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Sgt. Rock

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Everything posted by Sgt. Rock

  1. Bloody damn shame, too. Only place I've found in town that has a WarmaHordes community that isn't toxic as hell. I had intended to go back, but I never got around to it. Too late now, I guess.
  2. Mine isn't idle, but I could pause my projects and help out. PM me if you want, we can work something out.
  3. Okay, I only had three of them that weren't already glued to bases, and no 25mm square bases, but here's three on a GW 25mm round base. As you can see, they'll certainly fit, but you'll definitely want to paint them before you glue them down.
  4. They might. I'll take a poke at them and see what it looks like, and post a pic if it works.
  5. Hm. It would be crowded, but probably? They're around 8mm tall each, prior to me putting them on those little circular bases, which are 12mm in diameter. They're pretty tiny, but I think they'd fit better if you put three on there. I'll post a picture of them next to some Space Marines tomorrow to give a better sense of scale.
  6. Been a while since my last update. Bought a batch of 15mm goblins and kobolds from Splintered Light Miniatures a couple weeks ago, started slapping some paint on the kobolds tonight. They paint up really quick. Cheap, quick shipping. Nice models, if you need some 15mm fantasy stuff. Little spearman, a guy with a club, a shaman/wizard, and a champion dude.
  7. You might have an easier time commissioning someone with a 3D printer to make them for you. There's a bazillion files out there that are pretty much perfect copies of the HeroQuest minis; they're not official, and unless you get someone with a good resin printer, they probably won't look quite as good, but you'd be more reliably able to get just what you want in the quantities you need. I'd offer my own printer, but it's an FDM machine, so the detail wouldn't be quite as good, and I've got a massive backlog of printing I need to do.
  8. The only thing about ABS that I would caution is to make sure it's well ventilated. The jury is still out on how harmful ABS vapors from a home printer are, but I'd rather err on the side of caution. That said, I've only ever used PLA, so my knowledge is limited to what I read on the internet. Which, as we all know, is always 100% accurate and truthful. Nobody on the internet could ever be wrong, could they?
  9. Yeah, making sure you've got the right temp for the material is important. Also, does your FlashForge have an auto-level for the print bed? Because that's always the first thing to check if you're having adhesion issues.
  10. Alright, I'll admit, my last attempt at a blog didn't go so well. I blame the material; interesting, but much too heavy to keep up with, especially when fighting the stress and anxiety of a global pandemic. So I decided to try again, with something more light hearted. This is my new hobby blog, The Twitchy Painter. It's just for general minis gaming & modelling. I'm going to be posting more often on this one; it'll be a lot easier to throw up a blurb with a WIP on a project or something than having to write an intelligent mini-thesis on a difficult subject. Also, I intend to add battle reports at some point, so stay tuned for that. https://thetwitchypainter.blogspot.com/
  11. If you can find someone with a 3D printer to help you out, you could look for something like this (or equivalent): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3407025 There are a lot of really good files out there for ruined columns and pillars and walls and stuff like that. It's cheap, robust, and for something like this where perfect detail isn't necessary, a good solution. Hell, if you find some STL files you like, I could probably print some off and ship 'em to you, if you were willing to kick me some cash for the print time (filament is so cheap it's not even worth calculating the expense, but to make a printed piece look good takes a while.)
  12. I prefer Hatchbox. Avoid Eryone like the plague, it's absolute trash. As @Kelbesq said, it's better to pick a filament and stick with it. I don't know much about that one, but 150mm square is a small build plate. If it were resin, that would be one thing, but for an FDM printer, you may as well get an Ender 3 or a Prusa i3 for half the price and get a 230-ish mm build plate. Both of those produce excellent quality prints, and are very easy to tune, tweak and customize. Manual bed levelling is a pain, but once you get it set (especially if you replace the bed springs) it's pretty good about staying put for a while. That FlashForge looks like it uses proprietary software and filament, which is never a good thing in my eyes. Having wifi on the printer is nice, but that can be accomplished on a Prusa or Ender for about $40-50 with a Raspberry Pi and Octoprint, which is open-source and probably more full-featured. I'm sure the FlashForge is great if you just want something straight out of the box with no real options to tweak and you're willing to be brand-loyal for filament and software, but given my druthers, I'd go with a Prusa or Ender.
  13. Another couple batches of 15/18mm fantasy models for Sellswords and Spellslingers. I really like painting such tiny models. The lack of fine details suits my clumsy painting skills.
  14. I got mine off Amazon, and honestly, I haven't gone through the seller. I just go to the internet for solutions to problems and fix them myself. Also, the glass bed is nice, but hardly necessary. The build-tak style surface that comes with the magnetic surface works like a champ, and it's cheap to replace if it gets screwed up. I just bought a glass bed, but I could have just as easily gone with a replacement magnetic surface.
  15. I have an Ender 3 Pro. Great printer, but Creality's support is a little lacking. If something is wrong with your printer, they tell you to take it up with whomever you bought it from; they only manufacture, not sell and support. That said, for the price, it's an excellent machine, and I love mine.
  16. Don't forget generic Contemptors and Ironclads, both of which are also available without dropping into FW. You won't have a lot of command points, because you'll probably have to run a lot of Vanguard detachments, but you can definitely field plenty of dreads if you work it right.
  17. I have heard so many great things about Battle Kiwi. Any time I've had the chance to look at it in person I've been very impressed. Were I in the market for a table full of quality terrain, they would be my first stop.
  18. Thank you for the feedback! I based the old guard gatekeeping bit about my own personal experience, and I simply wasn't exposed to women in the hobby at that stage. I'll do some digging into that and asking for more feedback from older women gamers when I go to write part two for next week.
  19. I started a blog. I'm going to try and update it every week. You can read it if you want. https://rollawillsave.wordpress.com/
  20. While I wait for the first coat of primer on the Land Raider to dry, I threw Mr. Ironclad together. Now to figure out what's wrong with my airbrush, because to hell with painting a Land Raider by hand.
  21. A year or more since I screwed up the assembly on this guy and ragequit, and it's finally ready to prime and paint. Now to get that stupid airbrush working again.
  22. Damn, dude, those are some nice valks! Well done! So I had a thought. Does anyone on here have a filament extruder? You know, one of the widgets where you grind up waste filament and it noodles it out as fresh stuff you can re-use? I'd love to get one, but I'm broke, and have nowhere to put one, but I feel really bad about all this waste plastic I'm generating. Failing that, anyone know a recycler in the Portland/Vancouver area that recycles PLA? I love printing stuff, but I feel super guilty about all the waste plastic I'm generating.
  23. Sgt. Rock

    N4 News

    Which is honestly how it always should have been. That's how shotguns actually work. Also, it's been a while since I was deep in the firearms scene, but I'm not sure they should keep the +6 for an AP slug, because even with a rifled slug, they're going to not be as accurate as anything with an actual rifled barrel. I think they probably ought to drop it down to +3.
  24. Looks like I probably won't make it either, overdue homework is taking longer than I thought. Gotta make up my league game later in the week somewhere.
  25. That's pretty much how I feel about it. Like... I could buy the first one that lets me "level up" my characters, but... I know what it does, why do I need to buy the book? There's nothing else in there for my marines. And honestly, I don't use that option anyway. Like, ever. No sense in spending money I don't have on a book I won't use.
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