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Everything posted by happycamper

  1. Might be fun to take a small detachment of...
  2. I’ll take a look at what I have for dreads
  3. Sweet! I’ll be at club today if your there
  4. Well I probably have 12 legs? Lol so as many as your willing to let go lol
  5. Exactly, would guess necrons but don’t think just a Codex warrants this... none of the other codexs got this
  6. Just a matter of lining up you games with your opponent, can be played anywhere and anytime. Though Ordo clubhouse is encouraged 😁 with the pod structure you and your pod and even get together and bang out all the games in one day if you want
  7. Either way, your list looks great! even if you go 8400 its still a nice cpu. Just swap out for the M2 slot SSD
  8. No reason, just that the pro is more expensive vs the what your needs are. Id seriously look at getting the 8600k, its a big boost of power even if you don't over clock. The 2 most important things you can spend on is CPU and GPU.
  9. Oh lol and you need a CPU cooler too. A lot of options, but I suggest watercool, they have all in ones that are cheap and effective. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=2YM-0004-00015&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID
  10. Also with money saved from DVD player use that to upgrade to the Intel Core i5-8600K Make sure to get the K version too, its unlocked and now a days its super easy to overclock, extending the life youll get out of a build (life as in power relevant)
  11. Get the Samsung EVO 960 but in M2 format. That motherboard has an M.2 slot, WAYYYYYY faster read and write speeds Also do you actually need the DVD/Bluray player? Save some money and cut that
  12. That's why you need a hot young priestess to dispel those debuffs man
  13. was thinking more wonder woman jet style :P
  14. Keep a bowl of nuts, candy, whatever right next to your computer. And just casually snack, keep that blood sugar higher
  15. I am seeing Star Wars finally with my wife so I won’t be there this week. I will be at GG on Wednesday though. I have a game lined up but feel free to come down and play!
  16. So you need to include a unit of snicker bars in your lists then 😜
  17. Did you know resolution of that monitor. and steam game could be anything 😝 Witcher 3 is on steam and pretty graphically demanding
  18. I’m not suggesting you change your army to “win” or be “WAC” merely stating that if you find something difficult, find a way to solve it. It’s not an unusual amount of terrain. I can’t think of a single game I’ve played that didn’t have atleast 6 counts as ruins. Wether I set it up or my opponent. I get what your trying to say man, I do. But in the end this is really only effective a very specify build of a list. 97% of lists won’t have an issue with it. any ways I’m glad you signed up to play man. I didn’t want you to think I was trying to single you out to not join. It was fun playing you and I would play you again any time 😎👍
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