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Everything posted by Lyraeus

  1. Would be fun to take apart but fun to play. It's like you are plain g to play reasonably or something 😜 what kind of Tau player are you!?! 😛
  2. Didn't anyone tell you, money magically disappears from your wallet and orks magically appear
  3. EXACTLY!!!! I want those grots as shields dang it! Nope it's part of the model and is required for tournaments.... I am tempted to make orky metal cutouts of grots to give that illusion of grots
  4. Hey, I could make it worse. I could drop the Boyz add in 14 grots, swap the traktors with KMB for 2x heavy D6 S8 AP-3 Dm6 Kannons.... Oh yea, hits of 6 generate more attacks 😛 Oh and they hit on 4's normally
  5. Pshhhh distraction... I will just shoot everything off the board and let grots take the hits 😛 ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Orks) ++ Clan Kultur: Bad Moons + HQ + Big Mek (Index): Choppa, Kustom Force Field Weirdboy + Troops + Boyz: 10x Ork Boy W/ Shoota Gretchin: 10x Gretchin Gretchin: 10x Gretchin + Heavy Support + Lootas: 13x Loota Lootas: 10x Loota Mek Gunz . Gun: Traktor Kannon . Gun: Traktor Kannon ++ Total: [39 PL, 748pts] ++ This list is funny as it drops a PL but is a very dangerous list
  6. Yea... I think I am about there as well. Easily since it's about 5x squads of grots 2x 20 boy squads, 25 loota, and that's just the basics... There are tankbustas, Mek guna (and their stupid need of 6 grots a pop), and so much more...
  7. Stupid redemptor Dread... I forgot it's feasible to take those at this points level... I am not sure if my orks would survive against that.
  8. I thank the living stars for my airbrush. I do the armor in the klan color, the pants, the shirt, the weapon then midori green skin. Dry brush for various pops, airbrush was mix of nuln and earth's hade. Call it good. I don't have 120 but I have a lot
  9. My potential list... For now ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Orks) ++ Clan Kultur: Deathskulls + HQ + Big Mek (Index): Choppa, Kustom Force Field Warboss: Da Killa Klaw, Kunnin but Brutal, Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw, Warlord + Troops + Boyz . Boss Nob: Choppa, Power Klaw . 20x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa Gretchin: 10x Gretchin Gretchin: 10x Gretchin + Elites + Nob with Waaagh! Banner: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw Painboy: Power Klaw + Fast Attack + Kustom Boosta Blastas : Kustom Boosta Blastas Shokkjump Dragstas . Shokkjump Dragstas: Rokkit Launcha ++ Total: [40 PL, 750pts] ++ Thoughts?
  10. Fair. I do airbrush primer when I need to do fine details or can't go outside. Otherwise, I keep the can warm and prime on a sunny day or at least slightly cloudy. This last Tuesday was perfect here in Portland
  11. I have found as long as the can of primer is warm enough the model temp matters little. Just don't go to Mt hood and prime
  12. Dont make me 3d print a catapult with snotling sized traktors with snotling inside... Because it would be a ton of work... And be hilarious
  13. That is on my list but then my FLGS gets in New boxes and shiny model syndrome kicks in
  14. Fair play. Either way works. So many models... So much painting... Though these new vehicles are a ton of fun
  15. As a brand new ork player who has loved them for years but never took the jump into the expense known as orks.... Yea these are going to be a blast. Still need to get my first game in...
  16. Yea, I am debating on my Evil Sunz Nob Warbikers for the potential anti knight with Kommandos Or I can go the loota and Grot bad moons... Or I can go pick up the 3 deff dreds I ordered and run them as Deathskulls for that sweet sweet invul, some Traktor Cannons and Kitt bashed Mek Gun variants... Options... It. Is a problem
  17. You only really need one. Cadre Fireblades are strong HQ choices for their 2+ Marker Light. Ethereals are buff givers and while a few are nice there are disadvantages if they die. Which they do. Easily. Escalation league progression I am all for a double point week (750, 750, 1000, 1000,etc) as it's more paint time for me. With Chapter Approved out I wonder if we will be using some of the things from that or Vigilus such as custom characters or not. Need to know how much nodding I need to do. Guess I will build a fun 750 list... Well fun for orks
  18. Heh... You mean my Nob Warbikers and Wartrike will have a target... Heh go go power claws and still have almost 300 points to play with!
  19. I am in. I have been painting many many many orks so that I could finally play with them and feel satisfied and now you tell me I only need to focus on a few things!?! Sign me up. Just need to know the rules and format please. Oh and if we are going to use any of the new Chapter Approved things
  20. Seems very elitist way of thinking. Especially since GW prices things based on how many they think people will need for an army or buy As for age, if it's a current model it's a current model. Trukks are old as well but they have aged well same with bikes compared to the buggys
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