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Everything posted by Threejacks

  1. You will see that the Terrain Dataslates DO have obscuring rules,,mainly for larger models including vehicles.Even then its the 50% or more rule or along those lines.
  2. I'm interested in trying one of the Virtual table tops.I assume you are talking about trying d20?...i know the other big one is Fantasy Grounds but I think the server host costs money for that one.
  3. Overwatch follows all the normal rules of shooting except that you always need a 6(unless otherwise noted on the shooters dataslate).So out of range is out of range. I see you noted flamers:)
  4. On the topic of Power levels,im noticing at least for the Space Wolves that adding a WG pack leader(non terminator armor) using matched play points doesnt cost anymore,,yet in the power level system it does add one.Seems a bit odd...
  5. I think it will also be revealed,once the game starts getting a wide assortment of play,,that huge pointed models are the most inefficient units.A list with one or two big boys can certainly be strong but for the most part it will be the 5-10 model elite and 10-40 model hordes that win games.
  6. I sure hope you are right:) Most AoS events have very little if any comp so far,,and with the GH2 looming those few items will likely go away.But AoS has been pretty much an open beta of the new rulesets so if AoS is any indication,then yes Comp may finally be dead for both games. With that,,i would very much be interested in an event that uses a set power level using some of the new Battlezone rules and perhaps sideboards of say,25% of the total power levels represented.Power levels seem very fun and casual oriented,,I wish AoS would have done that to start with,,would have really helped things out in those early days. I would even venture to say the power level play may end up being a rather popular way to play nu40k
  7. "The following movement phase" can also be a movement phase that takes place in your hero phase due to a special ability that allows a unit to move "as if it were their movement phase" Depends on what the wording of the abilty that is allowing the movement to take place in the Hero phase. For formations,the units within it must either start on the board or be set up in another "status" that is allowed within the formation rules,,such as "in the clouds" for some units or "circling above" in the case of Seraphon Ripperdactyls for example. Summoned units dont exists in any army until they are summoned.
  8. Fair enough:) I could probably get the other half of the army painted to the 3 color min but I really dont groove on rush painting and skipping lots of details so ill pass on this and stick to the AoS stuff like I should I should be able to get a full painted build ready by fall,hopefully for a local event before the end of the year.
  9. They do imply that,yes..I wouldnt get too into building an army based on this though as im sure many will be wondering about cross alliance summoning once players start playing the game.Ive mentioned that in AoS its allowed within the Grand Alliances,not across GA`s,though I dont know of any unit/hero that shares two GA keywords like in the case of cypher,,in this case they may not intend for an Imperial army to be able to summon demons.. I guess anything is possible.It could be one of the things that got missed. I think also that summoning lists will be scarce,much like they are in AoS,,as a general rule its almost always better to start the units on the table getting use of the models from the start.There are a few Nagash builds that work as well as a few Demon lists,but those usually only bring in a chaffing unit here and there.
  10. Read the summoning spell,,most say that they are placed within a certain distance from the caster and no closer than 9 to an enemy model,,then usually states that "this counts as their move for this turn" so they wouldnt be eligible to move using the ability,,though like I say there may be exceptions on certain warscrolls.
  11. OK,,thanks for the reference,,ive only been looking at the Adeptus stuff,heh Yeah,,I see you are refering to the Demonic Ritual section in Chaos Demons.The issue I see with this is that Cypher doesnt have the <Legion> tag in his keyword so thus cant be assigned one of the 4 Legions to follow,,and the ritual states that the character must have allegiance to one in order to perform the ritual. Other than that,yeah,,having Cypher and some Fallen in an Imp army seems fine,,if you are into such Heresy of course lol
  12. Are you getting this dataslate from the FW publications?..cant seem to find it in the Indexes... Also,if it states that the summon power can be used by any Chaos,they are probably refering to Chaos armies not just a dataslate with a keyword.Usually the dataslate should state "chaos army' or "chaos Hero/character" to be more clear. Its probably another one that needs to be faq`d though,,which they have been pretty fast on doing lately.
  13. Yeah,,pods are really spendy 105 pts with a Storm Bolter. Dropping anywere without scatter is nice but still need at least a 9" charge to make contact,certainly not something to count on and with having terrain take 2" off that range at times its even more dismal.Also with Pods,the troops must disembark on the turn they drop leaving them exposed,,were is conventional transport can get in the opponents face and stay in the box right up until charge time.Even if the transport pops its still just loosing 1 in 6 models on average. I wouldnt be surprised if,in the future we see a faction specific detatchment that allows some more favorable use of drop pods as a special ability. As far as Transports go,,the flying ones seem to be the most versatile.With the speed of most of them they can be right up in the opponents face turn one,then popout turn 2 ready to charge.Cost is pretty high though,base price for the Stormwolf is 279.Rhinos are base 72 points now I think.
  14. If both Cypher and Fallen have the Imperium Keyword than you should be battleforged...and any abilities the units have will work just fine even if it involves bringing in units that dont have the Imperium Keyword...of course you have to set aside the points cost of the summoned unit though. For now,with these detatchments we have,its really a very 'rough draft" for army building so pretty much any Imps can mix and match.That will be less common in the future as more codex updates are released containing more specific army detatchments with abilities are released im sure.
  15. So do we need full painted for this?...I mean it is a short notice tourney for a (radically) new edtion and all.. Im pretty sure I wont be able to get my SW build full painted in time with all the AoS stuff I need to do,heh. ..
  16. Yup..former builds are rendered not possible now.Im sure there will be some faction specific detatchements released as the work through new codexs in the coming years. They have stated that vehicles are more expensive now and working on my first build for this ruleset,I can see I need to adjust for my Wolves..sheese,Rhinos are pretty much double the cost now.
  17. Yeah,,so even though its an auto pass summons on your end,,you still have to roll if it can be unbound.
  18. We usually had that available as my oldest boy(16 now) was playing then,,,hopefully I can get him into coming for more games this time as well:) I will be looking at their schedual and going for the least populated Friday evenings.
  19. As a rule a model should be use the same base size as it came with originally,,as in the proper square rectangle or oval round.Since we have gone to base to base measurement this is the competative standard used. Death has some good builds for sure and just base Skellies can have some great staying power on the table. Look for the once a month Fri evening sessions to start up again after OFCC:)
  20. Its just SM scouts..actually I think that may already be out there too as I rem the thing about camo cloaks from a while back. Im just anxious to get my Wolves on the table again so I wanted to see if any more has been leaked about them. With that,I will be heading down to pick up Logan in an hour or so:) I know,,im such a forum slut
  21. Thnx for the reminder:) There is a link out at Dakka that pretty much has everything in the index`s and rulebook in it now. Checking out the SM now ,,Scouts are sure looking good! Shotgun is str 5 at 6" range and camo cloaks give +2 to cover bonus instead of +1.They are bit more expensive than tacticles though,,well the PL was one more.
  22. Seen another rules leak that im not sure if its been brought up yet,,but null deployement in matched play is gone.One of the special rules for matched play is that at least half of each players army must be set up on the board at game start.Further,any reserved units that have not come into play by the end of turn 3 are considered destroyed. Seems a bit harsh for pod armies..unless theres some army special rules that overide that.
  23. Just followed a live stream on the 40k Facebook page..Orks vs Tau,,looked like what would have been a 1500-1850 sized game. Tau had a decent mix,Single RT,Ghost Kheel,large unit of 6 crisis suits ,couple of Broadsides and 3 units of FW. Orks had a large unit of Nob Bikers(6),Biker Painboy and Boss,,BW loaded with 20 sluggas,3 loaded trucks with sluggas and a unit of 20 boys on foot. Orks absolutely WRECKED the Tau...I know shooting is still looking strong to many,but as we have seen in AoS,,a straight up shooting army still needs to have some melee capability and I can see right now that Tau is one of those armies that is going to be put through some major build changes with nu40k.To start with Tau is going to need to be recruiting Kroot. This also got me thinking about sideboards again.Many events in AoS allow them though it seems very few people use them. as yet. In 40k Im thinking they may be much more useful,,time will tell of course.
  24. Heh,,thats left nut material there...
  25. Great to see ya back Jeff:) Right now its probably best to post here or on the Oregon and SW Washington AoS Facebook page to set up or see what sessions are coming up.We have a 2k tournament a week from this Sunday at Borderlands in Salem.Also I believe that Glimpses in Sherwood is running games on Sundays. Im planning to start the monthly AoS sessions at Guardian after OFCC,,probably do Fri evenings again..that is if the sips not too booked up,heh.
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