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Sgt. Rock

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Everything posted by Sgt. Rock

  1. Serves you right for using that heretical gas to power your grill. Should have been using wood charcoal, like the most holy God-Emperor intended. And none of that match light stuff, that's the path to madness!
  2. I'd have to ask my buddy - it's just an informal thing with some of his locals and myself (he's in Las Vegas.) But I could check.
  3. I'd totally be down to join in, but I can only do TTS. Both myself and my partner are high-risk candidates for the 'rona, so no trips to the clubhouse for the foreseeable future for me. I'm already playing in one TTS crusade, and I've been playing Infinity in TTS for a few months, so I'm well familiar with it.
  4. Thought someone might want to know. Portland Game Store still has six(!) Copies of Indomitus in stock, if I had a spare two bills, I'd grab one myself. http://www.theportlandgamestore.com/catalog/warhammer_40000/warhammer_40000_indomitus/479799
  5. Good to know! To be fair, GW models are beautiful, and readily available, if expensive. They do make it a bit more accessible, especially for factions that are so heavily based on a WHFB faction like Lizardmen. But I'm working on getting my printer dialed in and getting some stuff to finish the models nicely, I only have an FDM printer, so they'll never be as nice as I'd like them to be. I debated Orcs & Goblins, as well, but I'm leaning towards Dwarves at the moment. That could change, though. What's the standard size of most games? Just so I know what to aim for in terms of how many models to have.
  6. So I'm interested in getting into 9th age, so that I have something new to tinker with during this wretched pandemic. I think I want to play Dwarven Holds. Any recommendations in general for a new general looking to start a war? Also, I noticed the 9th Age website includes links to some websites that sell 3D printer files for models, what's the general consensus on 3D printing an army? I know that 9A is model agnostic, but I want to make sure that nobody would be salty if I showed up with a (nicely) 3D printed (and painted) army.
  7. That's more of my point. I know they were canon descriptors, I'm just concerned about the possibility that they might take away the sponson choices. I mean, I've already 3D printed a twin lascannon turret, so I'll still be able to use the hull if they do that, but I'll be pretty peeved about it.
  8. You're thinking of the assault cannon on the Baal predator. The gatling one. This is just the single barrel bang-bang. Specifically, the terms "Destructor" and "Annihilator" to denote anti-infantry and anti-tank loadouts on the Predators were basically just fluffy slang, not official, rigid definitions. Now I'm worried that they're going to pin down those names and not let you deviate from them. Good thing I 3D printed a twin lascannon turret for mine as an option.
  9. This concerns me. My Predator is loaded with an AC and lascannons, which is not one of the standard described loadouts. I really hope they don't just invalidate my model. This is my biggest gripe about the direction Space Marines are going, and to a lesser extent, all of 40k. They're taking away all the customization options that made the game fun, they're taking away the opportunities to make them "Your Dudes." You buy the model, you get what's on the model, and you like it or leave. It's one of the things that always bugged me when I played Warmachine & Hordes. It's been my biggest gripe about Primaris since day one, and honestly, it's one of the reasons I came back to 40k in the first place, was the opportunity to tailor what my guys were carrying. There's a lot of really cool stuff coming down the pipe in 9th, but I'm really very concerned about the direction a lot of the game design is going in other regards.
  10. This has been par for the course for GW games for the last 20 years. It's just the way the company operates. Either you accept it and play because you enjoy the game, or you move on to different games. Sometimes both.
  11. Stormtalon WIP. Didn't want to mess with painting the interior and canopy, so I yoinked the armored cockpit from the Stormhawk.
  12. Also bolters. Bolters everywhere. You know that Portlandia sketch "Put a bird on it"? It's like that, but with bolters. "Put a bolter on it!"
  13. Finally got around to some hobbying again, more 15mm fantasy. Left is a dwarf lady from Splintered Light Miniatures, right is a bowman from Hordes of Things' Celtic Warband pack. Tried something new, used Contrast paints over a zenithal priming, then used an airbrush metallic for the dwarf lady's hammer head. I'm pleased with both techniques, which I got from Uncle Atom on Tabletop Minions' YouTube channel.
  14. I mean... as much as they hyped it, we really shouldn't be even remotely surprised that it was beyond their capabilities to actually deliver enough of it. I'm just glad there's nothing in there that I can't live without.
  15. No, looking for an actual dog. Here's what I'm trying to do. Looking to kitbash something like this to use as servitors for my Crimson Fists.
  16. That's fair, none of us have. I'm just basing it off the idea that there is a twin heavy bolter fixed to each side of a square, immovable fortification.
  17. For the secondary weapons, it would. It limit each of those side heavy bolters/flamers to only one arc, instead of being able to fire all (presumably) eight of the damn things at everything in one direction. The magic bullet problem strikes again.
  18. That thing was also much more lightly armed, as I recall. This thing is the greatest argument for fire arcs to return that I've seen yet.
  19. Speaking of Marines being a problem.... Planning Permission Authorised… While we’re discussing Fortifications, we couldn’t resist showing you a few highlights from the datasheets of the upcoming units for the Space Marines and Necrons! First up the Hammerfall Bunker… We showed you the profiles for its suped-up (in fact, ‘superfrag’ or ‘superkrak’ no less) missile launcher already, but you’ll surely have noticed all the guns sprouting from it in every direction. These rapid-deployment bastions are the ultimate area-denial assets, as their automated guns blaze away at EVERY ENEMY UNIT WITHIN RANGE. Approach this murder-bunker of doom at your peril!
  20. I agree. Classic bolters did need a boost to make them better, but having exploding 6's on every single weapon with the word "bolt" in the name is a bit much. And the other chapter tactic for Crimson Fists is kinda weak, but they really could have come up with something better for a boost. Then again, I also get that boost for shooting vehicles with heavy weapons in Devastator doctrine, so I can't complain too much.
  21. Dude, I wish I had a place to play here at home (and people to play with, because my GF has zero interest.) It's so much easier to be selective and weed out That Guy and just play with the folks you know are super cool.
  22. It was plasma and missile launchers for me (though I seldom fielded a squad bigger than 5... Crimson Fists, and all.) But I'd usually give the sarge a combi weapon or a storm bolter or something, too. I think I played one game of PL with a friend before I actually got back into the game, just as a demo for how the new edition works. I haven't gone back to it since, so maybe I didn't give it a fair shake.
  23. Yeah, that's definitely one of the problems. I hate it, because it makes me feel guilty for playing Marines. I've had games where my chapter rules have so completely overpowered my opponent, not because I'm being That Guy, but just because of the rules, that I feel like a dick. Even just tactical marines are overpowered when every bolter in the squad has exploding 6's. It's part of the reason I want to start a second army that isn't Marines.
  24. If that's the case, then I apologize for the misunderstanding. I'm still working on my morning coffee, so I'm not all there. Still, there are entirely too many people out there for whom "not being a dick" is irrelevant. I suppose that's where the talk comes in, but as someone who gets anxiety about any kind of confrontation, even something like this, it's very, very hard to have that talk in person. It's part of why 40k has become harder for me over the last few years.
  25. Also remember that with all the points being increased across the board, we can probably safely expect PL to go up, too. Aaaaaand... if you'd read the other posts I was making, instead of reading one and jumping to calling me a dick, you'd see that I was worried about *other* people not following such gentlemen's rules. I was pointing out how easy it is to abuse PL, and I was specifically *not* relishing the idea of such abuse being out and about. Go back and read the rest of my posts to get context to my opinions before you jump to insults, please.
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