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Everything posted by Damunky

  1. Yeah I would like to try the game out. I've only played the mantic version
  2. Would you be willing to teach a total noob bloodbowl?
  3. I backed the kickstarter and have something like 9 warbands. I personally love it over most skirmish games i have played. I would be more than happy to teach the game!
  4. I would be down to play something like necromunda vanguard or maybe mordhiem those ones i have models for. I do have some tau but dont have a list ready and no clue on what im doing.
  5. I love the idea of some of those original armies
  6. Has anyone really looked into this or played this version of the game? I want to give it a try anyone interested?
  7. I do know that up in Vancouver fire and fury is letting people play I'm store
  8. Ive been looking at models and the new rules for the game and while I would love to build a Tau army and I have some already, I am thinking of getting into Space Marines or Chaos Marines. If i did marines I was thinking White Scars, Space wolves or Salamanders. If I did Chaos i would probably do Emperor's Children, Alpha legion, or Thousand Suns. Do people have any suggestions on what I should do? Also I plan to 3dprint most of the army
  9. I live in Vancouver and would be down to play 6th 7th or 8th. I'm more interested in 8th but I'm sure we could figure something out!
  10. I would be happy to play pretty much anywhere. I have a game room in my apartment but my table is not the right size. my schedule is pretty open im always done with work around 2pm. Im happy to play 8th or 9th just let me know how many points when and where to be. I might be a little short on points in 9th but im down to bring all my elves and see what we can figure out.
  11. Yes I know but I was wondering if some of them are a no go because of game balance reasons.
  12. That sounds great any warbands not allowed? I have a druchii one I think ready to go and a shadow warriors. If my 3d printer wasent down for repair I would print something else.
  13. Well I would be down to play just let me know when. If its 9th age or 8th and how many points
  14. I did find a fan made Nippon army for 8th edition. If you send me your email I can share it to you.
  15. Did you say mordhiem?!?! Are you guys doing a campaign? And is there room for one more?
  16. So I've been working on building my dark elves and been hoping to play either of these games. It's hard to stay motivated to paint them if I'm not playing. Anyone interested in getting a game anytime?
  17. I'm almost ready to play with tau I have one riptide and 12 fire warriors give me a week or two and I'll have more ready. Also j printed my "riptide" would people be ok with me using this in the future
  18. I would be interested in learning how to play necromunda if you dont mind teaching and have two gangs.
  19. I'm in the process of building a dark elf army for 9th that's a mix of 3d printed unit fillers gw models and raging heroes so I dont think the 3d part is an issue. I'm also learning the game so if you ever want to play a smaller game with a total noob let me know
  20. So I know it's been a bit but game nights are starting to happen again. Maybe get a learning game in or something if you are comfortable going to game night?
  21. I can be there with marvel crisis protocol and vanguard
  22. They need a slightly smaller frontage but yet they could work
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