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IW Raptors

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Everything posted by IW Raptors

  1. The white and red looks super sexy when done well on Tau!
  2. Well I suppose to be fair, GW make it pretty clear they don't design the game with balance in mind! A nice free gun to go along with the free transport.
  3. Sweet VSG to be fair, looks class! Yeah for a 100 pts they do some job. Even stopping markerlights (..why?!). What works and doesn't work vs it can be somewhat confusing. Typical specialist AT weapons like melta don't get their bonus either.
  4. Appreciate the input lad! The only reason I was thinking of pods was because of the flexibility of the option between outflank/deepstrike. I kinda feel in Rhinos/Razorbacks Battle Company, Raptors would make a slightly poorer mans White Scars. Fluff wise, they probably don't lend themselves to mass transports either way (imo). I haven't faced a Drop Pod based B.Company myself, Razorbacks/Rhinos are in vogue! :D
  5. Well Raptors have generic scout, unlike white scars who have to be mounted in some form, plus take Khan. I like the idea of the flexibility the former brings when combined with free drop pods. Aside from that, yeah I dig the raptors, although in my current list which is a CAD, it is really Lias issodon that makes it tick. I love the tricks he brings, aside from that, raptors chapter tactic wise is probably fairly middle of the pack. I enjoy playing against battle company, although it is an uphill slog with a CAD, if you aren't doing something saucy like Grav cents or sicarians. I don't think many other SM players around me are running non formation armies (skyhammer/battle company etc), just the way things are going in the game I guess. If your army has nice formations with free benefits over taking those units in a cad, people generally avail of that. Bar the transports, I have the modals mostly to run the above, so you can see I like my tactical marines, even in a CAD! Im doing okay and really like playing my current list, even vs the likes of battle companies/new Tau/Eldar. But battle company seems like a fun list to run, in an environment where such things are becoming the norm.
  6. Yup yup, although allot of them weapons you listed are combi's really ! ;-) Majority of battle companies I face tend to be razorback born and have more raw firepower. Or you have the ever popular white scars Grav in a rhino box army.The way the game is going, these formations seem to becoming the norm. I think this list is different enough in terms of trying to make a raptors one, that isn't just a poor mans white scars (or..maybe it is..and I'd appreciate hearing that sooner then later!) :)
  7. So I was thinking of scaling up my Raptors CAD to a Battle Company over the year, for a bit of variety and an eye on competitive. I have all the models bar the transports anyways. It's a bit off kilter, not White Scars, and neither Razorback/Rhino based, which seem to be more common. No Lias Issodon due to RAW :-( It might seem strange to run Raptors with Pods, but my logic is: Raptors come with Scout, so the list would have allot of flexibility, as near everything on foot has the option of outflanking and deep strike. So I could commit to an alpha strike if going 1st (Rhinos scout up/Drop podders), or play a mix of outflanking and deep striking,e.g. drop just empty pods turn one, hoping to land them on objectives, outflank/deepstrike the army itself starting turn 2. I like the idea of that flexibility as i'm more of a reactive type player, but I don't know if that added layer of options really compares to the sheer power of the typical battle companies. We have a few marine players knocking about (mostly running razorback battle companies or Skyhammer now days!), so I may borrow some transports to test it out. Let me know if yous think the idea itself is viable though? Btw regarding the tactical marines, it came down somewhat to models available, I can arm them with everything bar Grav-Cannons as alternatives. I was considering the merits of Plasma/Combi-Plasma vs Grav, but I roll one's like a boss it seems when it comes to get hot, so hence my inclination towards Grav. Raptors Battle Company Captain (Power fist, Auspex, Shield Eternal, Artificer Armour) Chaplain (Auspex) Command Squad (5 Meltaguns), Drop Pod Command Squad (5 Meltaguns), Drop Pod 5 Tactical Marines (Grav-Gun, Combi-Grav), Drop Pod 5 Tactical Marines (Grav-Gun, Combi-Grav), Drop Pod 5 Tactical Marines (Grav-Gun, Combi-Grav), Drop Pod 5 Tactical Marines (Grav-Gun, Combi-Grav), Drop Pod 5 Tactical Marines (Grav-Gun, Combi-Grav), Drop Pod 5 Tactical Marines (Grav-Gun, Combi-Grav), Drop Pod 5 Assault Marines (2 Flamers), Drop Pod 5 Assault Marines (2 Flamers), Drop Pod 5 Devastator Marines (2 Grav-Cannons, Cherub), Rhino (Dozer Blades) 5 Devastator Marines (2 Grav-Cannons, Cherub), Rhino (Dozer Blades) 10th Company 5 Scouts (Combi-Melta, Meltabombs) 5 Scouts (Combi-Melta, Meltabombs) 5 Scouts (Combi-Melta, Meltabombs) Inquisitorial Detachment Inquisitor (3 Servo-Skulls, Combi-Melta)
  8. Small bump to this thread. I played against a really good player running Corsairs+Harlequins. These guys combined have some nasty shenanigans, including potential first turn charges, from like 36 inches away (or so). Seems like an army running under the radar that could be really good. Super mobile. Probably have a bit more trouble vs mechanised lists/armies with a strong counter to psychics. My opponent was telling me, he has a nastier variant, which is throwing across a Seer star into combat 1st turn. I was playing my Raptors, so played a near null deployment to try and counter some of its shenanigans, because without hiding in Rhinos, you just get charged. Was really impressed at the speed+hitting power of the space elves with Corsairs in the mix.
  9. They look great! Haha that one in the back with the fusion blaster. Awesome that they got a good formation to boot. Only negative from the new stuff is the hunter contingents unclear ruling on co-ordinated Fire. I thought the sharing buffs route was the RAW and whilst that was very powerful, it opened up some units like hammerheads and after playing against a very nasty version of it (broadsides, riptide, stormsurge, buffmander and optimised stealth cadre), I lost, but felt on a similiar level to facing a battle company in maelstrom. Crazy good like the other decurions, but at least it mostly hinged on rather flimsy characters to dish out the buffs (even dug in with broadsides, an irridium buffmander isn't that tough).
  10. Does the cadre fireblade buff the sniper drones? Thought he only did carbines and pulse rifles. Never tried them myself, I do however own 12 of the old ninja metal stealth suits from 3rd ed! Love the modals and whilst not a great unit alone, the new formations have some nice stuff for them. Off the top of my head, apart from Vespid, who I've never tried either to be fair but have a bad rep, I can't think of too many terrible Tau units. Between the new formations and base units, most stuff in the codex seems to have a place if you're looking for a good, but not bat[big bad swear word] crazy tau list. I'll just have to pick up a ghostkeel or two to make my stealths work..
  11. Wow, great paint jobs man! No expert on Tau, as I built mine in 3rd/4th ed and have not updated the collection too much since, except for the odd modal. So I don't run Riptides etc and play it fairly casually. I find Mech Tau is fairly decent, fluffy and cool on the table. Basic idea is mobile Tau, with suits, mounted Fire warrior teams (often with an Ethereal for all the dakka) and Skyrays to support. It's an old and fun way to run Tau, without getting up opponets backsides. Not ultra competitive, but okay. With Mont'ka, you can run single Crisis suits as troops, an Ethereal as a cheap HQ, and bring a 2nd Empire CAD for some Fire Warriors in D'fishes+Skyrays & buffmander if you so choose. I'm sure a Stormsurge or Riptides would only complement that style. In any case, good Tau armies usually play heavily in the movement phase and shooting. Without a Stormsurge, dealing with monstrous creatures can be difficult, as Tau can pump out lots of st7 and st5. My Mech Tau, don't like facing 2+ saves with multiple wounds! Bit of ramble, but point is, Tau have allot of nice toys and i'm sure some more experienced players will be able to give you some pointers.
  12. Cheers, finding a niche for my crisis suits as I tend to shy away from the big mechs and more towards MSU, which is fine, especially with the Montka book, making them troops without the mandatory 3 man unit. I love skyrays for markers and their cheapness, although the farsight detachment lends the commander more towards the drone controller and marker drones, so you don't want too many markers. The experimental weapons appear to be the way to go, mixed in with odd fusion/other source of melta. Not like I face AV14 that often, it's all about AV11/12 and the odd knight here.
  13. So with the new book out a little bit now, has the opening up of the experimental weapons to normal suits changed anything or do you find yourselves with/facing the same old weapons? The cyclic ion blaster and airbursting frag projector are both in line costs wise with the missile pod/fusion/plasma. Shorter range at 18 on both experimental weapon types, but have some nice stats to compensate. I like the idea of running multiple 1 man teams, with two airbursting frag projectors and EWO. 57 points for two barrage, large blasts, ignoring cover at st4 & ap5, + interceptor. A few of them running about on a table with ample terrain could be fun. Tbh, I never bothered with either weapon in the past, so if anyone has up to date crisis configurations nailed, i'm all yours! :-)
  14. You might be interested to know, I emailed frontline gaming the rules query and the ITC is running the old rule interpretation.
  15. My Lias has killed two scouts in half a dozen games. And that is okay, because he is a special snowflake who confers a bunch of rules and makes things happen. But sounds like yours is putting in some more arm work in game!
  16. That Lias Issodon looks pretty dang good man! Especially like the Malice conversion. Currently mine is just a fancy bolter with a scope, and power sword he literally never swings (well not in half a dozen games now!) Was thinking on converting up a proper one, might take some pointers from what you done! ;)
  17. I actually emailed Forgeworld myself, and the customer rep said that they planned to update them with an FAQ, but in the meantime to "discuss it with your gaming group". So you'd be right, in that responses by email certainly aren't official. RAW, I think it's a toss up honestly, unless you're really nitpicky and say Codex: Space Marines no longer exists. Best to fly it by your gaming group and tournaments. I don't think any large tournament group that I know of have officially FAQ it. I've played it with the new ruling myself, but tbh never looked into it too much. My group does tend to play by RAW though, so maybe I should pass it by them. It makes a big difference, I'd certainly rather scout+stealth! :)
  18. Not sure, seems the community is split. I know Frontline use the old ruling in their twitch games, but I doubt anyone has questioned them on it. I imagine allot of people just assume they have the old scout and Stealth 1st turn rule. I'd prefer it to shrouding and +1 to night fight myself! Tbh it's one of those, you could probably run the old version and no one would ever question it. But, I think on balance, the email from a forgeworld rep pushes it for me, that the new ruling is the strike from the shadows rule as per the current SM codex.
  19. In a rush, but here is the link I found on it: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282371-raptors-chapter-tactics/?p=4092603 So not 100% official, but I reckon they use the updated strike from the shadows rule as per the current codex.
  20. Tbh I hadn't given them too much thought myself, moving fortifications seems novel, but with ample terrain on boards, it would be just a tad awkward. I could see some use from the gunrigs if you were using multiple skyrays for example. Give your opponent a few robust AV targets.
  21. My initial reaction is it's a bit light on numbers. From what I've experienced, skyhammer hits hard but has a short lifespan once it's on the field. I think you are going to end up infiltrating the tactical squads as otherwise they will take at least a turn to get into range, as Raptors no longer have scout, instead they get shrouding and +1 to night fight first turn if they aren't embarked upon a transport. So I might consider dropping the Rhinos if you play on tables with ample cover and infiltrate them. The librarian is nice, but I've found you either go in on psykers or not, as one level 2 at this point range probably isn't going to get powers off reliably. My personal preference would be towards a CAD instead of Demi company, and losing the captain and assault marines, making Lias your sole HQ. But I can see the appeal of the Demi company. I'd just prefer the points for more bodies myself, maybe storms for the scout squads if you do forgo the Rhinos. Overall though I think the original list is pretty nifty and no knock over.
  22. In my club, we are still currently running the hunter contingent as able to share the buffmanders buffs if firing at same target or for the stormsurge, if he fires one weapon at that designated unit, and he keeps the buffs for split firing into other separate units. So hard to judge Tau under those circumstances as I assume yous play ITC and thus it's another ballgame. A stormsurge(s) sharing the buffmanders buffs really bumps the unit up. Only played against the optimised stealth cadre as an auxiliary formation, it seemed alright. Mainly the min stealth suits ended up playing for objectives whilst the ghostkeels did the shooting.
  23. Back when I started the hobby, in 3rd edition, mandatory painted armies seemed to be more of thing. Mind you, allot of people went with Black Templars as their Marines, which aren't too hard to field at tabletop standard. Although screw white, in all its guises. Returning to the hobby in 7th edition, it seems either armies look really pretty, as where dry brushing was the go to back in 3rd, now people use fancy airbrushing and/or washes which look good and aren't rocket science. Or they field the grey/black tide. I try to paint something to tabletop standard before fielding it, and after that at my leisure I'll do some basic highlighting or free hand to just spruce them up a bit when I feel like it. Not a massive fan of painting myself, touch of the perfectionism gene and a lack of patience, do not make a good combo. At Least I know myself, to avoid the hard colours and keep it basic. Metals, black and blues for the win!
  24. Haha that was a brain fart, meant culexus. I'll have to submit this thread as my resume to work as a GW rules writer! Mind you, they'd never clarify what they meant, so maybe not. Ty for the responses. Costly $$ wise for the new modal. Considering taking him in a drop pod as I'm not running MSU marines or psykers of my own. Some people seem to swear by it, but I haven't actually played against too many who run one.
  25. Pretty much as the tittle says. With the Calexus "new" modal for sale, is taking one in a standard imperial army, a near auto include if you have the allied slot available? Or do you require a delivery method such as a flying transport or Drop pod(s), and thus more investment? Looking at my own Marine army, I know I can fit one in handily enough, but as a non drop pod army he would be coming in 1st turn if I stick him in one pod. Infiltrate is sort of terrain dependent and some units will just move away. On the other hand, he does shutdown some shenanigans for a fairly reasonable cost.
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