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Sgt. Rock

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Everything posted by Sgt. Rock

  1. This is true, and I've always liked the look of those little guys. Still, I just could never bring myself to build one, because it never had a game equivalent, and I wanted to keep my Land Speeders for what they are. I might make one now, though, if I can shoehorn some Primaris drivers in there.
  2. https://miniaturescenery.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=11 Put a couple bolters and a rotary cannon on it and throw a couple Primaris in there and you're good to go. Plus, Borderlands is frikkin' awesome, so you can't possibly go wrong.
  3. New post! The first of the three or four posts that have me yammering away about what I'm excited about for 9th edition, and why. If you want to read YET ANOTHER set of hot takes about the new edition, check it out!
  4. 100% agree. Once in a while, an epic, sweeping battle is fun, but mostly, I just don't have the time or attention span for it. Much rather play a small patrol or skirmish than a major engagement.
  5. That's an awful lot of work for a chapter that has its own codex. GW's Ultramarines fetish is going a little far. it's frustrating just how little flavor and uniqueness the Marines have these days.
  6. I'd be more or less fine with the buggy concept, but give it some ground clearance and elevate the gunner a bit, just at least *try* to make it look vaguely reasonable. Also, the first shot that hits those exposed front axles is going to send that thing spiraling to its doom. The more new Primaris stuff GW releases, the more I realize that I really just don't like the Primaris aesthetic. Time to start building that mech infantry Guard army before all my classic marines are completely phased out.
  7. And who has also recently re-developed the repulsor technology used in their new main battle tanks... why this thing is on wheels, I have no idea. They missed the chance to make a Primaris Land Speeder on this one.
  8. My chief annoyance about that silly buggy is the position of the gatling in relation to the driver's head. Astartes or no, he's going to go stone deaf, and the muzzle flash will make driving that thing nearly impossible. There's a reason real world military vehicles never mount weapons behind the pilot's head like that.
  9. For those that are unaware, Noble Knight Games is having a MASSIVE clearance sale right now. Lots of stuff for really cheap, lots of Infinity tokens, 40k stuff, WarmaHordes, Team Yankee/Flames of War, Battletech, just about everything. I just went and dropped a ludicrous amount of money buying 15mm fantasy models. www.nobleknight.com
  10. Jesus rollerblading Christ. What the actual [big bad swear word] is wrong with people? I wouldn't be surprised if he put yellow armbands on the dead marines underneath its feet.
  11. Ooh, I like that idea. Special ammunition types. Maybe be able to buy them as a vehicle upgrade. You can already do it with some vehicles, like Whirlwinds; they have the Castellan and Vengeance options that you buy at list creation. Easy way to do it is just say that your Leman Russ is loaded with HEAT rounds today, and pay the appropriate points. No need to switch types mid-battle.
  12. Massive improvement. Solves my primary issue with random-shots weapons. Deffguns? Makes sense. Predator ACs? Okay, I guess, but I'd think Marines would have a more consistent weapon. Demolisher cannon? No way. Paying the points for a massive piece of ordnance and then getting a 1 on the roll is absolutely infuriating. I suppose I'm cool with something like that getting fewer hits against single targets like vehicles and monsters, because I suppose you could argue that the shell only got a glancing hit or something. But if I plant something like that anywhere in the vicinity of a horde of gaunts, there should be a lot of dead bugs.
  13. Eliminating the -1 to hit for heavy weapons on vehicles? Oh, thank you GW! Now my Land Speeders might not be useless again! And mech guard suddenly got a lot more dangerous, too. Actually, pretty much all transports with heavy weapons became nastier.
  14. New post is up! This is the first in an extended series of my analysis of what's got me excited - and not so excited - about 9th edition 40k. I had intended to do it all in one article, but it's a much deeper dive than I thought it was going to be. The good stuff is probably going to take two or three posts, so I went ahead and did one post to begin with about the stuff I'm less than thrilled about first, just to get it out of the way. Most of it is just grumping over stuff that has been hashed over a million times, but it was cathartic to get it out.
  15. So they mentioned, specifically, on the page for all of this something about putting together the 22" x 30" kill zone boards from Kill Team. I think that's where they're getting the oddball measurements. In a way, it's actually kind of cool, because it means you don't need a fancy battle mat or textured table to play on and have it look decent. It's just a little odd, but now that I've seen that part, I kinda like it.
  16. Okay, I agree with blackvigil, I'm keen on the smaller armies, smaller board idea. But... why such oddball sizes? 44 x 30? Really? I mean, I get wanting a smaller board, but that's just a really weird size. Same with the others, why 44"? I think they kind of derped on that, but thankfully, as Ish says, it's just a "recommendation."
  17. Right? I'm so incredibly stoked about the Crusade bit. And I missed that part about scoring objectives, but damn, that changes the ballgame completely. They really do seem to be putting in a LOT of work, to the degree that I've never seen them do so far. Good on ya, Gee Dubs.
  18. Don't you try to confound me with your newfangled math!
  19. My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I likes it! Seriously, though, it does look like overall, 9th ed is going to be a massive, sweeping change for the better. And I recognize that having that small attachment of an allied force will present its own strengths, I just worry about fluffy players like me not being as competitive because of it. But nothing has been released yet, so it's too early to judge. Overall, though, I'm excited as hell for 9e.
  20. I don't *entirely* agree. For the health of the game, especially at a more competitive level, it's great, and necessary. But from a personal standpoint, it means that taking a small, fluffy allied force just for funsies isn't practical, and hamstrings me before I even put models on the board. I can't take a patrol detachment of a Platoon Commander and two Armored Fist squads as a fun Rynnsguard attachment without suffering for it. I do hope mechanized armies make a resurgence, because I've been wanting to make a mech Guard army for a long, long time. Chimeras for days!
  21. Churning out those posts! Another new one tonight. I wasn't going to post anything so soon, but the events of the last week or so around the country really got me thinking about this hobby of ours, and what I have to do to continue to enjoy these games.
  22. That's basically my thoughts. I'd rather have an whole table of mediocre or even sub-par paint jobs than a bunch of bare metal/plastic.
  23. I know my last post was fairly recent, but I just threw up a quick bit about how I paint my tiny soldiers. Prepare to be shocked and horrified by the sloppy, lazy painter!
  24. I'm really enjoying the modelling aspect, at the very least. They're easy to paint, they're cheap, and they require less space to paint and store. I'm really keen to start playing actual games with them.
  25. I've put up a couple new posts! More stuff about Splintered Light Miniatures, so if 15mm fantasy is your bag, go read about it.
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