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Everything posted by Threejacks

  1. Seeing as how 40k has Str and Tough stats I dont see AoS ever adding those in,its simply not needed. There isint much need for an additional points layer either,,wounds or even warscrolls can work in those cases.Look at Path to Glory,,its all just warscroll balancing,no points needed. As for the rules,the next GH will probably deal with some of the more out of wack mechanics like shooting into combat and ability stacking but in both cases those will probably be mild tweaks.Unit point values will likely be adjusted first before rules are,,as it should be.
  2. Narrative "Power Level" escallation league!
  3. So happy right now that I didn't sell off my Eldar!
  4. I like the "Power level" mechanic,though in their description they are implying that its more for casual/narrative use.This means there still must be a more involved points system for competative.
  5. I played alot of AoS pre-GH we usually used the fan project scrollbuilder.com,,and now I hear that person is being contacted to work with GW on projects,,possibly has worked on the 40k point system even. I also played alot of non points AoS,,we usually just matched wounds or even just based armies on a warscroll limit,,no more than 1 monster,3 heros,,stuff like that.Yes it can get rather wonky but for the most part everyone usually was pretty casual about it and never really threw down stupid stuff as its no fun to steamroll or be steamrolled.Overall games were pretty balanced even without points,,but no one was trying to break it here locally so theres that,heh.
  6. Humm points prediction based on 2000 point armies- LR-base 400 Leman Russ 280 base w/battle cannon IG 10 man squad base price 80 pts IK 500 WK assuming it still has invuln 580 SM captain-160 base price Ork Warboss-120 base price Of course,just distance 40k further from AoS they will probably use points basing on a 10k point army or something,lol
  7. Happy to see all the talk about Land Raiders being viable now,,I have one on sprue and one 1/2 painted,still havent decided if im going to build them for SW,Deathwatch or Ironhands.
  8. Was about to comment on that as the profile showed double shots,yet they apparently didnt show the special rule about the 1/2 range part,heh
  9. You will want to get with Derek,hes the one near you in the couve:) NIce to see you are getting into the new Duardin Warlords!
  10. Yes,the new Khorne book is pretty strong!
  11. Leading my Rough Riders into battle... Need to unbase my Knight though,but since hes not fully finished yet,shouldnt be too hard,heh
  12. We also have some small localish tourneys comming up too,,im running the one on June 11th at Borderlands in Salem,pm me if you want particulars on it:)
  13. Yeah,,you will still have "Kill Bubbles" to deal with Also,,I really ,REALLY want this rule in AoS! " there is a rule in the Shooting phase that means you can’t target a Character unless they are the closest enemy model."
  14. AoS has less shooting?? Umm..my Bonesplitterz unit of 40 Arrer boyz can pump out 240 shots per turn with the battalion ability,,now that of course would be 6 shots from 40 models but still.And thats just 20% of my points in a 2k army.In my example here these guys are my only shooting in this particular build but others have builds with 2 units of 40,,a double Kunning Rukk build.Yeah..thats potentially 480 dice rolls in shooting alone and you can bet there is some splitting going on.Dice rolling apps are your friend for this stuff:) A much more common use of split fire in AoS is with the monsters or units that have different shooting weapons..though in cases of my Bonesplitterz I will be needing to split up shots regularly as it is my only shooting,,I use plastic celophane divider strips to place between blocks of models for this purpose.
  15. Yeah,thats twice a month with the next one being on 5/18,,I think im going to try to make that one for either SWA or AoS.
  16. TSM and Physical attacks FTW!
  17. Its likely guns,,and actually,if its like it is in AoS,,a unit of say 20 archers with longbows can even split up those bows amongst 20 targets if they wanted to. Also you can be sure that the different weapons on vehicles can target different stuff. One thing to keep in mind about this "universal split fire" thing...not saying 40k will do this but you can probably count on it,,,you have to choose all the units targets before you start rolling dice,,may seem a simple rule and all but it can end up screwing you if the rolls dont go your way.So target priority is still huge in the game,,if not more than it was before due to the added random factors in weapon damage.
  18. Thats about on par with how many Gobbos it would take,,well total over several turns I would imagine.I and others explained this to haters many times...
  19. Yeah,you place counters then roll for table edge:)
  20. With all the crap I had to take as an early AoS fan about how a Goblin can hurt Nagash,I feel I have earned the right to complain about how,in the new 40k a Lasgun can hurt a Landraider. However,,since im loving the changes coming to 40k,I will forgo my complaints
  21. I believe what they are alluding to with Pistols being able to shoot in cc was that if the unit(with the pistols) is in CC ,they can still shoot them in the shooting phase..setting pistols apart from all the other shooting weapons. They have revealed the phases most likely in the order they are played in the game,,thus move,shoot,charge,cc,then whatever they are going to call the Battleshock phase.Also I dont think there has been mention of a "Hero" phase as yet,,possibly the "Command phase" or something like that..or that phase wont be needed for 40k.
  22. I believe Geeks and Games has Sundays for AOS,,they are in Oregon City,as well as Glimpses in Sherwood has AoS on Sundays. I was running Firday evenings at GG early last year and the year before,,,im thinking after OFCC I may try and start that up again which would be in August:)
  23. Looks like a solid buff to the Ork Nauts,,though ive sold both of mine(along with most of my Ork army) last year.I may be regretting that if the transport rules pan out to allow assaults out of vehicles.Oh well,,if so ill just have to buy more!,,I didnt really like my paintjobs anyway,heh Wondering if they will use a similar formula to the new transport rules that came into AoS with the recent Khadron Warlords release.That works so that units can load up in their movement phase as long as the entire unit can make it to within a certain range of the vehicle(6" i think),,and it doesnt say they cant run to do this.Then,once loaded they pretty much dissapear from the board,cant do anything,and arent affected by any powers or abilities.Interesting part is that to dismount,,you do that in your hero phase which is the first phase of the players turn. Im assuming 40 will have allowance to shoot out of transports and perhaps unit specific rules to allow dismounting at the end of the movement phase,thus being able to charge after.
  24. My oldest boy ,16 was playing alot more last year but its getting hard to keep him in a game since the first of this year..we all have computers and are avid gamers on those as well,so that doesnt help,lol. I believe there are some parent/kid players up at Geeks and Games in OC,,maybe ask on their fb page?
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