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Everything posted by ZeroMoon17

  1. Glacius, looks like taran has already decided it will be late-war, with four player teams.
  2. So Logan will not be joining us, he has a drill meet that same day. I'm still waiting on a response from Nathan .
  3. Yup I talked with them and they are a maybe right now. They have to get permission from parents to be gone all day, especially because it will be Nathan's birthday. I'm about 75% certain they will be there. They are 16 and 13 years old so keep that in mind if you are offering a loaner army. I personally trust them with my models and don't think there will be any issues, but wanted to make it clear up from the that teenagers would be handling their minis.
  4. Dice Age last I checked does not have a following that plays Flames of War. The owner referred me to one guy, who just moved here from South Carolina, but he sold his armies before he moved out and seemed uninterested in playing again. I know of 3 other players in the Vancouver area, but they don't play flames of war, they play with their own heavily modified rules set that changes flames of war in to a simultaneous game instead of You-go-I-go.
  5. Well sounds like that just goes to prove that Tactics are more important than list building! Bravo!
  6. She tells me she'll feel better when the baby gets out of her tummy. I sure hope so!
  7. Just wanted to bump this and put it back on people's radar. We are just 6 weeks away from our kickoff event, keep it in your calendars!
  8. Update: I won't be able to make it tonight, need to stay home to take care of the wife. She's still getting over being sick and 10 days from her due date. Probably won't see me again for the next couple of weeks.
  9. Zeke is usually around with his Americans as well, if we wanted to knock out any of those games.
  10. I'll be around tonight with Germans, if you want to play out one of these battles.
  11. From what I've seen on the Flames of War forums is that there are no special characters in either of the pacific books.
  12. Looking pretty sweet! Anyone planning on collecting Pacific stuff? I might be interested in putting together some Japs...
  13. Guardian Games will still order FoW for you, but it won't get there any faster. The advantage is that instead of all the purchase price going to Battlefront, Guardian Games will get a slice of the pie.
  14. Turns out I won't be making it up today. My wife is sick and I need to stay home with her.
  15. I'll sign up tentatively, on the Axis side, playing an Italian Bersaglieri Company out of Hellfire and Back.
  16. I'm planning on being there tomorrow, I'll be bringing a 1420 pt list to practice before the tournament this weekend.
  17. What's the player count looking like for this event? I might show up last minute depending on how my wife is feeling this weekend.
  18. I'll be there on the 27th, along with two others, Logan and Nathan. I'll be bringing Italian Bersaglieri, Logan and Nathan need the loaner armies
  19. Well considering that Fingolfen and I cannot make it the 20th, perhaps postponing a week might be in order? Then we would have at least 5 players (assuming Zeke could still go if we moved to the 27th).
  20. If someone has two early war armies I might have two players, they are just new to the hobby and only have a small collection of Pz IV's and Shermans (open fire starter set).
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