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Everything posted by ZeroMoon17

  1. Could one of the Portland crowd pick up my leather jacket, I left it in the room...
  2. Looking like we should have a good turn out tomorrow. Looking forward to this!
  3. I'd cut Taran some slack, I mean he is heading up the effort at Enfilade as well! I'm sure post Enfilade we will get more details :)
  4. Change of plans, my hall pass has been revoked by the wife. It just dawned on her that I would be gone all Saturday and so she wants me home this Thursday night. I will not be at GG this week.
  5. I'm not driving up until Saturday morning, so I can't Friday night, plus I'll probably still be finishing up the final touches on my army ^^'
  6. I've gotten ahead of my painting so I'll be there Thursday at GG
  7. I may or may not be there on Thursday. I'm still working on painting my last two infantry platoons, so I might be busy painting Thursday, haha!
  8. I'm not feeling well today, so I won't be there tonight
  9. Anyone planning on playing Mid War this Thursday (5/12) at Guardian games? My Italians could use the practice!
  10. Has anyone heard from SchnellerKarl? I know he was supposed to be coming back home around May.
  11. Ok I'll be there tonight as well, 1700-pts Mid war?
  12. Zeke you gonna be there this Thursday?
  13. I'm planning on being at GG this Thursday (after my long Hiatus!) with my Mid-War Italians.
  14. I'm planning on doing lots of Team Yankee post Enfilade, stock is finally in. Now to save up my pennies... Oh and paint my backlog...
  15. looks like we are going to have an all Axis campaign! Haha!
  16. Post any questions/discussion you may have about Turn 1 here. CURRENT STANDINGS: Turn 1: Kufra: Allies: 2 Axis: 0 Murzuk: Allies: 1 Axis: 1 Turn 2: Hon: Allies: 1 Axis: 0 Jalo: Allies: 0 Axis: 0 Siwa: Allies: 0 Axis: 0 At the end of this turn whoever has more victories in an area will score 3 VP's for their side. Will of the Sahara - Before the first players turn you roll a die and consult the table on page 26 of the Raiding Aces PDF (http://www.flamesofwar.com/Portals/0/Documents/RaidingAces/Raiding-Aces.pdf) to see what the heat of the Sahara desert has done to alter the battlefield! No armored vehicles of any kind are allowed in the first turn. Points level for this turn is a maximum of 700pts for the raiding force (In missions with the careful planning special rule the garrison force can be up to twice the points of the raiding force, or 1400pts for this turn). Important Links: Raiding Missions: Missing in Action - http://www.flamesofwar.com/Portals/0/Documents/Scenarios/Raiding/MIAMission.pdf Get Away - http://www.flamesofwar.com/Default.aspx?tabid=53&art_id=462 Chart the Unknown - http://www.flamesofwar.com/Portals/0/Documents/Scenarios/Raiding/ChartMission.pdf Also report any battles that have occured in the following format: Date: Area: Victorious Side: Campaign Turn: Objectives Destroyed: Attacker Name: Infantry ace name: Experience earned: Side: Defender Name: Infantry ace name: Experience earned: Side: Battles that have occurred in this round so far: Date: 4/5/16 Area: HON Victorious Side: Allies Campaign Turn: 2 Attacker Name: Apophis93 (Daniel) Infantry ace name: Experience earned: 3 Side: Allies Defender Name: ZeroMoon17 (Mike) Infantry ace name: Experience earned: 2 Side: Axis
  17. Yes it is supposed to be scheduled for the 7th not the 2nd. I've updated the first post to reflect this.
  18. Yup Pacific is going to be a long ways for me. I still need to finish up my Raiders, then my Mid-War Italians, then I need to finish up a Team Yankee force, THEN I can think about Pacific... I made a pact with myself, no more buying models till I finish the ones I already own.
  19. Yeah there's no way we can get a nationals tournament in the PNW because SF is a much more central location for the West coast, unless we had something like 50 FoW players showing up to Enfilade
  20. San Francisco. Josh I think I was the only one planning on going to nationals at Kublacon, but I already burned all my vacation time taking care of my wife while she had our baby so I am restricted to a more local scene. Its a shame though, as the Kublacon tournament already has 40? people signed up!
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