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Tao Tsê-Mung

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Everything posted by Tao Tsê-Mung

  1. Sorry @BigMick37, something's come up and I won't be able to make it this week. Fortunately @Salty Monkey will be around to play legion too though
  2. Want to move up to 1250pts? I've been gone a month now and we were on 1k pts when we last played.
  3. I'll be there looking for a couple crusade games. @BigMick37 battle at 4 when doors open? @lameCody @lamejosh @SixCoal @Kevin the Wizard Anyone arriving later and interested in a game around 6-630? Not sure who else is still playing crusade.
  4. So I am selling one of these new Slaves to Darkness Battletome with the Warscrolls and Datacards etc looking for $40-50.
  5. So I am selling one of these new Slaves to Darkness Battletome with the Warscrolls and Datacards etc looking for $40-50.
  6. Heya all, unfortunately I'm out for the next few weeks as well, best of luck though and keep up the dakka dakka!
  7. @ImperialTrooper no worries, I'll open as soon as my horse & buggy arrive, should be there by 4.
  8. @BigMick37 I’m happy to play ya again if you’re still looking for an early game
  9. @Brother_Sobek We're all playing crusade at 1000pt Tempest Of War games recently. If you'd like to try it and build a 1000pt list we can probably get you two games in one night. Might not be many folks looking for a 2k matched play game right now.
  10. @Kevin the Wizard My roster can form either a shooty or punchy list so bring whatever you like and pick your poison!
  11. I'll be there looking for an opponent at 4 for an early game, and ready for a second game around 6:30-7pm. Still haven't played @Kevin the Wizard @Michael @Brother Glacius @Candyjiblets at all yet!
  12. Any AoS players interested in a brand new copy of the slaves to darkness book from the army box set coming next week? Basically everything but the miniatures as I want those for Oathmark & 40k. Looking for two interested folks as I'd like to pick up two sets of the minis. I'm at the club every Thursday from 4-9ish or could meet you somewhere central-to-east-side Portland. Feel free to DM me or I made a post in the Rogue Trading thread as well.
  13. Any AoS players interested in a brand new copy of the slaves to darkness book from the army box set coming next week? Basically everything but the miniatures as I want those for Oathmark & 40k. Looking for two interested folks as I'd like to pick up two sets of the minis. I'm at the club every Thursday from 4-9ish or could meet you somewhere central-to-east-side Portland.
  14. I'll be playing @Salty Monkey early and looking for second match around 6:30-7 if there are any latecomers.
  15. @SixCoal Effective Today. You're welcome. "all changes to the Adeptus Mechanicus from previous Balance Dataslates have been removed." https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/10/20/warhammer-40000-metawatch-unpacking-the-latest-balance-dataslate/
  16. Rematch it is then! I’ll be down to play a second game later if anyone is arriving late!
  17. Interested in the Tau, just sent you a pm
  18. Good chance I'll be there early if anyone wants to get a first game in around 4-4:30. Still a few folks in the crusade I haven't met on the battlefield yet, love to play against a new army!
  19. I'm happy to play you starting a bit later if your challenge from last week still stands . . .
  20. Pretty sure @Salty Monkey is looking for at least one game if not two!
  21. Just a friendly reminder that as the games will be 750pts now we're also increasing the order of battle roster by 250pt so there's 1250pts available to draw from as well now. You can of course still spend 1 requisition to increase it by a further 100pts.
  22. Looking forward to playing one of those @lameCody @lamejosh brothers! We can chat terrain setup again if you like too
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