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Tao Tsê-Mung

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Everything posted by Tao Tsê-Mung

  1. I’d love to get another 2000pt game of 40k in as there’s not quite enough time for 2k during the week.
  2. When’s the next crusade tourney starting? I’d like to try it this time and as an excuse to start a new army. But I’d like to play in person rather than TTS.
  3. He hadn’t had a chance to read through the protocols or the cryptek options yet. Went light on commanders and the crisis suits ended up being mvps.
  4. We weren’t using the protocols and I was rolling obnoxiously well so I think we’ve yet to see the full effect of the rules. That said the warriors and quantum-shielded stuff were pretty resilient.
  5. So how about that DA faq? Army-wide Transhuman, invuln save buffs, plus character improvements sounds like a nice balanced incremental approach that’s totally accidental in any broken advantages it might confer and in no way blatant hype meant to ramp up sales of another faction by a $300m company that just makes these silly mistakes every quarter . . .
  6. I know, I love the models but the sheer volume of fire and bonus AP lately makes running them suicide.
  7. Oh yeah, I just assumed everyone “got the memo” this weekend . . .
  8. Sure, how’s 1500pts sound? I’m painting a new unit up this week!
  9. I’ll be looking for a 40k game, probably around 1250 - 1500pts for the sake of time.
  10. Yeah, a lot of fun and those assault intercessors really put the pressure on early. Great unit!
  11. Oh, nice! So after seeing Lyraeus post I got busy this morning but I could still meet right around noon if you’ll still have time to game then. I’m always down for the full 2k but we could drop down to 1500pts because of the late start if folks need to get going.
  12. Since Inquisitor66 can’t make it after all it’ll depend upon if @Lyraeus is around to play.
  13. I’m happy to play if @Lyraeus can make it. I can bring enough to match whatever pts he’s got ready.
  14. Awesome, I’ve never played against either of those so feel free to bring whichever you prefer! I’ll get there around 3 to start setting up.
  15. I’d love to get a full 2k game in if you have time since Thursday afternoons usually don’t have time for 2k, but I can go down as far as 1250pts and still have a pretty balanced list.
  16. So they should have just made it a fnp only found on infantry and fixed the flying dinghy destroyers keyword instead of this hot garbage. It’s far too complicated a rule for something which is mathematically worse than a fnp and circumstantially even worse than its previous iteration. Why reinvent the wheel other than for sales hype? It could be saved by strats or the ghost arks retaining their ability to roll a second time on all the previous losses in a squad, but still - not worth this convoluted rewrite.
  17. Silent King model is $150 Codexes & Datacards up by $10 each ‘nuf said
  18. Its not the bringing of terrain that’s an issue. I totally get that about making life easier for TOs. A lot of tourneys so far have been light on terrain and this helps alleviate that. What’s getting too pay-to-win for me is the special exclusive buffs from GW terrain which will be further tailored to people’s lists. Yes, you could technically make your own terrain and use the rules - but there’s no guarantee the TO will allow your particular piece. And most people won’t build their own and will just accept the basic implication which is pretty obvious. Buy these expensive terrain sets and get tailored new buffs not available without them. It just furthers the power creep and engenders more people to the “Buy the next mathematically superior model to have fun or get stomped by the guy who did.” mentality. GW’s drive for quarterly sales & marketing strategy literally encourages people to be That Guy. As someone who is new to the game from tabletop board games & rpgs it’s really becoming a serious detractor. I’m starting to wish someone had honestly told me how defined by sales this game is. I’ve never seen a game half as heavy-handed as this. It’s only the people across the table from me that keep me coming back.
  19. Exactly. Literally everyone is waiting on their complete faction ruleset to go with 9th/points changes and GW is focusing their time and energy on manipulating people into buying new terrain kits with new rules that will likely disrupt the balance again and then be nerfed after the kits are sold. Any other game company would finish the codexes as soon as possible instead of dragging them out for year to sell us plastic walls. Or the transition would have been a lot smoother if they made points changes by faction as codexes armies shifted from 8th PA to 9th. But having worked in marketing to put myself through college I know the biggest trend in advertising lately is triggering people’s fomo anxiety. All the release uncertainty and faction unbalancing is an intentional play to manipulate people into buying more plastic in the meantime while they have to wait for their current faction update. When the game is already this expensive and their profits already soaring, not to mention all the economic hardship people are experiencing right now, its a pretty telling message about how GW really views their players.
  20. Agreed, but the tenor of tournaments informs the escalation of casual games. Batreps and tournament organizers get pressure from GW and viewers to show the new rules/models which also sets the expectation of players. It’s an intentional appeal to people’s interest in seeing and doing the newest exciting thing - but it’s not tempered with a spirit of fairness because the spirit of profiteering trumps all other concerns. And the pace is clearly accelerating. The first codex of 9th is still a month away from being in peoples’ hands and GW is already replacing the original core rules with game-changing points/stats changes and supplements. Each of which requires considerable monetary investment.
  21. I have distinct reservations. Obviously this is going to be another windfall for GW to sell 400pts of overpriced terrain to every single player instead of fostering the creativity of creating your own terrain from scratch/bits. More importantly get ready to see loads of gimmicky abuse from the added special abilities of terrain. Think Biologus Putrifier x3 with 8x Storage Fane grenade barrages. Or every Tau unit with overwatch on 5s rerolling 1s. Necron players can invest a fortune in the new monoliths to have 4+ reanimation rolls across the board. The range of abilities across all factions will make it impossible to avoid special terrain rules not being exploitable by someone - and those people will show up with the max number of those terrain. It’s basic escalation. After seeing how gimmicky/broken the tournament winning lists always are its impossible to believe this is accidental anymore. GW obviously cares about selling plastic far more than balanced playability. Or even basic fun.
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