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Posts posted by TheBeninator

  1. The only way to attack in 5 ranks is if you are in horde formation (8 wide)

    2 ranks is standard

    +1 rank for Spears

    +1 rank for Serpent

    +1 rank for Horde formation


    Remember that Horde is a huge gamble now as you lose all your rank bonus. You can still be steadfast, but you are giving up between 0-3 CR.

    With Saurian spearmen this is less of a gamble

    If you manage to buff them this is absolutely carnage.

  2. Hey guys,

    I have a co-worker who wants to get into miniatures and has chosen Infinity as what jazzes him the most!

    I wanted him to come out to OFCC to get hyped about wargaming in general (as an observer), and figured id ask if there might be space for him to play a demo game. We are splitting a red veil starter pack, so i'm not sure how much of a normal game that gets you, but he probably wont have more than 1 game under his belt by the time OFCC rolls around.

    Anyone going to be hanging out with the capacity to show him a good time?

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  3. We are down to the home stretch, just over 3 weeks away for OFCC!

    Much like @Andrewgeddon, I am also trying to complete some last minute painting projects should we need the extra player. The majority of my army is ready, with some movement tray basing still required. The last missing piece is my wizard and two skink standards for my skink death stars (har har).

    Still plenty of work to be done! What are you working on?


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  4. @Frowbakk

    Sweet, put me down tentatively. If you find someone else who needs a room, take them! I want to try and make myself as available as possible for the T9A folks who might need to save some bucks. 


    49 minutes ago, Andrewgeddon said:

    I think some people from California are planning on coming up for 9th Age, if you're a member of the NorCal 9th Age group on Facebook you might want to put out some feelers there.

    Putting out feelers for roomates? Sounds kinky. Ill take you up on that suggestion 😂

  5. From the discussions regarding US Maters I have seen on the T9A forums, there appeared to be a lot of interest of making the "masters" part a sub event of the overall event. By this I mean, the comp players get to play in the comp player battle, and the rest of us get to do our thing. Why the masters tag? I think this is a nostalgic link to the past that should be cherished.

    Having met most of our T9A players, I feel I can safely say that most of us dont have the time/energy/money to pursue US masters. Therefore even if OFCC became a qualifying event, it would not change our mindsets. We all play this game and look forward to OFCC for different reasons. We let Swiss matchmaking put the serious gamers up against the serious gamers, and the casuals against the casuals.

    I'd love to have a person I could root for to represent Oregon/Washington, and stick it to those other 48 states. The question is, which one of you would choose to rise to the challenge?

    Rant aside, sportsmanship award as the nominee is pretty dang clever.

  6. On 7/9/2018 at 8:22 PM, Yarbicus said:

    Speaking of Star Wars:



    As a heist movie: 8/10 (enjoyable and energetic)

    As a Ron Howard movie 10/10 (seriously, the most Ron Howard feeling movie I have ever seen)

    As a Star Wars movie 5/10 (every SW element felt forced)

    I see what you did there...

    • Haha 1
  7. Overall I like the list, to answer your questions:

    1) Overall its both shooty and fighy, not amazing at either. You lack significant swiftstride threat to secure board positioning. You do have the ace in the hole war-cry, which from what I understand is kinda like having swiftstride.

    2) I would get the potion of swiftness on your warlord just to be sure that you get to attack first in a duel.

    Whats the plan with the goblin chief?

    Your BSB has only 1 banner enchantment, but can take 2! I would double up on him to get the most bang for your buck.

    3) I think you have plenty of characters 😄

    4) I think you should keep the raider separate, they are really just chaff in the end. The lances option will fold like paper if they hit a real unit (even in the flank), but you can at least give opponent chaff a run for it's money. Honestly, your pyromancy and bowfire would probably be sufficient for anti-chaff. All that said, I dont think you are going to get much extra mileage out of giving them more bows.


    Some disturbing lists I have seen online are feral orc spam with bows, paired weapons, and mammoth stabbers. So you can put out like 300 arrows per turn, with 15 mammoth stabbers, and paired weapons all around. The are all fearless so you don't have to worry about a mass route.

    That of course would be a gross list, not one befitting of OFCC!


    4 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    In the past, really enjoyed seeing other people's warhammer armies. I miss Warhammer being at the OFCC. 

    You should take a look at T9A, it has all the warhammer armies of old. In fact, its less hero-hammer heavy then 8th, so the armies look way better imo.


    14 hours ago, Grensche said:

    I live in Auburn, it's about 45 minutes south of Seattle. I would love to learn/play a game with you guys. We could meet at one of the gaming stores in Seattle, I'm currently trying to accrue sick leave so I can pick a day to call in sick and hope a gaming store will have people playing Warhammer in them at noon. 

    That's a pretty big risk to just show up. Remember that 8th edition is basically toast, so the chances that someone is playing 8th WHFB is pretty small.

    The majority of 8th players either sold their stuff, moved to T9A, or re-based in rounds for AoS.

    Probably best to plan it out and make a date. Ill get back up to Seattle before the year is up.

  9. Hey there my peoples!

    What are you working on in preparation for this OFCC? I decided for the FIRST TIME, to run a skink caster on a flying palanquin. This means I must actually paint the model (the old teto'eko). Turns out, I lost his left arm somewhere... BUT T9A was awesome enough to give a special rule to the palaquin which is "Plaque of the snake god". I decided to make a little modification, and I think this is super fitting!

    What are you working on?


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