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Posts posted by Lyraeus

  1. Just now, Sugarlessllama said:

    So I picked up the Index book for my Space Marines today. But you mentioned that Dice Age had the books? Do you mean the BRB? They have it in stock?

    You shouldn't be able to buy any 8th edition products yet. Those go on official sale on the 17th. Until then, the books the stores have are just for people to look at and see how their faction changes. 

  2. 3 hours ago, andy said:

    I saw the books at Dice Age this afternoon. You've got to hand it to GW, they make absolutely beautiful game books. I might have to revisit my decision to go with the eBooks. 

    Portland Game Store has then for viewing as well. Lovely things. 

  3. 7 hours ago, WestRider said:

    Some sort of modified Maelstrom might also be good. RAW Maelstrom has some issues, but there are some variants that make it way better, like AgentP's Annihilation-style system that we're using for the 40K OFCC this year.

    Not sure what Maelstrom is or the difference between the two. 

    I am always looking for more ideas! 

    8 hours ago, Sugarlessllama said:

    However, that does mean if you are a creative sort of person you might be able to entice some players to show up with some more narrative based missions and campaigns. 

    Just a thought.

    I enjoy being creative and would enjoy doing a campaign. Supposedly the 8th edition BRB has a campaign system so we shall see. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    Kharn can take out a Knight in a single turn. 

    Well he Plasma Pistols the door, runs in and kills everyone with Gorechild 

    Though on attacking, he should miss 2 attacks, then he will need 5's to wound so out of 10 attacks he will fail 6. And of the 4 remaining, be should deal around 8 damage. 

  5. 53 minutes ago, Psilence said:

    So kharn has 12, st6, ap -4 attacks that always hit on 2+ in close combat.

    Kill Maim Burn indeed!


    He needs to get shot To death, like right now.


    It can get worse if we see things that buff the each units Fight Phase. Say if models In x" get an extra attack, or deal mortal wounds, etc. . . it can get crazy

  6. 19 minutes ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    Oooo. Ironstorm has indirect fire.

    Same strength as the Tau Smart Missiles, 6" more range, has AP -1, but is d6 hits and not the 4 that the Tau have while doing a straight 2 damage, Smart Missiles are d3. Hmmmm Tau can also take a Support system that lets get the AP -1.


    Smart Missiles are 20 points Ironstorm is 16. . . hmmmmm who has the better I wonder.

  7. 2 hours ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    And 49 points! I think MegaMarines come in at 6 squads for 48 points and 60 wounds.

    Sure, except that each is not T8 and each death for them is a loss of firing potential.

    It is only Power Level so in a 150 PL game it would feel at home


  8. 25 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    Thanks for the link.

    Serious suggestion for the web site: Include directions on how to get there via Trimet. Like which bus stops or max stations are near you. All I'm seeing is a link to a google map, which is limited in how helpful it can be. If your store is on a public transit line (pretty sure it is), including a link to the Trimet Site would be very smart. If your store has bicycle racks, mention it. Logistics is a huge part of making a game store work. 

    I will let the two owners know. The options are the Yellow which is in a less than 10 min walking distance, 72 and the 4 so it has options.


  9. 17 hours ago, Brick Bungalow said:


    I have never been there and didn't know where it was. Just in case anyone else hasn't either: http://www.theportlandgamestore.com/

    Should of thought of that! >.<

    Yea it's not big. Smaller than Red Castle bigger than Time Vault, it has about 6 tables worth of table toppers and is not oppressively busy like Guardian Games can get. Could use more terrain but it is a great store with a cider and Reiner on tap and more drinks in cans. It. Has snacks, drinks, is open to all ages (unlike Guardians table top room) and is relaxing. Oh and the have tall chairs. Good access to nearby food too! 

  10. 9 hours ago, WestRider said:

    I would definitely wait until 8th drops before working out any Rules for your League. That's going to be a very literal game changer.

    That is the plan. I can sort the structure though.


    17 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    Very simple. BRB or ITC has missions, Organizer selects one at random and everyone does it. Pairing can be done in an organized manner, or can just be related to who signed up first or who shows up first. Main thing is that you need a designated final judge for rules disputes (and rule questions), they need to know the rules well enough to judge. Group should also have a defined list of legal sources for rules, since 40k has lots of rules, some of which are truly unpleasent to use for a social event. 

    GG league, presently, uses ITC missions and the ITC format for tournaments to determine what is legal for 40k. Rules disputes are handled by asking other players regarding the ITC rulings, as most of it is covered. In the Past, before the ITC, the GG league was using a houserule that banned FW rules and allowed anything sold in the store - this worked until GW put superheavies into the normal game. Since they are using tournament rules, the GG league is rather harsh in list builds, which can be unpleasent for players looking for a softer game. 

    League rules also present another consistency thing. As certain models become better if they are legal in local play, while other models become less desirable if banned or limited in normal play. As a new player, it can be upseting to learn that the models bought in the store, cannot be used in your army during the league from that store. On the other hand, models are often banned with good reason. 

    BRB? ITC like Infinity?


    I would be looking to create something more friendly.

  11. 3 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    That GG league for 40k does a thing where they offer 5% (or was it 10%?) off GW products during game night if you are in the league and bring your army to play (so you can't just pay league dues for a discount if you aren't playing). The League itself costs $10 per month, which just covers minor prizes and helps pay for the terrain. People are allowed to play 40k during game night without paying league dues, but the only the league members get the discount and the prizes. With 40k, it's very easy for a regular to effectively make the league "free" with just a few 40k purchases each month. League prizes are just gift cards to GG, which are often used to pay league dues for future months.

    As for cash flow, I don't think the league night itself is a huge money maker for GG. It goes back to the farming concept, it's a pretty inexpensive way to enjoy 40k (the league dues are inexpensive, 40k remains expensive) and the presence of the 40k players on a regular basis creates value in an investment for this social game. That allows the pontential players to see value investing time and finances in this game. And that grows the gamer base, which improves future profits.

    Additionally, I've heard many times from GG employees, that the presence of a game night helps to allow them to predict which days they'll need to reorder their 40k inventory, which is helpful for running the business. So the Game Night essentially controls which day their regulars will make purchases, even if it doesn't change the number of purchases in a given week. 

    Yup. I used to be a part of that league. That is a consideration but the discount for PGS is at all orders of products they don't stock. Since they have a small case that is typically the bare bones GW case, that is a lot of products. I just have to confirm it. 


    From there a league is a great idea, I don't have much experience running them. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, WestRider said:


    Also, apparently there are overarching Faction bonuses that apply for any Faction Keyword shared by the entire Detachment. Like if the Detachment is all IG, they gain X, if it's all Astartes, they gain Y, if it's all Space Wolves Astartes, they gain Y AND Z. The overarching Faction bonus for "Imperium" is nothing at all, so if you do that, you're missing out.

    Good way to control crazy army combinations yet at the same time encouraging them to a degree... but... if I get access to Orks with my Tau I am going to have a blast

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, pretre said:

    Okay, hold on.

    So that last sentence. This seems to indicate that you can mix imperial models in a detachment.

    I could take a Patrol Detachment with:

    HQ - Space Marine Captain (Imperium, Adeptus Astartes)

    Troop - Battle Sister Squad (Imperium, Adeptus Sororitas)

    Troop - Infantry Platoon (Imperium, Astra Militarum)

    Heavy - Long Fangs (Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Space Wolves)

    Sounds about right. 

  14. Since Spoiler is being generated silly... 

    "I don't know what their orders will look like. They have several distributors so they have options and will look for the best option plus there is the discount but I have to double check how that works for GW merchandise. 

    I do know they have some interesting kits and even a Knight in Stock but it is a basic display case. "

  15. 10 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    Guardian Games does have a wide selection, but they are terrible for ordering GW miniatures. You order a miniature and they "might" get it soon, but it may also take weeks and weeks, or never arrive. This may have changed, but I learned a while ago not to order models from them. GG has a good in-store selection, so their lack of ability to reliably order GW models isn't really an issue. If your store can reliably order models, having a small selection isn't a huge problem for creating a player base. 

    Regarding the size of the store, don't worry about comparing to Guardian Games. GG started in 2005, they have 10 years on you. Focus on getting that level of 40k player base in 10 years, not instantly. And game stores shouldn't be competing with other gamestores, anyway, as the goal is growing the player base, not competing for players. Think of the game store as a farm, your are raising gamers to be gamers and give birth to future gamers. If done right, eventually, everyone will be a gamer, and then competing will be a thing, but not until then. Guardian Games' success should actually help The Portland Game Store, not hinder it, at least long term, as it means there will be more gamers to profit from. 

    As for having a game night, this is very important. The biggest factor when buying a social game (as in a game that requires other people) is knowing if you'll be able to play regularly or not. The potential player is "investing" their time and finances in this game with the hopes of gaining enjoyment through social interaction with this product as the medium required to do so. If your store doesn't have a reliable group to play the game with, the projected gain from the investment goes down, and your potental player is likely to buy another game, or buy that game at another store. And 40k is a very expensive game in both finances and time required, so to gain players, you need to make the investment seem worthwhile.



  16. 5 minutes ago, Threejacks said:

    It states that he is armed with a sword and the gauntlet..if it's like in aos,then he gets to use both in the combat phase...rem though all attacks have to be designated before starting resolutions.


    O. O *whistles softly*

    So then Slugga Boys which will have a pistol and a Choppa might get to use both... 

  17. 37 minutes ago, andozane said:

    The only thing I don't like about those data sheets is that there is still a page reference for a rule that is not fully printed on the sheet :(



    Only for army specific rules so not so bad. 

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