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Everything posted by white_devil

  1. I still use the CS book on occasion. I like a sorceror with the balestar of mannon. Grants divination powers and a reroll of psychic tests. No other way with chaos to get an div IC that can join non daemon squads. Having a mix of divination/telepathy/daemonology is also fun with a chaos knight. Seriously, why are chaos players not taking these yet? Also, taking a chaos knight as part of a csm or csm supplement army is the only way to access IA13 relics for it.
  2. I wish we had more ITC style events up North in Bellingham. I'd run them myself if there was enough interest for 40k tournaments in general.
  3. I should add to the OP I am also looking for any small blast templates people are willing to part with.
  4. Thanks man. The project is Chaos Renegades for LVO. I plan on having them done by the end of the month. I'll be looking for as much playtesting as I can get after that.
  5. Have bits and figs from: SM, eldar, dark eldar, daemons, gk, chaos, etc. Cash wise I'll pay $1-$2 a die or 1 blast. I need roughly 15 scatter dice. *Edited items needed*
  6. Have bits and figs from: SM, eldar, dark eldar, gk, chaos, daemons, etc. Cash wise I'll pay $1-$2 a die or 10 bases. I need roughly 15 scatter dice.
  7. While I respect your opinion sir, I'm glad your in the minority. With more and more events going ITC or similar (many large ones also) I feel this is an overall good thing. The game of 40k is broken for any organized play. Albiet flawed, ITC is overall a great thing for the hobby imo. I'll link a well thought out post from Reece in the dakka thread, addressed to a disgruntled Tau player: ___________________________________________ I understand your frustration, Orock, truly. I understand why you can feel like this is unfair, or what have you. And yes, you are correct. We DID word the question to indicate how players want to play the rule, not what they think it actually says. What is clearly RAW to you is not so clear to other players. When I first read the rule, RAW was clearly the conservative reading. I actually laughed the first time someone suggested they shared every rule of every model contributing to the coordinated firepower attack because it seemed so far fetched to me. You can go back and watch my reaction, it was live on air. But, a lot of other people read it the other way and I was forced to acknowledge that hey, my reading of the rule was not necessarily the right reading of the rule. I asked 4 of my friends, whom I consider to be 40k experts, what they thought the rule said, they each gave me a different answer! Lol, it is about as clear as mud. So, the only conclusion I could draw was that we had to simply let everyone choose how they wanted to play it. We presented the questions in a way to allow for a wide range of possible outcomes, from most powerful to least and everything in between, and the result we got was the will of the ITC community. I am very sorry to hear you disagree with it. Seriously. I know how frustrating that can be. I have had to change several of my own armies as a result of that occurrence. But, the alternative is chaos, where every tournament has a different format and different rules. Compromise is the nature of the beast when it comes to a standardized format. We all have to concede on certain points. It is still very, very powerful. And, you have a plethora of new tools with Mont'Ka. Tau can still absolutely compete. And do other factions have weird, or powerful rules? Yes, they do. We do out best to try and provide a fun, level playing field for the 40k community to come together and play this game without arguing for an hour about 20 different rules interpretations every game. The ONLY way to do that, is to make tough calls on contentious issues. When that happens, some folks agree, some don't. Some folks are happy, some are pissed, as you are now. The wheel will turn around your way though, bear that in mind. The nerf to the 2+ reroll save arguably benefits Tau the most. Tau also got units of Stormsruges. Tau also got all of their experimental Suits. You've gotten a LOT from the ITC as a Tau player, try to remember that and not just focus on what you feel has been taken away from you. Anyway, again, sorry you are mad. We hate it when that happens, but that is simply the nature of the game. Hopefully when you have had a chance to cool down you will realize you can still have a great time playing your army. ____________________________________
  8. Results are in. https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2015/11/29/3rd-quarter-mid-season-itc-update-poll-results/
  9. Results are in. https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2015/11/29/3rd-quarter-mid-season-itc-update-poll-results/
  10. https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2015/11/24/black-friday-sale-itc-vote/
  11. https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2015/11/24/black-friday-sale-itc-vote/
  12. Amazon does free returns usually. Depending on how much brad is selling for, might be worth it. I leave it up to the professional.
  13. We have some talented guys around here so I thought I'd put this out there. I'm looking for someone to build/paint me a building that can count as a Void Shield Generator. With the new kid and overtime at work I just don't have the time. I'm pretty flexible as to the design. It can be some kind of tower or bunker with something that looks like it could project a shield (tesla coil, radar dish, chrystal, w/e). The only other requirements is that it have at least one set of battlements to stand a squad on and that it look evil enough for chaos to use it. I don't care if its made out of plastic, mdf, foam, plasticard, gw terrain, etc. As long as it looks decent. I am willing to pay or trade for the commission. We can discuss particulars later. Anyone interested?
  14. Dang. All the empire guys AND all the undead were gone already. Too slow I guess. Whomever grabbed em all, hit me up if you don't need the whole lot please? I'm actively building an army for LVO 2016 and plan to beat out the other 300 ppl there for Warhamster Glory! Haha
  15. Same. My calender through next October is set. But then you add in training, OT, and watching my 4 month old... Haha I'm on days until mid Nov. Pm'ed you when I can play.
  16. I'd be interested in anything that can be used for cultists. Thanks Don, I'll swing by. Also, let me know if you want to get a 40k game in sometime. I also have a pretty busy schedule, but I'm sure we can make something work.
  17. EDIT: I have overtime. Let me know if you have any other days. Thanks for bearing with me.
  18. Cool. Ill check my schedule and get back to ya.
  19. Gotcha. Can you have more than 1 opponent? Boardgames for example are much more fun that way.
  20. I second (or third) widening the game list. While I can think of other games I'm decent at, some of what's listed above I have never played anything in the whole category. For example I've played none of the long boardgames listed above. But I'm quite good at Axis and Allies, Risk, or Talisman. Miniatures tho... Watch out son! ;-)
  21. These questions were voted on because they were the most asked questions submitted to them via their new "ask for a ruling" thing. Also, FW is necessary for some armies to compete and should be allowed on a limited basis.
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