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Everything posted by Damunky

  1. IF anyone used the Discord for ordo i got an other games channel added to talk about oathmark there
  2. I should be there for some oathmark arount 530or 6sih. I would love to try out 1000 points or maybe 1500
  3. Have you seen the artisan guild kobolds?
  4. some really awesome goblins im thinking of getting the files for I have till the end of the month to decide
  5. So I just ordered a copy of oathbreakers. Ive got a few ideas on kingdoms but the main thing is finding stls i want to print and trying to make it cohesive at the same time. Like I could do some lizardmen easy. I could do an asian theme. I could do Empire. so many options to many choices lol
  6. I am happy to report that I enjoy the way the game plays. Now to decide what kind of kingdom I want to play as or what mix. I hope people are ok with alot of counts as models
  7. Well I might use my elves as not elves lol when I make my kingdom
  8. Top right is witch elves and the cav is dark riders
  9. I don't have a list ready or a kingdom made yet so not sure how to make a list yet. Also would you guys be willing to use the ordo discord?
  10. I should be free around noon for oathmark tomorrow
  11. I did download that file and will start printing them this weekend I might be free on sunday I just gotta chck with the wife
  12. I would like to give the game a try sometime soon. Ill need to print out some movement trays but I can start that this weekend. when would someone be about to play a smaller game with me for learning? I am also willing to meet up at other game locations besides ordo
  13. I requested a channel on the discord because it will be easier for me to keep track of whats going on there then on the forums here. Im thinkin about doing a mixed elf undead and orcs kingdom
  14. Was the game fun is what I need to know. I have a copy of the book and im thinking about ordering the other books but i wanted to at least try the game before buying it.
  15. I may stop by after work and see whats going on. I own about 1k worth of drukhari but I left them at home and not going back across the river today
  16. So after seeing how hit its going to be and as far as I remember there is no ac there I'm gonna skip this time and wait for it to cool down
  17. I was planning to come by for watching oathmark and. I may be meeting a friend for a 1k game of 40k
  18. Where can I get my hands om the rules to brush up on it a bit?
  19. @Ish hey sorry I fell off the face of the earth life has been a bit crazy. I'm still interested in trying oathmark sometime. It was a little hard to follow up on this thread so any info would be nice. I still don't have the rulebook but would be willing to check it out.
  20. Go ahead and give up my spot if someone else needs it. I can wait another week or 2 for my drukhari to be ready
  21. I would love to game but i dont have a 40k army ready. I do have vanguard, godtear, and marvel crisis protocol ready to go it anyone wants to learn one of those games.
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