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Everything posted by Lyraeus

  1. So time spent is meaningless because you don't have the experience with your new stats or rules, nor the rules of the game to have an accurate judge. How big were the games?
  2. So, how many times did you have to check rules and stats? Were you playing for speed or casual? Are you both normally fast players?
  3. I think this edition will be good for the game. It has excited many and the fact that GW has used player input to make it better is a VAST improvement over their old methods. I am happy to be back. Oh, I will likely never win but meh. Nothing is the same as it was in the past, of you come into this with an expectation, you will likely become dissatisfied.
  4. I vote for player skill. Fun times happen when it's down to player skill. Well, as long as it doesn't turn into EVE style player skill
  5. Know your rules, pre measure often, and assist your opponent
  6. That is odd. I have only seen the reverse in the time of the games. They seem longer but that comes down to you not knowing the individual rules. Once I got the weapons down it is easy and fast
  7. That's why they have the points side at the end. Just add a new page
  8. Played a game of 40k 8th edition vs a new player and it was a BLAST! His list was an Aspect Warrior Eldar list and I played my Tau. I got trounced and he picked the game up quickly! Albeit, I was able to remember the rules easily enough as well as the stats so it was fun. We used all of the Eldar PGS has in their case which almost came to 70 PL. I found that I don't like Wave Serpents, they seem too good but that is me. The super rend rules on the Eldar's base weapons... Stupid super rend. We had fun, lots of tactical decisions were made and it felt better than when I played 5th. I like it a lot more that 5th and the bit of 6th I played.
  9. Does tactical reserves count by the unit or the deployment? If by the unit then it would count them all. By deployment, then just the transport
  10. Transports don't count the as tactical reserves. It is not setting models into reserves in any way, why can be interacted with in a limited number of ways. Tactical Reserves are, as I stated before, abilities like Manta Strike, It's After Me!, Death From Below, etc. Basically abilities that state "During Deployment...." in the abilities section.
  11. I do t like assuming. The odd way it's worded makes me think they meant plural.
  12. They don't count as anything for tactical reserves. Tactical Reserves are the special rules like Manta Strike, teleportarium, etc.
  13. I... Must.... Resist... The Mech Warrior.... Oh, I will do them one day. Though, I think, I will just want to make you all cry as I apply battle damage. Drilling and cutting like a madman... Mwuhahahahahahahaha
  14. So units in transports behave a few ways. First, those embarked into a transport don't count as separate drops. So 10 Nobz, Pain Boy, and Weirdboy count as 1 deployment when you deploy the Transport. Those in vehicles are not in reserves, they are set aside and can shoot from open top vehicles. Choosing Keyword designation happens during list building. So you decided your Chapter, your Legion, Sept, Dynasty, etc as you build your list. Of you have let's say 2 Captains, one White Scars and one Blood Ravens, then you would specify that during the list creation
  15. Correct. That is what I have seen from all the videos I have seen
  16. I need to get some games in. My Tau are nearing building completion. Not painting but building. On a side note. The game is simple enough to learn now that I think I could teach it and I have yet to play. Yeesh it is simple I like that it is simple. More games, less arguments, more fun. Win across the board
  17. Great I formation to know!
  18. Portland Game Store has each index to look at. As for points not in the data sheet, it is set that way so you. Have a one stop shop for model points, weapon points, and weapon profiles. It also lets them do corrections in a single place for points
  19. The most is maybe a Stormsurge or Ghostkneel getting a shield and target lock as those are like 40 points or so each. Other than that, it comes down to weapons
  20. Portland Game Store 922 N Killingsworth St, Portland, OR 97217 Warhammer 40k Shadow War Armageddon Monday's Open - Close
  21. Warhammer TV had a Tau vs Khrone game with 3 Crisis Suits team with 2 Flamers a pop that got charged twice at 8.5" and could not Overwatch.
  22. My goal is to build and paint 2000 points of 8th edition Tau. There is a link to my ATT project log Oh and battle damage means actual damage. Yes, that is a Broadside Battlesuit. Yes, I beat it up. Yes, it IS amazing! The Battle Damaged Vesh’yo
  23. That is another faction that interests me.
  24. 5 knights eh... 2500ish points with 8th edition, give or take... Hmmmm several Railsides (as seen in the Warhammer TV's Khrone vs Tau, those can ruin days) Actually, I would probably ruin a knights day with what I consider basic weapons now. Melta's are going to be huge. Otherwise, I think with the change in how damage works and the rise of high Damage weapons not to mention that Smite hurts vehicles, this will be fine. Huh, for every Knight someone takes I could get 2-3 Railsides hmmmm
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