with no real direction and bad acting that I gave up after about 40mins in. Not worth watching in my book. Better films in the post apoc genre that have a more gripping storyline.
  5. I have some eldar if you are in the market dude. Shoot me a PM and we can sort something out. sam
  6. It’s such a good deal I’m even tempted! Lol
  7. I can play 5k if that suits you dude. Gives me some extra points to play with!
  8. O dear! You know how bad my time was when i had a big alpha nom nom to fight against last time at OFCC! I can't not charge it with my general! (That is unless i change up my general!) LOL Mwahahahahaha!
  9. Ben I think we are finally due a game on the 7th? ;)
  10. Also a price on the renegade knight box set please! :)
  11. i would love a picture of the squiggoth please.
  12. Interested in the squiggoth and a dakka jet or two!
  13. Yes I have one and it's a plastic hull with resin upgrade parts. Another way is to drill a small hole in somewhere hidden and see if the train smells. A lot of the recaster as use stinky resin and FW use odorless.
  14. The FW avatar still available?
  15. Have 30 high elf metal lothern sea guard and 10metal white lions new in box that I would love to trade for 1 box of plastic high elf spear men and 1 box of plastic white lions. Basically you are getting double the amount of metal. Let me know if you have any other highelf stuff to trade. Cheers sam
  16. I'm am good on Nobz now! Thanks for all the help folks. :) much appreciated.
  17. Hi guys looking to swap / sell 5 metal ork nobz and a boss for 5 plastic nobz. Assault On black reach ones work fine. If selling I'd love to get $15 for the nobz and boss. Cheers sam
  18. lol why do bases matter? It's more to do with the strategy, scotch and beer being drunk than base shape! ;)
  19. I just saw two photos on the ordo FB site. any close ups on the stuff?
  20. Link to Facebook? Cloud sharing site?
  21. Any pictures? Also any trades?
  22. I'm your huckleberry. See you for golf tomorrow.
  23. Thanks for the donation of scenery as prizes Jim! I managed to snag one of your pieces and will be painting it up in the near future so will shoot pics over once its done. Cheers Sam
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