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Everything posted by splinx

  1. Someone who actually is into heraldry as much as me! Lol I’m flabbergasted I missed this at the beginning of this thread! Ish you’re 1000% right! Ben you need to go hang your head in shame! Lol
  2. Yes it is a wooden sword on the lead gobbo! lol they have so much character it’s great!
  3. If nothing else this league has got me back painting gobbos again!
  4. Hi guys was wondering if we are planning to do another barter town event to sell off any unwanted items from Christmas or go down and find a bargain? I had decent success selling stuff at the last event and would love to do the same again with more of my stuff. cheers Sam
  5. Negative but I could be coerced into doing it again if you guys wanna learn weathering pigments and uses? I would need a couple of folks minimum to do the class.
  6. I literally did a weathering pigment class at my free painting class at dice age last week.
  7. @TheBeninatorDoes painting age of Sigmar models equal instant banishment as well?
  8. Ok rules question! Would anyone object to my Cave Goblin king with Cave Gnasher being on a 40x60mm base? It’s the old Skarsnik and Gobbla model and I would love to use it. I believe the official size would be them both on 20mm x 20mm bases.
  9. Pax there is some stuff I’m not gonna use in the pile. Anything in particular you are after?
  10. Want want want for my orcs and gobbos. Did you want anything in return Scott?
  11. You are always welcome benny! We need to organize a time for you to come over and have a game at my place first as that is pretty much the only place I can game at the moment with the little one. !
  12. Hi guys i am after a couple more to complete the collection! im after: lizardmen woodelves chaos warriors Ogre kingdoms monsterous arcanum I have for trade an empire 8th edition codex in superb condition for trade or some cash! cheers Sam
  13. Being 100% honest it was actually Valerian root herbal tea in my wife's potter mug that i stole because my usual warhammer cup was dirty! And yes i do enjoy a classic cup of Earl Grey with milk but no sugar these days. Its the classic and tried and tested method of performance tea brewing? Its not our fault the heathens decided to firstly dump a load of tea into a harbor way back when and also when the F did someone think it was nice to brew it and then add ice? Absolute crock of S**t! LOL
  14. It’s actually my wife’s mug and she is American. I am more of a lord of the rings / hobbit fan. I really do think the picture I took at OFCC is a lot worse of you than a potter mug Benno!
  15. In the morning with better light! 🙂 it’s taken me a while with the new baby! But the weathering and basing has taken a while! These aren’t gonna be my “3 week knock out dark elf army* lol
  16. This has been great! Thank you for the motivation! I just finished off a unit of 30 Black orcs purely through the motivation caused by all of this going on! Now onto another block of 50 Night Goblins! Lol
  17. Yeah i think the decision to include a big ol daemon would open the flood gates though for folks to bring the twin cannons, and then all control is gone on keeping it friendly and chilled to help people learn the game at a smaller points level. I for one welcome the opportunity to mess around with core troops and “lesser” generals for a more thematic fluff driven campaign to help more people get into the hobby for sure. 🙂
  18. All three of the legions of nagash starter box sets are what I have along with a couple extra boxes of skeletons. So: start collecting malignants start collecting flesh eater courts start collecting skeleton horde. X2 of skeleton box. hope that helps!
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