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Posts posted by TheBeninator

  1. Good to hear!

    What does S&S mean relative to list building?

    Know anything about the 2nd Ed -> 3rd Ed conversion from a materials perspective? Will we need to buy new cards, new counters, new app, or is it too soon to tell?

    I heard they took out the jokers, or at least tamed them down, is this heresy true?

  2. Deep Rock Galactic 4/5

    You and three dwarf friends drill deep into an alien planet in search for exotic metals and stones in a futuristic setting. The game plays a lot like vermentide, with 4 unique classes which synergize very well with each other. The maps are proceduraly generated (therefore they are always random). The enemies are bug like creatures that crawl all over cavern walls. The entire environment is destructible and the game gets progressively harder as you level up. Awesome environmental effects such as earthquakes causing massive fissures to open under your feet. A match takes about 20 minutes or so to complete the objective and get out.

    Its pretty cheap, maybe $15, still in Alpha, but we have only experienced 1 glitch (for some reason you cannot map any keys to "p", no clue why). The graphics are simple and cartoonish, but still look great, the code appears to be pretty optimized so your old machine can probably handle it.

    Bonus: it has THE BEST ready room I have ever seen in any game, by a long shot.

    Downsides: The range of upgrades seems fairly limited, but that is likely due to the game development still in alpha. Most missions are a "resource collection and get out" which becomes a bit repetitive, thought with the changing environments, it always feels a bit like a whole new experience every round you play.

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  3. 22 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    As an aside. I have given serious thought to painting an entire 40k army to "look" like it's plastic grey, with some metal bits, and exposed green stuff - all just painted on. It would be a lot of work, the final result wouldn't be appeciated by others, I don't think, so it doesn't seem worth the effort. If I didn't have so many other model projects...

    It's easier than you might think. Just thin your paints down to 0% pigment and apply layers to taste.

  4. Post event wrap-up.

    After CoD Blackops 3 (of which we only played Blackout, which is their Battle Royal variant), we went through a bunch of games fairly quickly. The highlight game was "Golf it" which is a fairly simply made golfing game that has somewhat dubious physics and very plain controls. However, with sleep deprivation, mics, and friends, it actually turned out to be one of the best parts of the whole event, causing side pains from the laughter. It just goes to show that quality of games is far less important than the company with which you play them.

    The streamer, Rick, made it all 24 hours! Interestingly enough, the original plan of 5AM to 5AM would have been a 25 hour event, due to Daylight Savings, but we caught that little detail about half way through the day.

    I unfortunately tapped our 3 hours early, it appears that no matter how much espresso you drink, there is a limit to how long you can stay awake after only getting a few hours of sleep prior.

    Total funds raised was $270 that will go to charities for children! About $120 of this money was pre-event commitments from friends/family, whereas the next $150 came from donations during the stream!

    A big thanks to these secret donors. Donating anonymously is such a selfless act, it really is great to see this.

    This event was a pretty positive experience. I think next year we need a better set of goals, and a pre-defined lineup of games with a time schedule, to make the event easier to share with folks who may want to drop in and check out a specific game.

    This event also got me thinking of trying to bridge out to having a painting marathon for charity. Painting offers a beginning to end sense of accomplishment, and an easy to meter goal where each model painted earns donations at a set rate, much like a marathon runner earns a nickel for every mile they run. 

    If anyone reads this and feels inspired to join in the gaming (or possibly painting) next year, send me a PM, or share your thoughts on this thread. Until next year, I will bit you adieu.

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