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Sgt. Rock

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Everything posted by Sgt. Rock

  1. I will be there, hell or high water.
  2. That's kinda my thinking. A game I can be fully invested in for less than Grant's face appeals. And my new 3D printer is arriving on Sunday, so I can print my own templates and bitz.
  3. Sweet, I could manage that. Count me in, unless some horrible thing happens with my next quarter at school. I have an unused Norse team that needs to see some field time. What book are they in, anyway?
  4. I really want to try this game. Everyone is giving it rave reviews, and the cost of entry is so low, even if I only played occasionally, I wouldn't feel like I was wasting my money by not using the models. Are you planning on running any demos at game night any time soon?
  5. Do you have a specific day of the week you're thinking? I could commit to a light weight league, I think. Time is precious, but I could spare one night every couple weeks.
  6. Musashi has like three normal models, which are fine sculpts. This wasn't intended for game play, it was supposed to be a cute collector's edition thing that was just for fun. They usually release playable models at cons, and they were trying something different with this one. They've since gone back to useable models.
  7. Yeah, that's basically why I started using 3 man links. I always leave some poor sod hanging out in the breeze to get picked off. I'm a big fan of the Daktari in the fireteam, because it gives her some protection when she moves around to where she needs to be, and she's right there to keep the Brigada and Valerya on their feet. Of course, she can't sit back with a ZondBot when she does that. But If you're really desperate for that, you can grab a Tomcat. Tomcat doctors are pretty great in their own right, and better fighters than the Daktari. If you would rather keep your doc safe, you can try running Lupe instead of the Daktari. She's another specialist, but she adds a fun wrinkle to the team with a panzerfaust, a template, and smoke grenades. I have yet to try that combo, but I think I might soon.
  8. Yeah, the surprise shot on Redrum is what makes the KHD so devastating. Couple that with good close range firepower and strong CC abilities, Bandits are an auto include for me. Speaking of Valerya, I actually use her a fair bit. I'm on a kick of 3 man fireteams because they're easier to maneuver, and my current favorite is a Mobile Brigada HMG, Valerya, and a Daktari. Compact, versatile, punchy, and easy to use. I cannot recommend enough that players new to sectorial run 3 man links to start, they make the fireteam rules so much easier to learn, and allow for better board coverage. Plus, it's often easier to put together the models for a 3 man to play with a sectorial, especially with the preponderance of mixed links these days.
  9. If you're going to run vanilla Nomads, Interventors are an excellent choice. Above average hacking devices coupled with a crazy high WIP in a faction with a ton of repeater coverage is a great combination. Interventor KHDs are brutal, and the Hacking Device Plus lets you do silly things like put White Noise on an Iguana and go hunt MSV units. I haven't used Hecklers, but I hear they're pretty strong; Even after they pop out of camo, they make fantastic area denial units if you place them properly, because nobody wants to get within range of that jammer. Mary Problems doesn't have a model yet, but I've seen her used to devastating effect. @dataentity can tell you all about her, he plays Tunguska. He's actually probably much more qualified to comment on all three of these units than I am; I play Corregidor, we just shoot and stab things. My best hacker is only WIP 12. 😛
  10. Now I want a Funko Pop! Antipode...
  11. I am in the clubhouse. I see familiar faces, beautifully painted models, lovingly crafted terrain. I hear the sounds of laughter, of dice rolling, of @Raindog roaring like a fool because someone rolled a crit at just the right time. All is right with the world... ... and then I awaken in my bed. Next to me, a tablet computer with a marketing textbook open on it. The models in the next room, I can hear them mocking me, silently. I shudder, but not against the cold of the room; no, it is the icy chill of a man imprisoned that runs down my spine. I drearily resign myself to the day's classwork, toil unending. Drab. Dark. I weep silently. One day, I promise myself, fists shaking impotently at the sky; one day, I will be free from these bonds of labor, free once again to run wild and free, to roll dice and measure ranges, to laugh and feel joy. Alas, today is not that day. I slump into my chair, and begin my work anew. - "Ordo Gothic" by Jeff Rockwell, 2019. Miss you guys.
  12. In all honesty, you will likely never use the baggage skill to replenish disposable weapons. It's just too order intensive to get the depleted trooper into contact with the baggage to be worth it. I've been playing for probably about 5 years now and I don't think I've ever used the minesweeper skill. The baggage bots are extremely useful, though, because they're a cheap order, and the baggage skill adds 20 points to value of the model for purposes of controlling areas and determining victory points in tournaments. Tsyklons are really good. I still need to pick the box up, but they have some excellent weapon options, climbing plus, and a 360 visor. This means they're basically impossible to flank, and that coupled with climbing plus allows them to attack from unexpected angles.The X-Visor allows them to engage models effectively at a much wider variety of ranges. They're one of the best combat remotes in the game.
  13. I want so badly to be there, but it will depend very heavily on how much homework I get done today.
  14. What Raindog said. TAGs can be a trap. They're big and powerful and scary, but they usually eat up about a third of your points, and you don't have to kill the TAG to render it ineffective, just kill it's orders - which, by don't of the TAG's cost, are likely to be mostly chaff that can easily be chewed through. Iguanas in particular are an odd beast. They're cheap and cheerful, but they're more fragile than most TAGs. However, they barf out a 2 wound heavy infantry with an HMG when they die. They also have a repeater, which is a double edged sword. Corregidor doesn't really have the hacking to take advantage of it, so he might be better on Vanilla. If you have money to spend, I'd grab it, because at some point, when you're more experienced, you'll likely want to experiment with it. Otherwise, hold off until you think you're ready.
  15. Bandits are one of the best units Nomads have in general, not just Corregidor. You will find a use for the second one, even if only for conversion fodder. I rarely use my boarding shotgun model, but the KHD is an auto include for me. The measuring widgets are nice, but certainly not necessary. I've never used them; I'd generally prefer to buy more models than accessories, and I find that they can be cumbersome in tight quarters.. That said, a lot of people really like them, so if you like them, go for it.
  16. Planning on it. Got some random stuff I wanna try and offload.
  17. It was a misspelling. He meant to make the roll and mail the results to him, along with $9.95 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
  18. Hey guys. I wasn't sure if I should post this here. But y'all are my friends, and I thought you should know. If I make it in for game nights, it'll be pretty sporadic for the foreseeable future. Not just because of football season. My partner, Alicia, was diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday. It's still early enough that she's got a really good chance. This thing is beatable, and by god, we're going to beat it. That said, I will be working double time as a full time student and taking care of her. I don't have a whole lot else to say. I just wanted to let you guys know. Like I said, you're all my friends, and I wanted to let you know why I won't be around much anymore. I won't be gone forever, and I'll still sneak in now and then when I have time, at least to say hi. But my priorities in life have very suddenly shifted very drastically, and playing silly bugger with toy soldiers really is no longer all that important. Have fun gang. I'll be there in spirit.
  19. Sure. Classes are set to start on Monday, so I may or may not be available on a given night, but I can leave the invite open.
  20. The only reason I'm not in on Sundays right now is because it's football season and I gotta be a loyal 12, but if you wanted, I could probably come in on a Tuesday and run you through a quick demo game or two.
  21. I REALLY wanna come out for this one, but I'm going to have to miss it I'm afraid. Y'all know the drill by now.
  22. Much to my deep chagrin, annoyance, and frustration, I may not make it in today after all. I got about three and a half hours of sleep last night, so I'm a bit torched. Sorry guys. :(
  23. I will be there, one way or another. The Seahawks game is a morning game (so I'll likely be exhausted, especially since tomorrow night is Alicia's birthday party) but dammit, I WILL be there.
  24. Totally unrelated to Infinity, but I don't know the rest of the Ordites well enough to ask. Does anyone have the first season or two of Red Dwarf on DVD or Blu-Ray or something that I could borrow? My GF has never seen it, and that's a situation that MUST be remedied.
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