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Everything posted by Threejacks

  1. Got a first and second game in with Steel Angel,both plying our scout builds.Wasnt sure if I was going to like it or not after reading the rules but im warming to it now. Im not going to be approaching the league from a competative angle though and will be using this to learn the system as ive never done any skirmish type games before.So I likely wont post backround or any stuff like that,one reason being Im modeling Ironhand SM`s and they never took part in anything on Armageddon and the other reason is Im a terrible writer. Anyhow,Im out of action till probably the last few days of the second league two week cycle,however I will make myself available if I can for game requests,,looks like my next game will need to be at WoW:)
  2. Yeah but if he does himself AND a unit of Broadsides its just more epic!
  3. Nice to see him again,,but no Demo charge is pretty lame,,that was by far the funnest part of using him. Perhaps his next edition profile will properly equip him:)
  4. Yes,high wound models in groups of 5 or so can take a beating with the Bravery system,,Oggors are a good example of that in AoS.However im sure all armies will have sources of enhancing Bravery and perhaps a generic ability for each armies General that would allow them to make one unit immune to battleshock each turn as per AoS. Overall horde armies got a huge boost in AoS with this Bravery system,,sure a block of 20 or so Orruks take 6 casualties,,then another 5 run away,,still far better than the entire unit running off the board.Im expeciting Orks to see a big boost from this system,,im itchin to see how a Green TIdes rules are affected now. Oh and also,,when those guys run off the board,,you get to choose which ones run,,so yeah pull your unit out of combat range if you like...can be a bit of a boon if your turn in next,ala recharge for a fresh set of bonuses and such:)
  5. Warhammer 40,000 wrote:There is a standard 1" range of weapons, but with the 3" pile in before you attack, just about every model should be able to fight. That second part is not really all the accurate when dealing with hordes or units of 20+ models.Getting only about 10 or so models into combat is more the norm on the first turn of contact,,this becomes much less if we are talking 32mm bases or Cav/Bike bases,,those are lucky to get 5 into striking range when that range is 1". Also some things about pile-in..yes you have to pile-in toward the closest enemy unit(judged when you start the move),,however you have the full 3" to move in that,and the only requirement is that you end the pile-in move closer to that target model then when you started the move..so wheeling around works,,going around models in front works,,even flying over models if the unit can fly works.The whole key here is that when you charge in,DONT get into base contact with your front line,,just get at least one model to within the 1" requirement to validate the charge move,this gives lots of options for pile-in.And be sure and choose your unit activations wisely as a crafty opponent may just choose to close your 1" gap on you and take away the ability to wheel your front line models around as above if you set yourself up for a pile-in off a charge then go and choose another unit to activate first. All sorts of movement based tactics in this kind of system,,many times it may be very straight forward,other times with multicombats it can get very interesting:)
  6. This is my favorite part of the AoS ruleset and I'm stoked to see it ported to 40k.You all are gonna love this part!
  7. Ill probably be there 5:00-5:30 or so,,if you havent gotten a game yet,ill throw down with ya:)
  8. Yeah,,if it states that you can "move as if its your movement phase" then yes,retreating is fine for that,,however running may remove the ability to shoot or charge again later in the turn unless the ability specifically says otherswise(as some do).
  9. I plan to make it for SWA,,got the rulebook but this would be my first game. Noob LFG, Shadow Wars:)
  10. Yeah,and they seem to be implying that everyone can overwatch now...great way to balance that out:) Tau shouldnt worry though,,they could very well get an ability that lets them overwatch on a 5+ or reroll 1s on overwatch.Wouldnt be surprised. Now if the 40k set removes casualties like the AoS set,,then this should be just fine because that means the controlling player can take casualties from anywere in the unit,rather than just the closest to the source of damage dealt.
  11. The first one that comes to mind is the Skinks,,that they can retreat from combat even if its not their combat phase. The Battalion I was thinking of above is in the Bonesplitterz,,the Kunnin Rukk,however that one states the the unit must be at least 3" from an enemy unit.However there are other Battalion abilites,,for example,"March of the Dead" for the Deathrattle(in the Grand Alliance Death book) allows the Wight king and all Leagion of Death units within 9" of him to make a move of up to 4" in the Hero phase but cant run with this move. I know ive seen other examples amongst all Grand Alliances,,the main thing im getting at here is that as long as a unit can get some sort of free move in any phase,they can use it to retreat unless its specified that they cant,And yes you can even run and retreat. Im pretty sure ive seen a warscroll,,possibly a Battalion that allows one unit to retreat and charge in the same turn,,think it was a Mortal Chaos Cavalry Battalion or something.
  12. Ill be going Tuesday evening as well:)
  13. Likely that Charging has its own phase and is done after shooting. Also Pistols could still be counted as an additional CC weapon,just wont give an extra attack and more likely allowing hit rolls of 1 to be rerolled,,this is a common benifit of dual wileding in AoS.There are rare instances of dual weapons giving rerolls to hit as well. We also know now that "In combat" is defined as within 1" of each other instead of 3" like AoS,,probably changed due to the more shooty nature of 40k.Im still anticipating the GH2 to have some sort of nerf to shooting into and out of combat as well.
  14. One thing to note about the cover save mechanic,in AoS you can only improve your save if the unit has a save to improve,,and you can bet that there will be some very "soft" units that dont have saves.Though I believe there is at least one unit(in aos) that has no save yet does have a mortal/unsaved wound save,so theres that too.
  15. Shooting! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/04/30/new-40k-shooting-phase-apr30gw-homepage-post-4/
  16. Indeed,,as Arcane Bolt in AoS has the same range but can target anything within that range,,though cant boost to d6 either.Assuming there will be casters in 40k that will only have non damage spells available,this will come in handy to fill in when needed,,though your opponent could also tank it by putting a high wound model in close. Im wondering if there will be a 40k version of Mystic shield,the 2nd universal spell in AoS,,gives +1 to a units save.
  17. As per AoS,,,since 40k is now pretty much the same...Mortal wound dealing units/models are balanced by either high point cost,weak defences and many times short range or melee range is needed. I suspect that the more elite armies will be the most vulnrable to mortal spam,just like it is in fantasy. Kinda stunned that it looks now like both AoS and 40k will indeed be using pretty much the same ruleset,,,anyhow for those interested on what kind of possible unit rules may be coming for 40k,you can always dl the AoS app on a mobile device or just head over to the GW web store page and click on any AoS model ,then the rules dl,,all are listed there and can give you some idea as to what kind of abilities and spells AoS has and you can imagine what you may see as a 40k version. Feeling pretty good now that ive been playing the new 40k for the last two years:) ..of course I still suck at lol
  18. Good to see AoS movement is being used,,works very well and is usually the fastest phase to work through in the game,,even when playing horde armies:) Couple of examples of how the retreat mechanic is manipulated in AoS- Battalion ability--choose a unit within x ",that unit can move in your hero phase,this move does not in any way affect the units ability to move/run and charge later in your turn.This one is used multiple times in various armies.So,,retreat then charge again..especially great for Cav or units that get a HoW ability/bonus of some sort. Seraphon skinks have a special ability that allows them to retreat from combat in ANY combat phase friend or foe..Very handy and recently allowed me to squeak out a win against an opponent that was wiping my army off the board most of the game.(retreated on to a nearby objective) One thing that is different here,,in AoS we have the initiative roll each Battleround and a retreat when you might get to steal initiative can be huge.Without the intiative roll,retreats will be much more controlled and less risky.
  19. Trying to like this more than once but even the new forums wont let me.. Totally with Scott on this,,im sure other games like Infinity have deep rewarding gameplay(and have probably the best metal models of any minaitures game) but I have a hard enough time dealing with finity! so cant even fathom getting back into deep and complex rulesets like I used to years ago(like 25) when complex games were all the rave. As for bringing more players to AoS,,,not sure about that as it seems to me that 40k players that dont like the changes will just leave GW for good,knowing that both games have a very similar(if not identical) ruleset now.For those that like the changes,,perhaps some may also take the dive and purchase an AoS army so they can engage in some gameplay from the fantasy angle.Overall though,I dont see much change and besides,AoS even here locally is in a pretty good place.We have a great FB page and an active roster of upcomming events with a few new people joining in on the game every month or two:)
  20. I sure hope they dont remove them,and I find it hard to believe that they will for several reasons.One being turreted vehicles vs assualt guns.In AoS there really is not any vehicles to compare to either of these types so no facing rules are really ever needed.The Ironweld Arsenal Steamtank is the closest they come yet even if it did have armor values and facings,it wouldnt make much difference as it would likely have the same value all around. I honestly cant envision how 40k would be itself and set apart from AoS without having things like vehicle facings as a part of the game,especially when taking into account the super heavy vehicles and walkers,,many of those are clearly more vulnrable in the rear facing.I think it would be a huge "dumbing down" of the game if they removed vehicle facings,,and they said they werent going to do that.
  21. I have the rulebook but cant say for sure if I can make it tomorrow night.
  22. After getting more info on his list and opponents it appears he was taking full advantage of Lord Kroaks damage bubble spells with the doubled range from the Balewind.And against Chaos those spells pretty much do double damage,,so against his 3 chaos opponents he was doing around massive mortal wounds to chaos armies with near full board coverage.This coupled with the vast number of players in the English meta not really knowing much at all about Seraphon. Also he only lost Kroak once as he had an Eternity warden to tank early game wounds for him,,then made extensive use of Kroaks easy to cast spell that gives him a single die choice/change once per Battleround,allowing him to manipulate what would likely be a killing Battleshock/wound test to Kroak. This is impressive gameplay,,this guy broke out of the meta at a major event and ended up top Order list,granted he ended up facing armies that would suffer the most from his build but did end up loosing to one of those Chaos lists.
  23. Yes,,facinigs as you new them before...its still quite possible that they exist in a different way.Such as instead of having the old set armor values,,now each dataslate could very well have a rule that incoming hits on the front or side facing are saved at +1 to the base save,,or possibly reroll failed saves of 1,,or perhaps even add +1(or more) to the units toughness during wound resolution..or even reduce the amount of incoming damage by 1,d3 or even d6( to a minimum of 1 of course)...there is alot more they can do with these stat lines,,it has been a treat in AoS to see all the different things they have been coming up with modifications to just a basic stat line. Not saying they will do this,but I wouldnt be surprised if facing for vehicles is taken into account in some way shape or form:)
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